Friday, August 2, 2024

Five on Friday - August Goals

Today I’m recapping my July goals and listing my August goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals. 

July Goals


Y  Go on a date with Brian. – We went to see Twisters at the movie theater.

Y  Hang out with my girlfriends. – We had a dinner and flower arrangement evening.

Y  Have a poker night with friends.



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Y  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 20 days. – I closed them all 21 days.

N  Aim to average 10,000/steps per day. – I averaged 8,142.  Most days I hit 10K, but my lazy Fridays and Sundays are my detriment.

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Go to my orthodontist checkup.

Y  Complete 25 days of The Bible Recap. – I completed exactly 25.

Y  Read 3 books. – I read 5!



Y  Host a Fourth of July get together at our house.

Y  Take Olivia to her orthodontist consult.

Y  Get Maui groomed.  It is LONG overdue.

Y  Olivia attend pre-pointe ballet camp.

Y  Celebrate Jacob’s birthday!

Y  Try a new restaurant. – We tried 2!  A new local restaurant/arcade and a new-to-us chain… Jack’s.

Y  Visit our newly renovated museum.

N  Buy new bikes for the kids and ride.

Y  Send some happy mail. – Olivia sent letters and homemade bracelets to a friend and my cousin’s daughter who is her age, and I sent some happy mail of my own.

Y  Get together with friends to hang out and have sleepovers.



Y  Plan and shop for Jacob’s birthday.

N  Update kids’ chore chart for summer.

Y  Complete the rest of summer homework.

Y  Buy everything we need for the new school year.

Y  Rehang Olivia’s canopy in her room.

N Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops.

Y  Set up new leggings holder.

Y  Fix Olivia’s glasses.

Y  Develop pictures for frames.

Y  Fill out Emergency Card on iPhone, take 5.  Lol.

N  Update album artwork for at least 25 albums in iTunes.

Y  List more stuff to sell.

N  Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Y  Post deals for Amazon Prime Day.

N  Complete 1 blog post for the future.

N  Post at least 1 Reel.




29 tasks accomplished

8 tasks not accomplished


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 5

    This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune

    Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering

    Too Good to Be True by Carola Lovering

    Divine Direction: 7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life by Craig Groeschel

    Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid              

Meditation Days: 31

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 21

    Exercise Ring: 25

    Stand Ring: 31

Workouts Completed: 34

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 3

    Outdoor Run: 5 (10.92 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 12 (15.67 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 5

    Strength Training: 5

    Yoga: 4

Time Spent Working Out: 16:27:34 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 3,663

Total Steps This Month: 252,410 (Average: 8,142 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch rings success

Sending happy mail

July 4th fun!

July 4th fun!
July 4th fun!

Touring our newly renovated museum

One of my many Bible studies

Fun with friends

Sharing all the Amazon Prime Day deals!

Such a fun night with my girls!

Celebrating Jacob for his birthday

More birthday celebrations!


Now for the August goals…

August Goals


Go on a date with Brian.

Hang out with my girlfriends.

Have a poker night with friends.

See a movie with Momma.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 20 days.  

Aim to average 10,000/steps per day.  For real this time after a lazy summer break!

Visit with my therapist.

Go to my annual eye appointment.

Get labs done for my annual checkup.

Go to my semi-annual allergist checkup.

Go to my semi-annual dentist checkup.

Complete 28 days of The Bible Recap.

Read 2 books.



Squeeze in some last-minute end-of-summer fun.

Go bowling with friends.

Go to the Liberty Bell Pool at FDR State Park with friends.

Have a family movie night.

Try a new breakfast place in town.

See a movie at the theater with the kids.

Attend Meet the Teacher at school for Olivia.

Attend Meet the Teachers at school for Jacob and get his locker set up.

Jacob and Olivia start 8th and 5th grades.  Waaaahhhh.

Olivia start her seventh year of dance, including pre-pointe this year.

Jacob start his third year of piano lessons.

Olivia start her first year of guitar lessons.

Attend the first Home and School Advisory Board meeting of the new school year.

Attend the 311 concert.  (Assuming we can make it work since it’s a school night.)

Take Olivia to her semi-annual checkup at the ENT for her thyroid.

Attend the Usher concert!!

Attend the UGA vs. Clemson game!!!!

Start pulling out fall décor??  Dare I do this in… August?

Buy new bikes for the kids.



Get organized after all of the summer laziness.

Update kids’ keepsake boxes.

Update kids’ chore chart for fall.

Review/edit holiday checklist for the upcoming season.

Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops, take 2.

Update album artwork for at least 50 albums in iTunes.

List more stuff to sell.

Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Complete 1 blog post for the future.

Share a vertigo update on the blog per the request of many of you.

Review/edit editorial calendar for the remainder of the year.

Update Amazon storefront.

Post at least 1 Reel.


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

 What I Wore – June 2024

Our Week – The One with Summer, Week 9 (Jacob’s Birthday, Poker Night, a Power Outage, and a Walmart Story)


  1. Good job on your goals. My apple watch is annoying me, every day it tells me to take a walk! haha.

    1. Oh that's wild! Mine has never told me that. Mine tells me to stand every hour if I don't, but it's never told me to walk. Haha.

  2. Look at all those yesses!! That's fabulous.

    1. Yes! Always feels good to check those things off the list!

  3. If I don't run, it is hard for me to hit that 10k steps on my watch!! And I rarely sit! But, I get close. Ha, ha. Wow, the July 4th photo looks fun! What a big group. I struggle with posting reels too, I was thinking I did none this month, but then I remembered I did one for the KitNipBox!


    1. It really is hard to hit 10K if you don't go for a walk or a run! I can clean house all day and not hit 10K which is crazy! Glad you were able to get a Reel up! I hate making them, but I always love the end result!


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