Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2024 House Cleanout and Projects - Mid-August Update

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Three months has gone by since my last house cleanout update, and this time I decided to add “and projects” to the title because a lot of what I’ve accomplished these last three months were projects rather than cleanouts. 

Here’s what I’ve tackled since May…



-       Cleaned out and organized kids’ art bins

-       Cleaned out and organized drawers in side table

-       Reorganized the “drop spot” countertop area near our garage door.  Brian bought an outlet with multiple ports to charge the kids’ laptops and Jacob’s phone.

Said Goodbye To:

-       A massive pile of papers

-       All of the old, broken crayons

Art bin cleanout... bye bye, old stuff

Art bin cleanout... all the stuff we got rid of

Stuff we got rid of from the kids' art bins

Stuff we got rid of from the kids' art bins

Olivia's art bin after the cleanout

Jacob's art bin after the cleanout

Left drawer all cleaned out

Right drawer all cleaned out

This is where the kids' art bins are stored, and those are the drawers where everything is stored

Olivia’s Bedroom


-       Cleaned out her closet

-       Cleaned out her dresser

-       Cleaned out her night stand

-       Cleaned out her desk

-       Cleaned out underneath her bed

-       Cleaned off her bookshelf

-       Took down the hanging rack that was making it two tiers to just have one tier since her dresses were getting too long for it

-       Switched out all of her baby hangers for adult hangers

-       Put all of her old recital costumes in a box in her closet

-       Gathered all of the items she uses for dance recitals and put them in a box on her shelf closet since we only use them one time a year

-       Rehung Olivia’s canopy over her bed


Said Goodbye To:

-       66 pink baby hangers

-       53 white baby hangers

-       8 tops

-       6 dresses

-       1 pair of shoes

-       1 skirt

-       1 pair of leggings

-       1 pair of shorts

-       1 large bag of trash

-       1 large box of recycling

-       1 suitcase

-       A huge stack of old children’s books… I forgot to count, but it was at least 20


Olivia's closet cleanout in process

Clothes we got rid of from Olivia's closet

Her closet all organized afterward... we eventually bought a basket for her to put those bags in!

All of the hangers we got rid of from the kids' closets... we donated them to our local outreach center

Everything we got rid of from Olivia's bedroom

Jacob’s Bedroom


-       Cleaned out his closet

-       Cleaned out his dresser

-       Cleaned off his desk

-       Took down the hanging rack that was making it two tiers since he didn’t really need it anymore

-       Switched all of his baby hangers to adult hangers

-       Moved keepsake boxes into two stacks so they’re more accessible

-       Moved a Lego set from his top shelf so it’s more accessible


Said Goodbye To:

-       84 white baby hangers

-       6 sweatshirts/hoodies

-       7 tops

-       2 swimsuits

Jacob's closet before the cleanout

Everything we got rid of from Jacob's closet

Jacob's closet after the cleanout and rearranging... so much extra space!

Linen Closet


-       Cleaned out the whole closet from top to bottom

-       Reorganized everything

-       Organized the pool stuff


Said Goodbye To:

-       10 beach towels

-       3 pillow cases

-       5 blankets

Linen closet before

Everything we got rid of from the linen closet

Linen closet after

My Master Closet


-       Cleaned out part of closet… it wasn’t thorough since I’d just done a big one in January

-       Bought and hung new hangers for shorts and skirts to save horizontal space

-       Bought and hung a new leggings organizer

-       Change out all pants hangers so they now match

-       Put bras in my old leggings basket… they used to be on the shelf thrown under all of my hanging tops and they were such a pain to find there.


Said Goodbye To:

-       34 mismatched pants/shorts/skirts hangers

-       5 pairs of shorts

-       1 pair of pants

-       1 skirt

My new space-saving hangers!
My new space-saving hangers!

My closet before using my space-saving hangers

My closet after using my space-saving hangers... look how much extra space!

My closet with my new leggings organizer

Everything I got rid of from my closet

My Office


-       Bought and organized a new greeting card organizer

-       Stocked greeting cards organizer with new cards for all occasions

-       Reorganized my Amazon Drive... they made changes to it a couple of years ago forcing us to organize our photos a different way.  Well, they recently changed it back to allow us to organize them the old way, so I went back and reorganized them as I liked the old format better

-       Got my office closet cleaned out

-       Cleaned out and organized several folders on my computer

New greeting cards organizer



-       Hung new frames in the kids’ bathrooms (finally!) as one broke last year

-       Developed pictures for all new frames and updated old frames

-       Dropped donations

-       Hung new light fixture in laundry room

-       Brian digitized all of Olivia’s old recital DVDs and I got them backed up

-       Sold a lot of old clothes/items on a local Facebook page

-       Brian installed magnets in the drawers under our bed so they no longer slide open on their own constantly.

-       Cleaned out and organized wrapping paper supplies

     -       Cleaned out and got rid of the kids' entire Hot Wheels collection

Said Goodbye To:

-       10 old boxes


The kids' bathroom before purchasing and hanging new frames

The kids' bathroom after hanging new frames
Developed pictures for all of our travel frames

Photographed and sold a bunch of old clothes/items on Facebook

Boxes we got rid of from wrapping paper closet

Hot Wheels stuff we got rid of... this took up two giant tubs!

And that’s it for now! 

Happy Wednesday, y’all!


  1. I need to tackle the closets...I did empty one of Zachary's drawers to pass down to Simon!

  2. As much as I hated seeing all the boys old toys get thrown out/given away it was also such a relief to have so much less stuff in the house. We did just clean out Alec's room but I think he had less than one garbage bag to get rid of (and one large box and 1 soft sided bin we packed into the car).

    1. It is always sad to see all of the old stuff go, but the older I get, the easier it gets! Glad y'all were able to get rid of some stuff, too!

  3. Such a great clean out! Aw, how bittersweet to transfer from child to adult hangers. I like the bins for the art supplies. Art supplies seem to be never ending!

    1. Yes, it was definitely bittersweet (and long overdue) switching them to adult hangers! And yes, art supplies are most definitely neve rending! Haha.


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