
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Maycember - A Reverse To-Do List (A “What I Did” List)

May is, by far, the craziest month of the whole year.  It’s events and recitals, planning and teacher appreciation week, Mother’s Day (whyyyy) and end-of-the-year everything.  The mental load is just as stressful – probably even more stressful – than the physical load.

I have been wanting to document the craziness for years, so this year I thought it would be interesting to keep a running list of every single thing that I did (kind of like a backwards to-do list), just to see what all I ended up doing, and y’all, the sheer volume of all the things is just mind-blowing. 

You want to know what the funniest part about all of this is, though?  I was so busy with all of my Maycember things that I didn’t even have the time to keep up with this list that I started, and I ended up having to type most of it out after it was all over which means that I know I’m forgetting so many tasks.  Oh, the irony.  Haha. 

Keep in mind that this list is only specific to the special tasks that occur in May… this list doesn’t include normal tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, tidying, laundry, paying bills, signing permission slips, filling out paperwork, attending doctor’s appointments, helping with homework, extracurricular activities for the kids, keeping the household running, church, socializing, working 35+ hours per week on the blog, trying to stay present on social media for my brand, a million other tasks that I do regularly, aaaand trying not to lose my sanity.  ;o)

I started by keeping a running list as each task occurred, but I realized for the sake of this post that it would read better if I divided the lists into categories, so here we go…


Olivia’s Teacher’s Birthday

  1. Emailed parents to collect money for a class gift
  2. Sent an email reminder a few days later
  3. Collected money from parents
  4. Transferred funds collected to our bank account
  5. Went to Target to buy a gift card
  6. Went to Publix to buy cupcakes and flowers
  7. Photographed everything and sent an email to the parents to thank them and show them what we got
  8. Delivered the gifts to the teacher on her birthday


Teacher Appreciation Week

  1. Emailed 4th grade parents all information for Teacher Appreciation Week (I’m the room mom)
  2. Emailed 7th grade parents all information for Teacher Appreciation Week (I’m the room mom)
  3. Assembled 100+ teacher gifts in plastic cello bags and tied them with ribbon for our Home and School Association
  4. Went to Chick-Fil-A (actually two of them because one of them was out of gift cards) to pick up gift cards for all of our kids’ teachers
  5. Picked up candy bars for all of our kids’ teachers
  6. Signed all gift cards from our family
  7. Wrapped all gifts from our kids in plastic cello bags and tied with ribbon
  8. Grouped all gifts together for kids to take to school
  9. Checked with kids after school to make sure all gifts were actually delivered.  Haha.
  10. Volunteered for two hours on day one of Teacher Appreciation Week taking orders and delivering coffees to the teachers from the coffee truck we had on site that day
  11. Volunteered for two hours on day two of Teacher Appreciation Week setting up a baked goods bar in the teachers’ lounge
  12. Volunteered for three hours on day three of Teacher Appreciation Week collecting, packing up, and delivering snack orders to the teachers
  13. Volunteered for four hours on day four of Teacher Appreciation Week setting up, replenishing, and cleaning up a taco/nacho bar for the teachers


Mother’s Day (why oh why is this in May when there is already so much else?!)

  1. Bought a gift for my mom (thankfully Brian handled his mom’s gift)
  2. Bought a card for my mom
  3. Wrapped gift
  4. Signed card
  5. Celebrated my MIL at Sunday lunch
  6. Meal planned for Sunday dinner that I cooked for my mom
  7. Grocery shopped for Sunday dinner that I cooked
  8. Made dessert
  9. Cooked dinner
  10. Hosted Mother’s Day and celebrated my mom


7th/8th Grade End-Of-The-Year Dance

  1. Contacted and booked the DJ
  2. Emailed the DJ to ask for an invoice
  3. Forwarded the DJ’s invoice to the school for processing
  4. Contacted and booked the security guard
  5. Arranged payment for the security guard
  6. Discussed and came up with the theme with the other room moms
  7. Browsed Amazon for items needed and created a wish list
  8. Emailed Amazon wish list to the school administrator to order through the school account
  9. Picked up all items from the school when they delivered
  10. Discussed and came up with a list of food and beverages with the other room moms
  11. Sent an email to school administration to place the catering order with our chef
  12. Assembled 80 pineapple cups for party favors (Brian actually did the bulk of this for which I was very grateful)
  13. Put together a detailed schedule and notes to send to fellow room moms regarding set up/chaperoning/cleanup
  14. Emailed school administration for all needs from the school – auditorium setup, tables, tablecloths, balloon arch stand, etc.
  15. Picked all school items up from school office
  16. Picked up school key
  17. Made a graphic to print and frame for the favors table
  18. Met another room mom to drop off balloon arch kit
  19. Met the room mom before car line pickup to help with balloon arch
  20. Searched high and low for missing balloon arch clips (they were finally located after I left, thank goodness)
  21. Decorated and set up for dance (balloon arch, favors, leis, glow sticks, photo props, etc.)
  22. Chaperoned dance, replenished food and drinks, and took song requests from the kids and texted them to the DJ all night
  23. Cleaned up after the dance
  24. Returned all items from dance to the school office the following week


Olivia’s Dance Recital

  1. Emailed the office to purchase extra tickets
  2. Picked up tickets
  3. Ordered show tights
  4. Picked up show tights
  5. Ordered trophy and show USBs
  6. Organized, printed, and read through all show paperwork
  7. Labeled every single item that goes in Olivia’s bag
  8. Picked up shoe spray paint from a local boot shop
  9. Shopped for other random items she needed
  10. Sprayed ballet shoes tan
  11. Sprayed jazz shoes black
  12. Charged vanity mirror for recital
  13. Charged external charger for me
  14. Packed for rehearsal
  15. Sat at the theater for four hours on rehearsal night, watched the girls perform, took videos, and took pictures
  16. Packed for dress rehearsal
  17. Did Olivia’s makeup for the dress rehearsal
  18. Did Olivia’s hair for the dress rehearsal
  19. Sat at the theater for seven hours (Brian sat there for four of the seven since I had to be at the 7th/8th grade dance), watched the girls perform, took videos, and took pictures
  20. Picked up flowers for both recitals
  21. Pruned and arranged flowers
  22. Did a photoshoot with Olivia in all of her costumes
  23. Packed for recital number one
  24. Did Olivia’s makeup for recital number one
  25. Did Olivia’s hair for recital number one
  26. Got Olivia settled into her dressing room for recital number one
  27. Watched the four-hour-long recital number one
  28. Packed for recital number two
  29. Repacked for recital number two (you can read why here, LOL)
  30. Did Olivia’s makeup for recital number two
  31. Did Olivia’s hair for recital number two
  32. Got Olivia settled into her dressing room for recital number two
  33. Watched the four-hour long recital number two
  34. Picked up trophy


Olivia’s End-of-Year Class Party

  1. Emailed parents about end-of-the-year teacher gifts
  2. Collected money for the gifts
  3. Shopped for all gifts (thankfully, that was a one-stop shop as I just did gift cards and candy)
  4. Signed cards from the class
  5. Wrapped all gifts
  6. Photographed and emailed parents to show them what we got
  7. Delivered all gifts to the teachers
  8. Emailed teachers to find out what they wanted to do for the party
  9. Texted the other room mom to detail the items to pick up
  10. Shopped for all items
  11. Emailed parents about class party
  12. Set up ice cream sundae bar and served the kids
  13. Cleaned up after party



  1. Emailed teachers about signing the kids’ high school graduation books
  2. Dropped books off in teacher’s boxes
  3. Picked up books after they were signed
  4. Researched summer camps for the kids
  5. Booked a music camp for Olivia
  6. Booked a dance camp for Olivia
  7. Attended Field Day at the kids’ school
  8. Dropped Olivia off at a birthday party
  9. Picked up Olivia from a birthday party
  10. Chaperoned Olivia’s end-of-the-year field trip
  11. Attended Olivia’s end-of-the-year awards ceremony
  12. Attended the last school Mass with the kids
  13. Attended Jacob’s end-of-the-year awards ceremony
  14. Started planning what to pack for our beach trip
  15. Started shopping for our beach trip
  16. Started packing for our beach trip



That’s a total of 116 tasks, and that doesn’t even include the hundreds (thousands?) of text messages that went back-and-forth for of this to happen!  So. many. group. chats.

I know so many of you are either in the same boat or you just made it to shore for summer break, but I just wanted to pop in today and let all of you know that YOU ARE ALL ROCKSTARS!!!! 

And to those of you who work full-time outside the home in addition to all of this, OMG.  Y’ALL ARE AMAZING.  I honestly do not know how I worked at a corporate job for seven years after we had kids and handled all of this.  I know I volunteered much less back then (read: never), so that cut back on a ton of the tasks above, but I still can’t imagine throwing a 40-hour-a-week corporate job into this crazy mix.  Yes, I work almost 40 hours per week on my blog, but since I’m my own boss, I can make my own hours which is really a blessing, especially during these crazy, busy times.

Anyway, there really wasn’t much of a point to this post other than to document this craziness for future me to look back on one day.  And also, to pop in and let all of you know that if you’re feeling (majorly) overwhelmed right now, you’re not alone! 

And honestly, I’m just trying to be grateful for all of it because I know I’m going to miss it so very much when it’s gone. <3

But my goodness, am I also grateful for summer break.  :o)

Happy Monday, y’all!


  1. You did a good job. I've been wanting to write posts about things I've accomplished, but I do very little in comparison!

  2. I feeeel allll of this so deeply - I've always asked why oh why is teacher appreciation week mixed in with all the things at the end of the year. You are a rockstar momma <3

    1. Yes! Like, can we please do it in January or February when things aren't quite as busy? Haha. Thank you so much!

  3. Since our schools don't get out until mid- (sometimes even late!) June the business isn't quite so bad; but then again my kids are much older and were never involved in ALL the things-- in fact I'd say this was probably our busiest feeling May ever and not even nearly as busy as yours!

    1. I'm always so surprised at how late y'all get out! I can't imagine having to go through the end of June!

  4. Wow, those school volunteer days were soo busy! I don't know if I miss them or am relieved to have a lighter schedule now! You ROCK!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure I'll miss them one day and I do truly enjoy volunteering there, but I probably overdo it a little. Haha.

  5. May is absolutely bonkers. And with Nathan being a senior this year, it was even crazier. Plus I had Brian's work trip, the kids got out 2 weeks early due to construction on the school (!!) AND we all got sick for 3 weeks. Like really yucky stuff! Ugh! This is such a fun post! Ha, ha! Just shows you how nuts May is!!


    1. Girl, YES. I cannot imagine how busy it has been for all of you moms with graduates!! We had several friends with graduates this year and the amount of things you have to do to prepare is insane! Being sick in the middle of all of that is terrible. Nobody has time for that!! Haha.

  6. What a great idea for a post! Love this!


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