Welcome To Lindsay's Sweet World
Hi friends, I’m
Lindsay… welcome to my blog! After
numerous nudgings from family, friends, and Instagram followers I decided to
start a blog, and that’s how Lindsay’s Sweet World came to be. If I’m being honest, I have NO clue what I’m
doing, but I’m so excited to document life with my sweet little family. And I’m even more excited to have a creative
outlet to express the millions upon millions of ideas that are always swirling
around in my head. I am by no means a
professional writer, but hopefully I can be eloquent enough to get the job
done. And I suppose even if I have end
up having no outside audience, at least it will be a nice memento for my kids.
Lindsay In The World
In a nutshell, I
am a wifey, mommy, organizer, crafter, DIYer, and I love fashion. I work full-time in sales and marketing for a
global company, so I’m constantly struggling to find a balance between home and
work, home, of course, always being the priority.
If I could
describe myself in one word it would definitely be organized. Other people may describe it as OCD, but I
prefer organized. I like tidiness, I like everything to be in
its own place, I like being on time, and I’m a control freak. (At least I’m willing to admit it, right?
<Insert winky face emoticon here>).
I’m a planner – I always have an idea of how I want things to go, and I
will admit that if they don’t go just right sometimes I turn into a bit of a whiner. (I'm really selling myself here, huh?) I’m pretty much the exact opposite of
spontaneous, but if I could change one thing about myself, that would be
it. I would LOVE to be a free spirit, but by nature I am not. I am really working on it, though.
Being a free spirit in Malibu ;o) 2014 |
I’m a very
visual person (I still carry a paper planner – I just can’t get on board with
going digital for some things) and I love pretty things. I’m always, and I mean ALWAYS, busy doing something. I may have five or six different projects
going on at any given time. As a matter of fact, there are many other things I should be working on right now instead of working on this blog!
I’m a little
bit sweet, a little bit hilarious (at least I think so), and a LOT
sarcastic. I’m also somewhat socially
awkward. I’m very shy in person when I’m
around people I don’t know, and I’m better behind a computer screen. Maybe that’s why I thought I might make a
good blogger?!
I was raised in
Georgia, and as you can probably expect, I am a die-hard University of Georgia
fan (GO DAWGS!) so I love all things red and black.
In Athens after whooping Auburn at the Georgia vs. Auburn Blackout Game, 2007 |
My very favorite
color is pink (buy all the pink things!) and has been my whole life, and I love
hearts. I’m basically a twelve year old
I love reading,
painting, scrapbooking, wine, and Friends.
Yes, the TV show. I don’t think a
day goes by in my life that I don’t quote at
least one line from the show. Oh,
and also movies. If you know me, you
know I quote a lot of old classics like Home Alone, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Sandlot
on the daily. I love holidays and doing
festive things for the holidays, Christmas being my absolute fave. I start listening to Christmas music the day
after Halloween, and I listen to it non-stop until Christmas. My co-workers love it. (Can I get a
sarcasm font?)
And speaking of
music, I love a plethora of other genres besides Christmas music, old standards
and jazz being high on the list. And for my very favorite genre of music, I present to you, Dave Matthews
Band. Yes, they are so great that I
consider them to be their own genre. I actually had the pleasure of meeting Boyd, the violinist, back in 2013 and it was the best day! They
are actually part of the inspiration for my blog name. I wanted a blog name that was all
encompassing so I could post about my kids, fashion, crafting, everyday life,
and whatever else strikes my fancy. One
of my favorite DMB songs is “One Sweet World,” so I thought that was fitting
for my blog name, because life is mostly sweet, right?
Meeting Boyd in Pelham, AL, 2013 |
The Man In My World
Brian (or Hubs,
Bandy, Bink and many other ridiculous nicknames I may refer to him as along
the way) and I met in early 2002 through a mutual friend. I was still in college and he had just
graduated from UGA (score!) a couple of years prior. In late 2003 we began dating.
Babies!! 2003 |
In April 2007 (On April Fools' Day, actually - HA!) Brian finally got down on one knee!!
One of our bazillions of engagement photos, 2007 |
My very favorite engagement picture, 2007 |
And in December
2007 we were married. It was quite a
throw-down – someday I’ll have to share it with you.
We love to
travel, our very favorite place being VEGAS, BABY!! (And BTW, I totally coined that phrase back
in ’03… I swear nobody said that until I started saying it before our first
trip, and after that it was everywhere.)
We went 8 times between 2003 and 2010.
It’s the happiest place on earth…
Rockefeller Center, 2012 |
Serendipity, y'all!!!! 2012 |
My favorite view of the city, 2012 |
We also go to
countless UGA football games. COLLEGE
FOOTBALL, BABY! (See what I did there?)
2007 |
Georgia vs. Auburn Blackout Game, 2007
Don't remember who we were playing, but this is one of my all-time favorite pics at a game, 2008 |
Georgia vs. Alabama, 2008 |
Georgia vs. Florida, 2010 |
concerts. LOTS of concerts. Remember how I love Dave Matthews Band? I’ve seen them 18 times since 2002. I just love them. Sigh...
At Lakewood Amphitheatre in Atlanta for Dave Matthews Band, 2014 |
At Lakewood Amphitheatre in Atlanta for 311 (Hubs' fave), 2009 |
In November 2010, we found out we were expecting and we were absolutely over the moon.
A nod to our train track engagement picture, 2011 |
Jacob Brian (AKA Munchkin, Munch, and The Munch), our
eldest came into the world in July 2011 after 18 hours of labor, and it was love at first sight. <Aaaall the heart eyes!>
Pondering life at one day old, 2011 |
I was totally smitten and still am to this day.
Jacob's first beach trip - Panama City Beach, 2012 |
He is our
structured, Type A, and often shy child.
He is extremely intelligent and he would much rather sit and read a pile
of books than play or watch TV.
Oh, and he’s HILARIOUS! He is at the perfect age to provide nonstop humor. I swear some of the things that come out of his mouth are hysterical.
Never a dull moment! 2014 |
He is also the
sweetest, kindest boy, and words cannot express what he means to me.
Seriously, that face. 2014 |
Panama City Beach, 2013 |
During summer of 2013 we found out that we were expecting again - another little blessing!
One more train track picture... we HAD to do it, 2014 |
Olivia Cate (AKA Nugget, Nug, and The Nug) was born in February 2014 and she completed our little family.
A few hours old, 2014 |
I dreamed of having a girl my entire life, and to this day I still can't believe that I have one.
She is the loudest, spunkiest little thing, and she's not afraid of anything - the exact opposite of her brother.
The happiest little nugget, 2014 |
She babbles non-stop, she's sassy, she's independent, and I couldn't love her anymore if I tried. I could seriously just eat her up.
Just look at those toes! 2014 |
She is the perfect little addition to our little family and we are so blessed to have her.
My sweet girl in my favorite outfit, 2014 |
See? So sassy! 2015 |
Last, but certainly not least, is our first baby, Maui. We adopted her in January 2010 to be our
practice child.
Itty bitty, just a few weeks old, 2010 |
She was the runt of the bunch, so of course I loved her the most. We thought she would be around ten pounds but she has maxed out at four.
A few weeks old, 2010 |
She's the sweetest, quietest girl (she NEVER barks. Literally. Like ever.) and we love her so much! I especially love that she still pees on the floor in the house every now and then. (Seriously, where is my sarcasm font??) But with a face like that, who could stay mad?
Snuggling with Daddy, 2010 |
Messy girl, 2011 |
And that's the story of me so far... I'm just a regular girl. I have hardships like everyone else. I stress out and worry like everyone else. My house is often messy and my laundry is always piled up. But I'm healthy, I have a sweet family who loves me, my family is healthy, and God has truly blessed us beyond measure. My world is pretty sweet.
So now that you know a lot about me, I hope you'll stick around to follow the rest of my story.
Get to Know a Little More About Me
This is a great "ABOUT" page! Now I feel like we're besties! LOL! It also makes me realize how horrible my "ABOUT" page is...hmm...I better go and fix that... LOL!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I was actually pretty worried I was going overboard because mine is soooo long. I tend to get lengthy when telling stories, so there's a possibility some of my blog posts may end up being novels. LOL. I loved your About Me page, but I'll be sure to check back to see if you update! :o)
Delete<3 Linds
My friends and family always tell me that I should start a blog.. I am a mother, a director of a day program for adults with disabilies, a police wife, an exercise nut, a clean freak, way too organized, love to cook and bake things and I believe I have borderline Obsessive compulsive personality-- look that up!! I was reading through your "about me" laughing because that's almost exactly how I would describe myself. I even find myself to be hilarious, too! SO hello Linds, I feel like we're nearly the same person! Maybe this will be the inspiration to start my own blog!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha, it's good to know that there are other freaks out there like me, too! You should totally start a blog... I've been blogging for 3 months now, and I have become extremely passionate about it! I wish I could quit my full-time job and just blog for a living! Lol. If you do start a blog, be sure to let me know... I love finding new blogs to read!
Delete<3 Linds
Loved getting to know you on here! You have the sweetest family and I love all your pictures through the years!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog & you're already my favorite! My husband & I are OBSESSED with Dave Matthews Band! We've seen him the past 4 years in Texas (going to all of his Texas shows). That picture with Boyd, so jealous!