Wednesday, September 25, 2024

These Are My Top 3…

This post has been floating around in blog world for years, and I’ve had one half-typed up in my drafts for over a year.  I intended to post about something else today, but since it’s been so dang busy lately, I haven’t had the chance to finish the other post, so I thought I’d finally polish this one off and send it out into the world.  ;o)

Without further ado, here are a bunch of random Top 3 things for yours truly…

Songs that make me think of high school:

1. Graduation Song by Vitamin C
2. Here’s to the Night by Eve 6
3. I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan

Things I like to give:

1. Items from someone’s wish list
2. Little surprises via snail mail
3. My time to the kids’ school

Things I like to receive:

1. A listening ear
2. A really good hug
3. A surprise card/sentiment in the mail for no reason

Things I hate that many people like:

1. Sushi
2. Fried chicken or any other meat on the bone
3. Any kind of fish or seafood

Clothes I find uncomfortable:

1. Bracelets on my right arm (dominate arm).  My left arm is a different story, though… bracelets everywhere.  Haha.
2. Nightgowns or pants while I sleep
3. Heels higher than 3 inches

Things I love seeing other people post:

1. Random musings similar to this post
2. Day in the life posts
3. Home building/renovating/décor/organization/tours

Movies I’ve watched more than 20 times:

1. The Wedding Planner
2. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
3. My Best Friend’s Wedding

Christmas movies I’ve watched more than 20 times:

1. Home Alone
2. Serendipity
3. Love Actually

Shows I’ve watched the most:

1. Friends
2. Dawson’s Creek
3. Gilmore Girls

Things I don’t do:

1. Break rules… unless there’s a good reason ;o)
2. Entertain internet trolls (delete and block!)
3. Smoke

Things I’m always up for doing:

1. Seeing live music
2. Going out for drinks and dancing
3. Traveling somewhere fun

Good things that happened this month:

1. I got to spend time lots of time with girlfriends/old friends/old coworkers and got lots of quality conversation/connection in with others
2. We had our monthly poker night with friends, and per usual, we laughed until we cried.  Always a great time with that group
3. I got to sit in on lots of music lessons with the kids and watch them grow in their love for piano playing (Jacob) and guitar playing (Olivia)

Things I wish everyone knew so well it was ingrained in their bones:

1. How to listen well and make others feel heard and seen
2. How to have meaningful and intentional conversations with others
3. How to have respect for the beliefs/cultures/religions/politics/etc. of others even if it doesn’t align with their own beliefs/cultures/religions/politics/etc.

Things I’m tired of:

1. Neck tension and being dizzy off and on for the last 14 months (although, it has been much better lately!)
Temperatures above 90 degrees
3. The current political climate in our country

Things I’ll never tire of:

1. Connecting with others on a meaningful level/good conversation
2. Live music
3. Riding with the sunroof open… every single vehicle I’ve ever had (with the exception of my first one) has had one

Things I like to photograph:

1. My babies who are not babies anymore
2. Snapshots of everyday life
3. Anything beautiful that catches my eye – a sunset, a rainbow, a beautiful flower

Things I can’t resist:

1. Any decor that involves mirror balls, rainbows, black and white polka dots, or the color pink
2. Baked goods – muffins, donuts, scones, ALL OF IT
3. A foot rub

Things I can’t live without:

1. Music
2. Chapstick and moisturizer
3. My phone and Apple Watch


1. Anything bad happening to Brian, Jacob, or Olivia
2. Being paralyzed/not being able to walk/not being able to take care of myself/losing my sense of hearing
3. Being in a car accident, our house catching on fire and losing everything, getting cancer (I guess that’s way more than three things, but jeez, I couldn’t choose just three)

Irrational Fears:

1. Roaches
2. My own anxiety
3. Something falling on my head while I’m driving with the sunroof open (I will take the risk, though.  Haha)

That was fun, y’all!  Any of this resonate with you?

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