Monday, March 10, 2025

Lindsay’s Sweet World is TEN!

It’s official, y’all… March 7 marked an entire decade since I pushed publish on my very first post and sent this little blog baby of mine out into the world!    

What started as a creative outlet for me when I was in the throes of early motherhood while also balancing a full-time corporate job, is now a full-time job, and I still love coming to this space now just as much as I did ten years ago. 

I started this blog as a scrapbook for my family, a space for my kids to look back on one day when they are grown and no longer living under our roof, but it has turned into something so much bigger than that.  It is a space that holds not only all of our day-to-day activities, but all of the goodness, sadness, trials, and triumphs that happen during any life well-lived. 

It has also become a source of income for our family, and it allows me to contribute to our finances while also having the freedom to be my own boss so I can be there for all the things happening in our kids’ lives, big and small. 

Every class party.

Every spring break.

Every class birthday. 

Every rehearsal. 

Every recital. 

Every sick day.

Every practice. 

Every music lesson. 

Every field day. 

Every awards ceremony.

Every field trip.

Every summer break.

Every school Mass where one of them has read or sung in the choir. 

That has been the biggest blessing of all.  I missed so much while I worked at my corporate job and I’m so grateful that I don’t have to miss anything anymore.

Today’s post is my 2,150th, and I look forward to (hopefully, God willing) publishing 2,150 more!  While blogging is becoming more and more uncommon as many are leaving to be social media influencers, I don’t see myself saying goodbye to this space any time soon.  I love sitting down and writing every day, and I love sharing my heart with all of you. 

Just for fun, here are my top three most-viewed posts of all time, all of which still bring traffic to my blog daily:



 Olivia Cates Pink & Gold First Birthday (my first post ever!)


How I Organized My Entire Life by Creating a Series of Lists + How I Use My Planner to Easily Maintain Them



 How to Organize All of Your Child’s School Papers in Just One Box


I have readers from all over the world (which will never not be mind-blowing to me), and I just want all of you to know that I’m so grateful for each and every one of you.  Thank you for your support, for your kind words, for your condolences when we experience something tough, for your purchases through my links, for your engagement with my posts on social media, for your content suggestions, for your constructive criticism, and for your words of encouragement as we navigate each day. 

We are grateful for you, and we appreciate how much all of you have loved on our little family for ten whole years!

Cheers to ten more?!


  1. Congratulations! That is wonderful that your blog is a source of income as well as a great family memory album of sorts. I don't see myself stopping blogging anytime soon either.

  2. Happy 10 my blogging twin! Cheers to another decade and how lucky are we to have this online diary!

  3. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! That is a great achievement.


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