Friday, March 7, 2025

Five on Friday - March Goals

Today I’m recapping my February goals and listing my March goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals. 

February Goals


Y  Go on a date with B. – We went on two… one to the ball and one to our favorite restaurant.

Y  Have a Galentine’s brunch with my girlfriends.

N  Have a poker night with friends. – We did a hockey game night instead.

Y  Spend one on one time with each of the kids. – Went on some walks with my Boo and did lots of puzzle time with him while Brian and Olivia were at dance, and went on lots of after school ice cream dates with my girl + a field trip + spent some time hanging with her while Brian and Jacob played golf.



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, prayer journal, and affirmations every day.

Y  Make margin in each day for downtime and be present. – I did this so much in February that I got behind on a lot of things.  Oops.

Y  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 12 days. – I closed them exactly 12 times.

Y  Aim to average 7,000/steps per day. – I averaged 7,035.

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Go to my annual OBGYN checkup.

Y  Read 1 book. – I read 2.



Y  Attend the Home and School Advisory Board meeting.

Y  Jacob get together with friends for a Pokemon card trading night.

Y  Co-chair the Daddy/Daughter dance.

Y  Brian and Olivia attend their last Daddy/Daughter dance.

Y  Host a Super Bowl get together for family.

Y  Jacob attend his golf meeting for the upcoming season.

Y  Go to a hockey game with friends.

Y  Celebrate Brian’s birthday.

Y  Celebrate Olivia’s birthday.

Y  Jacob try out for the Honors Recital at his music school (maybe).

Y  Attend our annual benefit ball.

Y  Take Olivia to her semi-annual thyroid checkup at the ENT doctor.

Y  Work on our 1,000 piece Lego puzzle.



Y  Plan the Daddy/Daughter dance.

Y  Finish shopping for/putting together the auction basket for the benefit ball.

Y  Plan the Super Bowl get together at our house.

Y  Plan something special for Olivia’s teacher for her birthday.

Y  Plan Valentine’s Day.

Y  Plan Brian’s birthday.

Y  Plan Olivia’s birthday.

N  Clean out the games cabinet.

N  Find a place for my new record player and records.

N  Find a place for my grandfather’s old UGA yearbooks.

N  Clean out the side table in the front room.

Y  Clean out my dresser.

Y  Clean out my nightstand.

Y  Start cleaning out the kitchen.

Y  Place order for yearbook ad for kids.

N  Finish scholarship applications.

Y  List a few items to sell.


Blog/Social Media

Y  Share 1 evergreen post. – I shared two.

N  Post 1 Reel on Instagram.




36 tasks accomplished

7 task not accomplished


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 2

    Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan

    The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon                   

Meditation Days: 28

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 12

    Exercise Ring: 16

    Stand Ring: 28

Workouts Completed: 19

    Barre: 0

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 0

    Outdoor Run: 1 (1.28 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 10 (20.34 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 4

    Strength Training: 2

    Yoga: 2

Time Spent Working Out: 9:29:04 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 2,266

Total Steps This Month: 196,979 (Average: 7,035 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch rings

Galentine's with my gals

Getting valentines ready with Olivia

One of my evergreen blog posts... Wicked-themed valentines

Ice cream date with my girl

Finished the bar cart!

Working on this giant puzzle

Brian and Olivia attending the Daddy/Daughter dance

Cochairing the Daddy/Daughter dance

Cochairing the Daddy/Daughter dance

Our nice, organized, fully stocked cabinet under the sink

One of the two books I read

Hockey game with our besties

Celebrating Olivia

Annual ball

Dinner out

Celebrating Brian

Now for the March goals…

March Goals


Go on a date with B.

Have a coffee date with a friend.

Go to lunch with an old friend/coworker.

Have dinner with my girlfriends.

Have dinner with my old coworkers.

Have a poker night with friends.

Go to another hockey game with friends.

Spend one on one time with each of the kids.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, prayer journal, and affirmations every day.

Leave margin in each day for downtime and be present.

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 15 days.  

Aim to average 8,000/steps per day.  

Visit with my therapist.

Go to my orthodontist appointment.

Go to my semi-annual dental appointment.

Go to a vertigo follow-up appointment with my primary doctor and discuss new findings.

Read 1 book.



Attend the Home and School Advisory Board meeting.

Attend Ash Wednesday Mass to kick off the Lenten season.

Take Jacob and Olivia to their semi-annual dental appointments.

Celebrate Brian’s and Olivia’s birthdays one last time.

Jacob start his spring golf season.

Celebrate Mama Cass’s 95th birthday!!

Co-chair the Mother/Son dance.

Take Jacob to his first orthodontist checkup appointment.

Go on a trip for spring break!

Finish our 1,000 piece Lego puzzle.

Start a new puzzle.



Plan the Mother/Son dance.

Plan spring break trip.

Pack for spring break.

Clean out the games cabinet, take two.

Find a place for my new record player and records, take two.

Find a place for my grandfather’s old UGA yearbooks, take two.

Clean out the side table in the front room, take two.

Develop pictures for frames for a little refresh.

Clean out more of the kitchen.

Donate some of the items that haven’t sold.


Blog/Social Media

Try to get at least a day or two ahead.

Catch up on blog comments.

Catch up on blog reading.

Share 1 evergreen post.

Post 1 Reel on Instagram.


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

What I Ordered from Amazon in February 2025

A Year of Gratitude - February 2025 Snapshot

Here We Are Again

Our Week – The One with Olivia's Birthday, a Slumber Party, a Lock-In, and a Date Night


Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. You go girl! Been thinking about you! These funnies are great and love you in Off the Shoulder! OTS and one shoulder tops/dresses are my fav. Happy Weekend!

  2. Good luck on your goals! I am SO ready to complain about the heat-- bring it on!!... please.


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