Friday, August 16, 2024

Five on Friday - Vital Proteins, the Best Backpacks, Men’s Athletic Pants, and Summer Joggers

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy Friday, y’all!  We survived another week of school – a reeeeally busy one that made it impossible to get half of the things done that I wanted to do – and I couldn’t be more ready for the weekend to have some time to catch up.  Brian and I are heading to Atlanta to see Usher – yes, another concert this week... we already went to one concert this week – 311 in Atlanta Wednesday night.  Haha.  Anyway, Usher will be a new check for my bucket list and I couldn't be more excited about that!  I also couldn't be more exhausted even thinking about another late night, but YOLOOOO as the kids used to say.  Haha.

O N E – Vital Proteins

This can’t technically count as a personal favorite from the week as I haven’t started taking it, but I did pick some of this up at Publix earlier this week to try.  I took it back in 2020 briefly, and I don’t remember why I stopped (I think I just got lazy and forgot about it), so I’m going to give it a try again since I’ve seen and heard so many good things about it.  My main reason for taking it is for added protein, but I’m also excited about the potential benefits for my hair and skin since it contains collagen.  I mentioned recently in my Instagram stories that my hair has started shedding at a much more rapid pace than normal, so I’m hoping that this may be helpful for that, too.  If you use this or have used it in the past, let me know what you think!


T W O – Pottery Barn Backpacks

This is your annual reminder that Pottery Barn backpacks are the GOAT!  I know many of your kids have already gone back to school, so this post may be too late for you, but for those of you who are back-to-school shopping now, get your kid a PB backpack!  They are excellent quality, they are machine-washable, and they hold up extremely well over time.  Olivia just started year three with this exact backpack and it looks just as good this year as it did in year one when we first got it.  These seriously hold up for years.  We have washed this exact backpack in the washing machine countless times and it still looks fantastic, glitter and all!

They come in loads and loads of colors, patterns, and designs including many character designs, and they come in four different sizes so you can find the one that’s right for your little one.  They also have matching lunchboxes, thermoses, and other accessories that you can purchase to go along with them. 

Right now Pottery Barn is having a major sale, so it’s a great time to purchase one!


T H R E E – Under Armour Men’s Straight Leg Tech Pants

I’ve mentioned these athletic dress pants on the blog once already, but I wanted to revisit them now that Brian has had the chance to wear them a few times.  These pants look SO sharp, but they’re comfy and cool because they’re made from athletic fabric.  You can dress them way up or dress them down, and they just look great on.  Brian has the khaki version and the grey version, and he loves both of them.  They also come in black and navy. 

I wanted to share because Amazon has a couple of colors for 32% off right now which is the lowest price I’ve seen!  They are true-to-size, and your guy will love them!  Early Christmas shopping?


F O U R – Drawstring Joggers

I bought these joggers for summertime because all of my joggers were fleece-lined and way too hot to wear in the house during the summer.  These are lighter and cooler for summertime, they have a little bit of stretch, they are high-waisted, and they are SO comfy.  They're also flattering in the booty area and the slits in the ankles are so fun!  They come in a few different colors, and I just love them!  They’ll be the perfect transition joggers for fall.


F I V E – Old Pictures of Jacob and Olivia

A couple of weeks ago, these pictures of the kids popped up in my Facebook memories and they are just so sweet that I had to share them.  My mom took them circa 2016 if I had to guess, as Olivia appears to be around two-ish, which would make Jacob five-ish.  I remember having those tiny babies like it was yesterday and now they’re 13 and 10.  Goodness gracious, where does the time go?

Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

 A Year of Gratitude  July 2024 Snapshot

Our Week – The One with One Last Fun Day of Summer Break, Back to School, and a Surprise Party

One Year with Vertigo – How It Started, How I Have Managed It, and How It's Going

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Have fun at the Usher concert! Y'all are definitely on the go! Love the sweet pictures from 2016.

    1. Unfortunately, the concert was canceled because Usher injured himself. Hopefully we'll be able to go in December since they moved it there!

  2. Have a great time at the concert! I tried taking the peptides but since I don't drink hot drinks and really only ever drink water it was hard for me to disguise their taste in anything. My mother and sister love them though!

    1. Yeah, I was having trouble disguising the taste, too, but I realized that I can put it in my smoothies and I don't taste it at all in there! I tried putting it in my hot tea and it made it taste so gross.


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