
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

My Ins and Outs for 2025

Last year everyone jumped on board the “Ins and Outs” trend on social media, and although it hasn’t been quite as prevalent this year as last, I thought it would still be fun to share some of my ins and outs for the year ahead.  It was one of my most-viewed posts of 2024, after all! 

I do set goals each year (that post is coming soon), so this list incorporates some of those, but it also includes some other random things.  I’ve been easing into 2025, which is quite the opposite of how I typically start a new year – I’m usually going in super prepared and ready to roll with a long list of goals in hand – so I guess you could say that this post is also a bit of a procrastination post as I still haven’t chosen my word for 2025 nor have I written down a single goal (besides a few that I have been entertaining only in my head).

Anyway, here are my top 20 ins and top 20 outs for 2025 in no particular order.



-       Being present

-       Savoring the good things and tossing out the bad

-       Connecting with others on meaningful levels

-       Placing my joy in God, not circumstances

-       Daily gratitude

-       LIVING

-       Date nights

-       Girls nights

-       Concerts (I mean, these are always in for me, but I want to break my concert record this year!)

-       Collagen powder green smoothies

-       Saying no to things that I don’t want to do that add too much to my plate

-       Outdoor time

-       Driving with the sunroof open

-       Doing fun stuff

-       Down time AKA reading, doing puzzles, just “being” with the kids, and piddling around the house “wasting time” instead of constantly feeling like I have to be doing something productive every single second of every single day

-       Happy music

-       Walking

-       Lifting up others

-       Positivity

-       Embracing the phrase “it is what it is”




-       Overstuffed to do lists

-       Overscheduling

-       Ruminating on the past

-       Being stuck

-       Overthinking

-       Multitasking constantly

-       Less time spent planning/ruminating and more DOING

-       Feeling burned out

-       Being glued to current events

-       Rushing

-       Running (I’ve found that it contributes to the tension in my neck and shoulders so I’m going to try to walk more and run less)

-       Overanalyzing

-       Giving any time to haters/trolls (did you read my post yesterday?)

-       Sugar

-       Vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness, tension (praying to finally find the right doc this year to help me eliminate or at least control my issues)

-       Not treating myself (finally going to get some massages this year for my neck tension after holding out because they’re so expensive)

-       Saying yes to things that I know will add stress/chaos to our lives

-       Working out only at home (hoping to join a gym again)

-       Bending over backwards to make sure I have a blog post up

-       Perfectionism


Those are my top 20 for each!  What are some of your ins and outs for 2025? 


  1. Love this. I consider reading as being productive, so maybe if you think about it that way, that can make you more willing to take that down time!

    1. You are so right! I hadn't ever really even considered that and I don't even know why. I'm totally going to reframe it this way. I love this!

  2. Your lists sounds like a more peaceful 2025! I love the thought of not getting caught up with our to-do lists and blog posts. I have realized while I do these, I am learning to be okay with putting something off until another day without feeling pressure by myself or anyone/thing else. I am learning that being present in real life and to myself is priority for me. It looks like you have a very realistic, healthy approach to 2025!

    1. Yes, the goal is to definitely have a more peaceful 2025! And yessss, that's awesome that you're making being present a priority. That will definitely be a huge priority for me this year! Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to show up here in this space, and I really do need to allow myself to let it go when there's a lot of other stuff on my plate.

  3. Those are some great ins and outs!

  4. I love this!! I need more date nights and girls nights this year.

  5. Love this! More time for meaningful things and less time worrying and scheduling!

  6. It was fun. A big AMEN TO LIVING! And I’m with you on all those outs!


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