
Friday, May 3, 2024

Five on Friday - May Goals

Today I’m recapping my April goals and listing my May goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.  This month was rough with regard to goal-achieving.  We started the month out with a trip to Disney World, and then I literally played catch-up for the rest of the month.  I could barely get my day-to-day things done, so that made all of these extra goals nearly impossible.  ‘Tis the season!  And for that reason, goals for May will mostly just be stuff that has to be done in May… I’m not even going to try to do much extra stuff like cleaning out the house.


April Goals


N  Go on a date with Brian.

Y  Hang out with my girlfriends.

Y  Have a poker night with friends.



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Y  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 18 days. – I closed them all for 19 days.

N  Aim to average 10,000/steps per day. – I averaged 9,415.  Most days I exceeded 10K, but my lazy Sundays messed up my average.

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Go to my annual ENT checkup.

Y  Complete 22 days of The Bible Recap. – I did 22!

Y  Read 1 book. – I read 2.




Y  Celebrate my birthday!

Y  Attend the Rosary for our school President who is retiring.

Y  Attend Olivia’s Easter egg hunt at school.

Y  Attend the Home and School Advisory Board meeting.

Y  Download Taylor Swift’s new album!!  EEK!



Y  Start planning the end-of-year 7th/8th grade dance.

Y  Plants herbs and flowers.

Y  Clean off the back porch.

Y  Pressure wash the driveway and sidewalk (if we can find a pressure washer).

N  Deep clean our shower.

N  Fill out Emergency Card on iPhone, take 2.

N  Finish cleaning out the kitchen.

N  Clean out dining room.

N  Work on cleaning out the storage closet.

N  Develop pictures for frames.

N  Update album artwork for at least 100 albums in iTunes.

Y  Finish catching up on backing up photos.

N  List more clothes on Poshmark.

N  Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

N  Stay ahead on the blog by at least a couple of days.

N  Complete 1 blog post for the future.

Y  Create and post Reels from our Disney trip.




20 tasks accomplished

13 tasks not accomplished


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 2

    Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paige Toon

    None of This is True by Lisa Jewell               

Meditation Days: 30

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 21

    Exercise Ring: 23

    Stand Ring: 30

Workouts Completed: 32

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 2

    Outdoor Run: 5 (10.28 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 12 (13.96 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 3

    Strength Training: 6

    Yoga: 4

Time Spent Working Out: 14:51:19 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 3,200

Total Steps This Month: 282,459 (Average: 9,415 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch Rings


Celebrating my birthday

Disney World!

Got all of our plant babies planted

Refreshed the porch even though this wasn't on the list!

Did lots of pressure washing

And lots of Bible recaps

Poker night!

Now for the May goals…

May Goals


Go on a date with Brian.

Hang out with my girlfriends.

Have a poker night with friends.

Get a pedicure with Momma.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

Drink 64 oz. water most days. 

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 18 days.  

Aim to average 10,000/steps per day.  

Visit with my therapist.

Go to my orthodontist checkup.

Complete 28 days of The Bible Recap.

Read 1 book.



Attend Field Day at the kids’ school.

Attend an outdoor concert downtown.

Assist with Teacher Appreciation Week at the kids’ school.

Assist with Olivia’s field trip to Callaway Gardens.

Chair and chaperone Jacob’s 7th/8th grade end-of-the-year dance.

Watch Olivia dance in her SIXTH dance recital!!

Assist with Olivia’s end-of-the-year class party.

Celebrate the last day of school and breathe a sigh of relief!!!!



Plan a celebration for Olivia’s teacher’s birthday.

Plan and purchase end-of-the-year teacher gifts.

Finish planning the end-of-year 7th/8th grade dance.

Plan, prep, and purchase #allthethings for Olivia’s recital weekend.

Plan and send out Sign-Up Genius for Olivia’s end-of-the-year class party.

Finish pressure washing the driveway, sidewalk, and curb.

Plan, prep, purchase everything and pack for beach trip.

Deep clean our shower, take 2.

Fill out Emergency Card on iPhone, take 3.

Update album artwork for at least 25 albums in iTunes.

List more clothes on Poshmark.

Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

Get ahead on the blog by at least a couple of days.

Complete blog posts for beach week.

Complete 1 other blog post for the future.

Post at least 1 Reel.


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

Our 2024 Disney World Vacation, Days 5 & 6 – Magic Kingdom & Home 

Our Week – The One with Poker Night, a Sleepover, Golf, and Doing All the Things



Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Yep, some months are just far too busy to get ALL the things done. At least you have a great attitude about it!

  2. I'm sure this month will be great with lots of celebrations!

  3. Ahh! It doesn't really matter about the goals, you went to Disney! hehehe It still sounds like you did well though.


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