Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Couple of Blog Housekeeping Notes

Hey, y’all, happy Tuesday!  I know most of you came here today to see our weekly recap, but I wanted to use today to put out my annual reminder that those recaps will be moved to Wednesdays during the summer.

I like to maximize my time with the kids while they’re out for summer break, and I don’t want to be sitting at my computer all day, so I plan to publish posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this summer just like in previous summers.  There may be a week or two where I will blog on a random Tuesday, but most weeks, I’ll just be publishing three days per week.

Another reminder, if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see that my daily to-do lists will cease for summer break, too.  While I do keep very loose to-do lists some days during the summer, the last thing I want to do is be a slave to a to-do list when I could be spending time with the kids.  So, I’m giving myself a break from those, too.  You may see a random one here and there if there’s a lot on the agenda, but most days – no to-do lists during summer break.

We are officially on summer break starting this Thursday at noon, so this will be the last Tuesday post you’ll see from me until they go back in August (aside from the random one or two that may happen). 

With all that said, if you came here for last week’s recap, come back tomorrow!  :o)  And if you want to follow along with us in real time this summer, you can always follow along on Instagram stories.  You can also see our VERY busy weekend in my "Everyday 6" highlight on Instagram.  Just head to my Instagram bio, tap the "Everyday 6" highlight, and our weekend is there... including snippets of Olivia's recital dances!  Her Janet Jackson tribute for Jazz was amazing.

I am so excited for lazier days, more time outside, more time with my babies, and lots of time with friends.  Oh, and a beach trip! 

Thanks, y’all!  Happy summer break!

Happy Tuesday!


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