
Friday, August 30, 2024

Five on Friday - Fall Soaps, PSL, Texts with Loved Ones, and a Day in the Life

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Happy Friday, y’all!  I don’t think I’ve looked forward to or needed a long weekend so much as I do this weekend!  This week was crazy busy, and I’m ready for a break!  We will be busy this weekend, but it’s all fun stuff, so I can’t complain.  We’re heading to Atlanta for the Georgia game tomorrow and we couldn’t be more excited that college football is BACK! 

In the meantime, here are some favorites from the week…

O N E – Fall Soaps

The kids and I took a little trip to Bath & Body Works a couple of weeks ago when they had all of their soaps for just $2.95.  I’ve been on a Mrs. Meyers kick for years since I started paying attention to toxins in household products, but ever since B&BW cleaned up their soaps and removed a bunch of the gunky toxins, I’ve jumped back on board again for all of the bathrooms.  I still use Mrs. Meyers in the kitchen, though… I can’t quit those because they smell lovely, too.

The kids both love going to B&BW and smelling all of the scents, and they picked out some good ones on our trip.  We grabbed Vampire Blood for Halloween (red berries, jasmine, and plum and it smells SO good), White Pumpkin (gingered white pumpkin, caramel glaze, and warm blended spices and it reminds me of a combo of pumpkin and clean laundry for some reason?), and then we loaded up on Champagne Toast because it’s the GOAT and we use it throughout the year. 

We also grabbed one of my all-time favorites for fall – Cozy Vanilla Almond – and that was the first one that we started using in our primary bathroom.  It smells so warm and inviting, and I’m just so happy that fall scents are back!  They make me so happy! 

B&BW has soaps on sale this weekend, too, so grab them while they’re more affordable!


T W O – The PSL is Back

The PSL is back, y’all, and I had my first one earlier this week.  Once that comes back, it’s officially fall in my book.  And seeing all of the other pumpkin stuff show up on the shelves in the stores is making me verrrry happy, too! 

We have a new-ish Starbucks that opened down the street from the kids’ school (about a year ago??) and they are, by far, the best Starbucks in town.  For some reason, all of their drinks taste better, their drive-through line is quick even when it’s wrapped around the building, and the barristas are always so friendly. 

I decided to try a non-fat PSL this time around (also without whip), and I have to say, it was just as good as the regular one!  I usually splurge and get the full fat version with whip when I get the PSL, but now that I know the non-fat version is just as good, I’ll be ordering that one from now on.

T H R E E – Texts with Jacob

Y’all, I am still in disbelief that Jacob has his own phone, and while I’m sad that he’s not little anymore, having older kids sure has its perks.  They are just so much fun the older they get, and I have been loving being able to text with him.  I am with him 99% of the time when he’s not at school right now, so I don’t have many opportunities to text him, but when Brian and I went to Atlanta recently for the 311 concert it was so fun to be able to chat with him while we were gone.  And now I can text him and ask him to do things for me when I’m not home.  ;o) 

F O U R – Texts with My Girls

My girlfriends and I have a group text that we chat in pretty much every day, and it consists of one of us asking random questions to the group, asking for prayers for something one of us is going through, reminiscing, and sending TikToks and Reels about Millennial things, yummy cocktails, random ideas for girls nights, etc.  I treasure our group chat and I’m so grateful for all of the ladies in it, and I especially love getting texts like these on a Friday morning!


F I V E – Day in the Life

I did a day in the life on Instagram on Tuesday, and while it was exhausting to post that much throughout the day, I really enjoyed sharing our day with you.  I happened to choose one of the busiest days which probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but I received a ton of positive feedback from y’all, and that was a favorite this week!  I need to try to remember to do those more often!  If you missed it, and would like to see a very detailed look into our day, I saved it in a highlight on my Instagram bio.

Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

 Unique Locker Accessories and Decor

Our Week – The One with a Movie Date, an ENT Appointment for Olivia, Poker Night, and Fall Decorating

Quick and Easy Protein-Packed Microwave Egg Bowls

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. People totally question my having such an easy gmail address! I love texting my kids - Simon usually makes me laugh. This week I texted him "how was school" and he said "good u?"

  2. Oh, I can relate to all of these memes! I need to buy some fall soap for our office this weekend, so I need to go by Bath and Body Works. I am glad they cleaned up a lot of their favorite products too! Enjoy the long weekend!

    1. And go Georgia! I will be watching tomorrow!

    2. Yes, I was so excited that they cleaned them up, too! I've always been such a fan of their soaps, so it made me happy!

  3. At least you get responses to your texts; I think at least 1/2 of mind go unanswered with the boys (and I'm not one of those people that need the last word in texts either!).

    1. Hahahaha. I'm sure that day will come for us eventually! Right now one of the rules we have is that he has to respond to us when we text or call, but I'm sure when he's older he won't be as responsive.

  4. What does the nonfat PSL have in it? Like what kind of milk, how many pumps?? I must know :)


    1. When you order it "skinny" they use almond milk instead of whole milk and they don't include the whipped cream! It tasted just as good to me!


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