Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Happy Thirteenth Birthday to Our Jacob Brian!

Dear Jacob,

You. Are. A. Teenager.

Everything that comes to mind to say about this is such a cliché, but oh, my word, how did we get here so fast?!

I have always worried about the teenage years simply because of some of the nightmare stories I’ve heard from other parents about how challenging the teenage years can be, but so far, every single year just keeps getting better and better with you.

And I could not be more excited about the year ahead with you!!

At 13, you are kind-hearted, considerate, hilarious, and easy-going (most of the time), you’re not embarrassed to hug your Momma in front of your friends (yet), you’re an absolutely brilliant piano player, and you’re the smartest dang kid that I know.  

Your 7th grade year was another year full of advanced classes, excellent grades, fun times spent with friends and family, and extra special end-of-the-schoolyear awards.  You are thriving in middle school, and I simply cannot wrap my mind around the fact that this is your last year of it.  High school is looming.  And it’s looming large. 

Your friend group is the same as it’s been for years – WJ, Jack, Julian, Alex, and Ethan – and we are so grateful that you have your tribe.  We are also grateful that your tribe is a really great group of kids.  Y’all lift each other up, you have zero drama, and you always have the best time together. 

You are still playing golf, and your skills have improved this past year even though you weren’t able to play as much due to the fact that the spring season at school was canceled.  We’re hoping you can get back out there in a couple of months for the fall season, and we hope you continue to enjoy it.  In the meantime, Daddy is hoping to get you back out there a few more times on your own before the season starts.

While you enjoy golf, golf pales in comparison to your love for piano playing.  I fully believe that playing piano was a talent given to you straight from God, and I pray that you never give it up.  Boo, you were born to play the piano.  You have only been taking lessons for just two years and you’re playing as if you’ve been playing your whole life… and as if you were 40 years old. 

You can print sheet music for even the most advanced songs and figure out how to play them before you ever even take them to your teacher.  And the craziest part is, you can look at the sheet music once or twice, and then you never have to look at it again.  It is mind-blowing.  You’re currently learning Clair de Lune, and it makes me tear up every single time I hear you playing it because it’s my all-time favorite piano song.  And you know what else makes me tear up?  You’re also learning to play some Taylor Swift songs for Olivia even though you could not be more sick of Taylor Swift.  Haha.  You have almost mastered Exile, and it still gives me chills to hear you playing it live in the other room.  It sounds exactly like the real song.

And speaking of piano lessons, this past year, you stepped waaaayyyy outside of your comfort zone and you played in your first recital!!!!  You swore up and down that you would never play in a recital, and we went so far as to select your first piano teacher based on the fact that he wasn’t going to pressure you into doing the recital… and then you played in a recital! 

The recital was an Honors Recital, and you were one of only ten kids in the whole school (out of about 60 who tried out) who were accepted.  Since it was such a big deal to be one of the few who were chosen, you decided to choose faith over fear and go for it, and not only did you play Fur Elise (Fur Elise!!!!) in front of a large group of people –YOU NAILED IT. 

I don’t think I have ever been prouder of you than in that moment, and not just because you played so beautifully, but because you stepped outside of your comfort zone and did something you didn’t ever think you would have the guts to do.  That took so much confidence and so much bravery, and you moved me to tears that day. 

I’m just insanely grateful that you requested to start taking lessons two years ago because I truly believe it is one of the (many) things that you were born to do.  Mr. Joseph was right when he said that you have a God-given talent that not many people have.  And I pray that you continue to enjoy that God-given talent and use it for the rest of your life.  I am still so grateful for Mr. Joseph for instilling such a love for piano in you, and I’m so grateful for Mr. Jarrett for continuing it.   

In addition to golf and piano, you are still loving video games – specifically Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild – and you are still an avid Pokemon card collector.  Lego has taken a bit of a back seat to those things, but you do still love those, too.  Video games are your absolute favorite, though, and I think you’d choose that over pretty much anything else.

One new hobby you’ve taken up this year is origami.  Like anything else you love and want to learn, you have mastered it, and you are making the most elaborate creations with a simple piece of paper – no cutting, no glue – just folding a single piece of paper, like true origami.  Some of the videos you watch are two hours long… just to make one creation!  And you have the patience of a saint when making them.  I don’t think I would ever have the patience to do the things you do with one piece of paper.

You and Olivia are still the best of friends, which makes me the happiest mom, and y’all spend most of your free time together at home even though you’re both getting older.  I keep thinking year after year that you’ll eventually start to outgrow your close relationship, but you haven’t so far, and I’m praying you never do.

A few other random things about you – you hate being hot and, therefore, hate being outside during the summertime (who can blame you… we live in GEORGIA), you really don’t love being outside in general and you would rather be indoors playing piano or video games, you ride a bike like a boss now, you’ve been sleeping much later this summer than in previous summers (‘til about 9 AM), your appetite is always the same and you’re rarely super hungry, you’re still a crazy picky eater which drives me absolutely nuts, you love watching YouTube videos of other people playing video games so you can learn all of the tips and tricks, you surprised us by wanting to attend a couple of the middle school dances this year and you had the best time at both, you aren’t afraid to come to me with any and all questions/feelings/problems (which I love and appreciate so much), and while you still use the word “bruh” often, you’re not overly obnoxious with the middle school jargon like your sister is.  Although you do love the skibidi rizz.  Hahahaha. 

I just can’t believe you’re a teenager, Boo.  I know as you work your way into your teens, we’ll have to continue letting go, little by little, letting you do all of the things that normal kids do – hang out with your friends without us, get your own phone, drive a car (EEK), go off to college, get a job, and learn to navigate this big world on your own. 

My prayer for you as we let go is that you continue to make good decisions, that you always be humble and kind, that you always save a seat for everyone at your table, that you never squelch that open line of communication with your mom (it’s me, hi!), that you get out there and enjoy life to the fullest, and that you always, always remember that true, lasting joy and peace are found in God, and God only. 

And if you’re ever feeling lost or lonely or sad or confused, know that you can always, always come home.  We will always be here not only to celebrate your wins with you, but to mourn your losses and help you through trying times as well.

I’m so grateful to be your Momma, Jacob.  So grateful every single day.

Happy 13th birthday, Boo!  ILYSVM.

Oh, and skibidi toilet rizz and all that.  ;o)




  1. I dreaded the teen years too and now that I have one in his 20's and one ready to head off to college I can say that I honestly think they were some of the best (and easiest!) years of parenting. We were so lucky that we had zero teen drama with our boys and they always seemed to make good decisions/ be the voice of reason within their friend groups. Something tells me Jacob is going to be very similar because while that goofy kid side shows through he also seems to be pretty mature for his age and handles responsibility like a boss.

    1. Aw, Joanne, thank you so much for the lovely comment. Your encouragement means the world to me as you have raised such awesome boys yourself! I'm so glad to hear this! And yes, he is so goofy, but so very mature and responsible, and I pray he continues to make good decisions!

  2. 13 is quite a year - Simon is almost 14 now! Lots of growth coming up!

    1. YES! I can't believe that Simon is going to be 14 soon! Where did our babies go?!

  3. It is crazy how fast they grow up, especially after they hit the teen years. Them having a good friend group is SOOO important, I'm glad to hear he has great friends! Happy birthday to him!! Now, just wait till freshman year next year... you can look back at this photo and you'll hardly recognize him. They GROW so much!!


    1. Girl, I know!! I cannot even think about high school right now! 8th grade is breaking my heart! It is just insane how quickly time flies. I know you know!!

  4. How on earth is he a teenager already?! Happy Birthday Jacob - enjoy every second of 8th grade!

    1. Is that not just insane?! I still can't believe it either.


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