
Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Well, y’all, Maycember is offically here and we are knee-deep in all.the.things.  The kids get out at noon on Thursday, May 23 and that day cannot come fast enough.  I’m ready for a break, and I know they are, too. 

May has always been the craziest month of the year, and even though two large things were taken off of our plates this year – Jacob’s school did not have a spring golf season, and the class auction baskets that we’re usually working on now were done back in the fall – I am still up to my eyeballs in things to do…


-       Assisting with Field Day

-       Collecting money and shopping for Olivia’s teacher’s upcoming birthday

-       Planning and shopping for Teacher Appreciation Week

-       Assisting with Teacher Appreciation Week (I will be living at the school next week)

-       Planning and putting on the 7th / 8th grade end-of-the-year dance (booking a DJ, booking security, submitting the catering order, creating the Amazon list of things we need, rounding up volunteers, etc.)

-       Planning, shopping, ordering souvenirs, packing, and doing ALLTHETHINGS for Olivia’s upcoming dance recital weekend where I’ll be living at the theater for four days

-       Planning Olivia’s end-of-the-year class party

-       Collecting money and shopping for end-of-the-year teacher gifts

-       Attending end-of-the-year meetings and functions at the school

-       Researching and booking summer camps for the kids

-       Planning, shopping for, and packing for our upcoming beach trip


All of these things are coming to a culmination in just a few short weeks and that is a lot to squeeze in in a very short amount of time.  And, of course, this is all in addition to the usual tasks of running Olivia to and from six dance classes per week, running the kids to piano and voice lessons, running both kids around to hang out/sleep over with friends, signing permission slips, filling out paperwork, helping with homework, running a household, cooking, cleaning, tidying, doing laundry, keeping the blog running, working to get ahead on the blog for summertime so I won’t have to spend so much time on the computer when the kids are home, being present on social media for my brand, aaaand trying not to lose my sanity.  ;o) 

(And I know there are a million other things I’m forgetting to list here!)


I know so many of you are in the same boat, so I just wanted to pop today in and let all of you know that YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  We’re coming down the home stretch and then we’ll have ten glorious weeks off!

And to those of you who work full-time outside the home in addition to all of this, y’all are rock stars!!  I honestly do not know how I used to do that. 

So anyway, there’s not really much of a point to this post, but I just wanted to pop in and let all of you know that if you’re feeling (majorly) overwhelmed right now, you’re not alone! 

We’re almost there!

Hang in there!

And honestly, I'm grateful for all of it because I know I'm going to miss it when it's gone. <3

Happy Wednesday, y’all!


  1. Wow - my kids get out the same day as yours but you start so much earlier than us!

    1. Oh that's so strange! I assumed y'all would get out later since you go back later!

  2. This is the first time May/June feels crazy busy to me but I think it's because of all the college/graduation stuff. It doesn't help that I've decided I want to work on all sorts of house stuff to make it tip top before the party!

    1. I can't even imagine how busy it will be when we have college/graduation stuff to think about. Yikes! And I'm the same way! Whenever I'm my absolute busiest, that's when I decide to start taking on big projects... like pressure washing. Hahahaha. It's like, I already have enough on my plate. Why am I doing this to myself? Haha.

  3. YOU CAN DO IT! I remember those days. So so busy!

    1. Thank you! Yes. I'm just trying to enjoy it, though. I'm grateful for it even though it's exhausting.

  4. Oh how I miss the craziness of May.

  5. May seriously is just as crazy as December. I'm not sad that I'm missing half of it LOL. So thankful for parents like you who do so much at school to help students and teachers--we appreciate you!!!

    1. I bet! Haha. And thank you! We appreciate all of our teachers so much! Y'all do so much for us that it's the least we can do!


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