Friday, July 5, 2024

Five on Friday - July Goals

Today I’m recapping my June goals and listing my July goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals. 

June Goals


Y  Go on 2 dates with Brian.  We went on 3!!

Y  Hang out with my girlfriends.

Y  Have a poker night with friends.



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

N  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 16 days. – I only closed them 12 times.  Between not working out at the beach and then being sick for the last two weeks of the month, it didn’t happen.

N  Aim to average 10,000/steps per day. – Well, I started out strong and then got sick for two weeks this month, so I was way under my goal at 7,699/day average.

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Complete 25 days of The Bible Recap. – I completed 28!

Y  Read 5 books. – I read 6!



Y  Go to the BEACH!

Y  Visit my friend’s new book shop popup.

Y  See Justin Timberlake in concert!

Y  See Dave Matthews Band in concert!

Y  Kids resume music lessons.

Y  Take Jacob for a consult with the orthodontist.

Y  Celebrate Father’s Day.

Y  Olivia attend Taylor Swift music camp.

Y  Possibly go to the Georgia Aquarium with my bro, SIL, and the kids.

Y  Play some new board games.

Y  Try a new restaurant.

N  Go to the pool. – Unfortunately, my parents’ pool is closed for repairs so this wasn’t able to happen.  Womp womp.

Y  Plant sunflowers.

N  Visit our newly renovated museum.

Y  See Inside Out 2.

N  Attend a jazz night at one of our local parks (assuming they do another one!).

N  Buy new bikes for the kids and ride.

Y  Get together with friends to hang out and have sleepovers. – We got together with friends several times and both kids spent the night out and Jacob had sleepover company.



Y  Prepare for Father’s Day.

Y  Update family bulletin board for summer.

N  Update kids’ chore chart for summer.

Y  Clean out kids’ closets.

Y  Switch out all of the kids’ hangers in their closets to adult hangers.

Y  Complete half of summer homework. – Jacob finished all of his, and Olivia is about 1/4 of the way through hers, so we’re calling this a win!

Y  Help Jacob clean out and organize his email inbox for school. – I helped him get it organized and he cleaned out the whole thing… all 1,500 emails!

N  Rehang Olivia’s canopy in her room.

Y  Hang new light in laundry room.

N  Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops.

Y  Teach kids a few new things that all humans should know how to do.

N  Set up new leggings holder.

Y  Set up new greeting card organizer.

N  Fix Olivia’s glasses.

N  Fill out Emergency Card on iPhone, take 4.

Y  Update album artwork for at least 25 albums in iTunes.

Y  List more clothes on Poshmark.

Y  Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Y  Get ahead on the blog by at least a couple of days again.

N  Complete 1 other blog post for the future.

Y  Post at least 1 Reel.




36 tasks accomplished

13 tasks not accomplished


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 6

    Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren

    First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

    The Mother-In-Law by Sally Hepworth

    The Arrangement by Robyn Harding

    Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth

    Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter               

Meditation Days: 30

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 12

    Exercise Ring: 18

    Stand Ring: 30

Workouts Completed: 29

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 4

    Outdoor Run: 3 (7.15 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 14 (13.47 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 2

    Strength Training: 3

    Yoga: 3

Time Spent Working Out: 13:47:10 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 2,530

Total Steps This Month: 230,973 (Average: 7,699 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch Rings fail

Meditation success
Date night #1

Girls night

Beach trip

Date night #2

Justin Timberlake concert

Orthodontist consult for Jacob

Date night #3

Dave Matthews Band concert

Planting sunflowers

Georgia Aquarium with family

One of the many days spent with friends

Trying a new restaurant in town

One of the many Bible studies I did this month

Supporting my friend's popup book shop
Jacob's cleaned out closet

Taylor Swift camp with friends

Now for the July goals…

July Goals


Go on a date with Brian.

Hang out with my girlfriends.

Have a poker night with friends.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 20 days.  

Aim to average 10,000/steps per day.  

Visit with my therapist.

Go to my orthodontist checkup.

Complete 25 days of The Bible Recap.

Read 3 books.



Host a Fourth of July get together at our house.

Take Olivia to her orthodontist consult.

Get Maui groomed.  It is LONG overdue.

Olivia attend pre-pointe ballet camp.

Celebrate Jacob’s birthday!

Try a new restaurant.

Visit our newly renovated museum.

Buy new bikes for the kids and ride.

Send some happy mail.

Get together with friends to hang out and have sleepovers.



Plan and shop for Jacob’s birthday.

Update kids’ chore chart for summer.

Complete the rest of summer homework.

Buy everything we need for the new school year.

Rehang Olivia’s canopy in her room.

Add a few extra security measures to kids’ laptops.

Set up new leggings holder.

Fix Olivia’s glasses.

Develop pictures for frames.

Fill out Emergency Card on iPhone, take 5.  Lol.

Update album artwork for at least 25 albums in iTunes.

List more stuff to sell.

Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Post deals for Amazon Prime Day.

Complete 1 blog post for the future.

Post at least 1 Reel.


Friday Funnies


On the Blog This Week

 What I Ordered from Amazon in June 2024

Our Week – The One with Summer, Week 5 (Girls Night, A Playdate, a Girls Lunch, a Sleepover, and Lots of House Projects)

Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Goals have gone out the window here...good job on yours!

    1. Well you have a valid excuse! You don't need to be trying to do anything right now anyway with that broken ankle of yours!

  2. You did really well and you can't help but slow down when you get sick!

    1. Yep, definitely have to let the body rest and recuperate, much as it kills me! Haha.


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