Friday, September 6, 2024

Five on Friday - September Goals

Today I’m recapping my August goals and listing my September goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals. 

August Goals


Y  Go on a date with Brian. – We went to see Twisters and out for dinner/311 concert.

Y  Hang out with my girlfriends.

Y  Have a poker night with friends.

Y  See a movie with Momma. – We saw It Ends with Us!



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Y  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 20 days. – I closed them 24 times.

N  Aim to average 10,000/steps per day. – I averaged 9,241… so close!

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Go to my annual eye appointment.

Y  Get labs done for my annual checkup.

Y  Go to my semi-annual allergist checkup.

Y  Go to my semi-annual dentist checkup.

Y  Complete 28 days of The Bible Recap. – I did 29 days!

N  Read 2 books. – I only read one.  Womp womp.



Y  Squeeze in some last-minute end-of-summer fun.

Y  Go bowling with friends.

Y  Go to the Liberty Bell Pool at FDR State Park with friends. – We tried and they were closed, so we went to the aquatic center instead.

Y  Have a family movie night. – We watched Trolls Band Together

Y  Try a new breakfast place in town. – We tried a new cinnamon roll place.

Y  See a movie at the theater with the kids. – We took them to see Despicable Me 4.

Y  Attend Meet the Teacher at school for Olivia.

Y  Attend Meet the Teachers at school for Jacob and get his locker set up.

Y  Jacob and Olivia start 8th and 5th grades.  Waaaahhhh.

Y  Olivia start her seventh year of dance, including pre-pointe this year.

Y  Jacob start his third year of piano lessons.

Y  Olivia start her first year of guitar lessons.

Y  Attend the first Home and School Advisory Board meeting of the new school year.

Y  Attend the 311 concert.  (Assuming we can make it work since it’s a school night.)

Y  Take Olivia to her semi-annual checkup at the ENT for her thyroid.

X  Attend the Usher concert!! – We were ready to roll, but Usher had to postpone because he got injured in rehearsals.

Y  Attend the UGA vs. Clemson game!!!!

Y  Start pulling out fall décor??  Dare I do this in… August? – YEP!

N  Buy new bikes for the kids.



Y  Get organized after all of the summer laziness.

Y  Update kids’ keepsake boxes.

Y  Update kids’ chore chart for fall.

Y  Review/edit holiday checklist for the upcoming season.

N  Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops, take 2.

N  Update album artwork for at least 50 albums in iTunes.

N  List more stuff to sell.

N  Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

N  Complete 1 blog post for the future.

Y  Share a vertigo update on the blog per the request of many of you.

Y  Review/edit editorial calendar for the remainder of the year.

Y  Update Amazon storefront. – I started this but it’s going to be a process.

Y  Post at least 1 Reel.




38 tasks accomplished

8 tasks not accomplished

1 task canceled


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 1

    The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin                  

Meditation Days: 31

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 24

    Exercise Ring: 26

    Stand Ring: 31

Workouts Completed: 33

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 4

    Outdoor Run: 2 (4.44 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 11 (16.20 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 4

    Strength Training: 8

    Yoga: 4

Time Spent Working Out: 16:59:08 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 3,893

Total Steps This Month: 286,484(Average: 9,241 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch rings success


Date night


Bowling with friends

Swimming with friends

Meet the teacher

First day of school

The one book I read

One of my many Bible studies

Surprise party for my dad's 70th birthday... a secret task on the to-do list that I couldn't blog about!

311 concert

My girl started guitar lessons!

Back to school social and football game

Movie with Momma and Aunt Joy

Olivia's ENT appointment

We decorated for fall!

Poker night

Georgia vs. Clemson!

Now for the September goals…

September Goals


Go on a date with Brian.

Hang out with my girlfriends.

Have a poker night with friends.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 21 days.  

Aim to average 10,000/steps per day.  

Try a barre workout.

Try a new strength workout.

Add protein/collagen to my daily routine.

Go to my orthodontist checkup.

Go to my annual checkup with my primary doctor.

Visit with my therapist.

Go to my annual dermatologist checkup.

Complete 25 days of The Bible Recap.

Read 2 books.



Swim one last time with friends to say goodbye to summer.

Attend the school tailgate and football game.

Attend the Home and School Advisory meeting for September.

Attend annual well visits for the kids at their doctor’s office.

Jacob start golf.

Chair both Grandparents Day events at the kids’ school.

See Kaleo in concert.

Attend the alumni social and football game at school.

Watch a lot of college football.

Try the new Indian restaurant in town.

Work on our fall puzzle.



Prep and plan for the school tailgate.

Prep and plan for Grandparents Day at the kids’ school.

Update at least 300 alumni in the new system for the school.

Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops, take 3.

Update album artwork for at least 50 albums in iTunes.

Back up the last few months of pictures and videos.

Plan our trip to Chicago.

List more stuff to sell.

Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Complete 1 blog post for the future.

Continue updating Amazon storefront.

Share a fall home tour on the blog and Instagram.

Post at least 1 Reel.


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

 What I Ordered from Amazon in August 2024

Our Week – The One with Meetings, Golf, a Girls Dinner, a Lunch Date, No A/C, and the Georgia vs. Clemson Football Game

What I Wore – August 2024

Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful August! I wish you all the luck on your September goals.

  2. You did great with your August goals! I love that meme about being cold and wanting a blanket. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I like for it to be cold in the house so I can be snuggly! It's the only way to roll! Haha.

  3. I'm excited you're going to Chicago, even though it's not KC. I love Chicago!

    1. We are excited, too! I've never been! But yes, one day we'll have to make it to KC! It's on my list!

  4. Well done! You did great with your goals! That's a shame the Usher concert didn't happen, I hope it gets rescheduled.

    1. Thank you! It did get rescheduled for December, so hopefully we'll be able to make it!

  5. A new cinnamon roll place?! That sounds DELISH <3

    1. I was so excited about it, but unfortunately, I wasn't that impressed. Boooo.


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