Monday, July 22, 2024

This is Thirteen… Jacob’s Birthday Interview

Oh my gosh, y’all, as of 12:34 AM tomorrow morning we will have a TEENAGER in the house.  How on earth are we already here?!  He was just born, I swear. 

As I do every year, I interviewed him this past week and I asked him the same 30 questions I’ve been asking him each year on his birthday since he was four.  As always, my commentary is in parenthesis.  Here’s the interview from July 19, 2023.

1.    What is your favorite toy?  “Um, probably Pokemon or Legos hehehehe.” 

2.    What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “Bailey.  Bailey the Beagle.”

3.    What is your favorite game?  “Probably… Sorry?  I guess?”  Me: “What about your favorite video game?”  Jacob: “Tears of the Kingdom.  And Breath of the Wild.”

4.    What is your favorite sport?  “Um, golf.  Golf to play.  Football to watch.”

5.    What is your favorite book?  “Uhhhh… probably… um, the 5,000 Awesome Facts.  And if I get the Tears of the Kingdom book that will probably be my favorite.”  (He didn’t say Picturepedia as he usually does.  He loves that book and has checked it out from the library a million times.  We just returned it to the library yesterday.  Haha.) 

6.    What is your favorite TV show?  “Um, AGT.”  (America’s Got Talent) 

7.    What is your favorite movie?  “Uh, hmmmm… I guess Avatar.”  (That’s what he said last year, although, last year he said it without hesitation.)

8.    What is your favorite song?  “Everybody at the bar getting tipsy.” (OMG, I’m the worst parent ever.  Haha.  They love that Shaboozey song that’s popular right now, as do I.  Hahahaha.)  Jacob: “Oh yeah, also for my favorite song – Clair de Lune.”  (He’s currently learning that one on the piano now.)

9.    What is your favorite band or singer?  “Um, Shaboozey.”  Me, sarcasatically: “So Shaboozey is your favorite band or singer?”  Jacob: “Oh no, I was just joking about that.”  Me: “Okay then who is your favorite band or singer?”  Jacob: “Um, probably Ed Sheeran.”

10. What is your favorite holiday?  “Christmas.”  (It’s the same every year without hesitation!)

11. What is your favorite season?  “Um, probably spring or fall.  Summer is too hot but winter is too cold.” (I couldn’t agree more!  And last year he said fall.)

12. What is your favorite color?  “Blue or green.”  (This is exactly what he has said for the last few years.)

13. What is your favorite animal?  “Ummmm, probably dog.”

14. What is your favorite shirt?  “Um, probably my teal one I always wear.”  (That’s the same one he said last year.)

15. What is your favorite fruit?  “Watermelon and blueberries.”  (Watermelon was his response last year!)

16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “None.”  (That’s exactly what he said last year.  Haha.)  Me: “What is the vegetable you tolerate most?”  Jacob: “Ummmm, green beans or broccoli.  One of those.”

17. What is your favorite snack?  “Usually, a protein bar and fruit snacks.” 

18. What is your favorite treat?  “Um, probably Sour Patch Kids.  Yeah, probably that.” 

19. What is your favorite drink?  “Probably Gatorade although I haven’t had it in forever because we haven’t gone to Nana and Poppie’s in forever.”  (We have them at home, but for some reason he only drinks them at Nana and Poppie’s… they always keep them stocked for him.) 

20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Um, probably cheeseburger?  Or maybe spaghetti and meatballs.”

21. What is your favorite restaurant?  “Either Culvers or <says name of the local pub we frequent after church> or <says the name of the local pizza place that we frequent after church>” (I’m leaving out the name of the restaurant for privacy reasons, but he has said the pub for the last couple of years.  He loves their burgers, and he and Olivia also love that they have a game room.)

22. Who is your best friend?  “Um, WJ and Julian and Jack and Alex and Ethan.”  (He’s had Jack and Julian for several years running now, and he and WJ became friends last year, and Alex and Ethan have joined their group this past year.  Makes me so happy that he has his tribe, and that they have all stuck together through the years as well as included other members in their group.) 

23. What makes you feel happy?  “Um, sleepovers, video games, holidays, my birthday, and family.”

24. What makes you feel sad?  “Um, getting hurt.”  (That’s exactly what he said last year.)

25. What are you afraid of?  “Um, probably… I don’t know.”  Me: “You have to be afraid of something.”  Jacob: “Yeah.  Drowning… in an oven with a shark eating me.”  (He said something ridiculous like this last year.  Middle school sarcasm coming in hot still.  Hahahaha.)

26. What are you thankful for?  “Um, my family, toys, video games, friends… yeah.” 

27. What are you really good at?  “Piano.  Golf.  Lego building.  And Tears of the Kingdom.  (He said piano and TOTK last year, too.)

28. What is your best memory?  “Mmmm probably at Disney World or maybe at New York.”  (This makes six years in a row now that he’s said Disney, and when I told him that this was the sixth year in a row that he has said Disney, he responded with, “Disney World makes memories!”)

29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  “Either a pianist or a YouTuber.  Or maybe an engineer… an architect, I mean.”  (This is the third year in a row he’s said a YouTuber.)

30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “Um… to be able to have anything appear when I want it.  So, I can have THE EIFFEL TOWER SET.  And the Lamborghini set!  And a bunch of other big sets!”  (He’s referring to the giant Lego sets that cost an arm and a leg!)  


And this is 13, y’all!  I’m honestly shocked that he didn’t throw any skibidi rizz toilet in there somewhere.  Hahahaha.

Happy almost birthday to my favorite Boo!! 


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