Monday, February 10, 2025

A Year of Gratitude - January 2025 Snapshot

My word for 2024 was GRATITUDE.  To help myself keep the focus on this word all year, I started keeping a gratitude journal on January 1, 2024, and I’ve been writing at least 3-4 things I’m grateful for every single day since then.  I shared little snapshots of each month last year to hold myself accountable, and since I ended up enjoying these posts so much, I decided to continue them in 2025.

I’m only pulling one item from my gratitude journal per day to share here – some of the things are really big things like good health and good relationships, some things are humorous, and some things are the little things that most of the time go unnoticed.  Overall, though, the purpose of this whole exercise is to remember that even on the very worst of days, there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful.


January was, well… yeesh.  We lost my uncle to his Parkinson’s and dementia, Brian’s uncle was very ill all month (and is still in need of our prayers), Maui continued on her downhill slide (I fear we don’t have much more time with her), I dealt with my first internet troll, I got the news that my braces aren’t coming off this month as originally planned so my dizziness/tension/vertigo shall continue for at least six more months, there was a massacre in New Orleans, there were destructive fires in LA, there was a horrific plane/helicopter crash in DC, and a new administration took over our country so we all had to witness thousands of violent insurrectionists being pardoned, a Nazi salute, and many attempts by various people in office to do things that are just plain unconstitutional… among other things.  I think it’s safe to say that January was rough for many. 

I spent a lot of the month in prayer, and of course, I jotted down all of the things I was grateful for each day… balm for my soul.  There is always something to be grateful for… ALWAYS. 

In January I was grateful…


  1. That none of our family or friends were affected by the tragedy in New Orleans.  We did have family and friends there for the Georgia vs. Notre Dame game, so it was an especially trying morning.
  2. That I was headache free all day after a horrible migraine most of the day before.
  3. For a Target date with my girl and an impromptu/unexpected date night since both of the kids were invited to sleep over with friends.
  4. For a big block of time to work on the blog since I got so behind during the break.
  5. For my office… it’s my favorite room in the whole house!
  6. For fresh highlights and a haircut… finally!
  7. For Target hazelnut rolled wafers.  My goodness, they are delicious.
  8. For The Holy Spirit for taking over for me when I had to deal with my internet troll.
  9. For such a fun music lesson with Mr. Steve… he is truly the best and I’m grateful that Olivia gets to spend time with him every week.
  10. For a kind stranger who found me on Instagram to direct me to a Facebook group for many others who are suffering from my same vertigo, dizziness, and neck tension… this simple gesture opened so many new avenues for me to explore, and may end up being the reason I am able to finally get to the root cause and the fix.
  11. For new acrylic shelves in my office to style!
  12. For an excellent sermon online.
  13. For great co-chairs on the various committees I’m serving on at the school this year.
  14. For a wonderful evening out with my girls at the prettiest new restaurant.
  15. For a great report at my annual mammogram and ultrasound… my tumor hasn’t changed and I was cleared for another year.  And also that my Uncle Bob is no longer suffering.  We will miss him dearly, but we know he is walking with Jesus now.
  16. For warm, cozy puffer vests.
  17. For Brian, for going out during his lunchbreak and filling my car with gas since I had so much to do.
  18. For quality time with my cousin, Wil, who we rarely get to see and a fun day at the UGA basketball game with my little fam.
  19. For a cozy, freezing day at home.
  20. For a spontaneous trip with friends to the local trampoline park and a HUGE chance of SNOW tomorrow.
  21. For SNOW!  SNOW!  SNOW!  And the most magical, cozy day with my little fam relishing every single second of the snowfall.
  22. For a new little life to celebrate here on this earth as one of my best friends gave birth to her perfect, healthy baby girl.
  23. For a safe drive for all to my uncle’s funeral despite the fact that many of the roads were still treacherous from the snow and ice.  And also, baby snuggles.
  24. That everything went well for Jacob as he got his braces on.
  25. For a workout outside since we finally cracked 50 degrees.
  26. That my dizziness has subsided somewhat during the last week.
  27. That Maui finally ate a decent amount of food after barely eating for days.  And also, for a blog reader who reached out to confirm that upper cervical chiropractic care is working for her and her vertigo, tinnitus, dizziness, etc. and the promise of a good one who is even closer to me than the one I’d been considering seeing in Atlanta. 
  28. For God’s grace on mentally challenging days such as this one and a walk with my Boo to clear my head and cheer me up.
  29. For getting my bookshelves restyled for max functionality.
  30. For warmth, sunshine, and 70 degrees!
  31. For another wonderful poker night with friends and lots of laughs and good conversation.


Happy Monday, y’all!  What is something you’re grateful for today?


  1. The perfect word and a beautiful post!

  2. Sending love and hugs. When you list everything down January seems like such a rough month for you, your family and many other people. I am glad you found lots of things to be grateful for.

    1. Thanks, Kim. We've definitely had a rocky start to 2025, but I'm hoping things start to go up from here.

  3. You did wonderful finding something to be grateful for each day even during such a trying month.

    1. It was definitely a trying month... I think for a lot of us!


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