
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Our Week - The One with Summer, Week 3 (Bummer News, Bad Weather, a Wreck, a Playdate, a Movie, and Father’s Day)

Well, last week wasn’t the greatest as you can tell from the title of this post, but it’s a new week now and I’m praying that this one is a little better than the last.

Monday, June 12

Monday morning, we hit the ground running because I had an orthodontist appointment scheduled for 8:35 AM.  Don’t ask me why on earth I scheduled one that early in the morning during summer break – especially the Monday after we got back from our beach trip – but I did.  Won’t make that mistake again!  Haha.

The kiddos had to come with me to my appointment, but thankfully, they’re always really quick these days.  They just had to change out the wires on my top and bottom teeth and then we were on our way!

Next up, was Walmart to grab groceries.  We were out of pretty much everything since we’d been out of town, so we had a ton of stuff to get. 

After that, we headed back home, and the kids watched cartoons for a few minutes while I got the groceries put away.  They played for a bit after that, and I spent some time in my office getting as much done as I could.  I’d hoped to play catch-up Monday, but we had too much scheduled, so I was on limited time and didn’t end up getting much done. 

Around noon, we had a light lunch – mine was very light because my stomach was still a little off on Monday (it had been weird Sunday, too) – and then we got a few things done around the house.  The kids then squeezed in a few minutes of video game time while I worked in my office, and then we had to head out to get Jacob to his makeup piano lesson from when we were at the beach.

His makeup lesson was at 3, then he had his regularly scheduled lesson at 4, plus Olivia had a makeup voice lesson at 4:30, so we ended up being at the music school for over two hours.  Olivia and I both sat in on Jacob’s lessons and he worked some more on Everglow by Coldplay that he’d started four weeks prior before the long break. 

Olivia drew on the whiteboard in there while he learned, and I happily watched both of them.  I love watching my Boo and his teacher together.  On a sad note, while we were there, Jacob’s teacher told me he is taking a new job, so his last lesson with Jacob will be next week (or two days ago as you're reading this).  The school had asked him not to make the announcement to the parents and students quite yet, but he didn’t want us to be blindsided, so he told me anyway.  Y’all probably know I greatly appreciated that since Jacob (and I) don’t like sudden change. 

His teacher gave me his blessing to let Jacob know, too, so he wouldn’t be blindsided at his last leasson, and I was dreading telling him.  He has loved his music teacher from the very first day, so I knew he was going to be crushed. 

While we were in there, we snacked on a bunch of Jacob’s teacher’s DumDum lollipops from his treasure chest, so after we were done at the music school, we grabbed some more from Publix to take back to him to replenish his stash.  We had to stop there anyway since there were things that we had to get that Walmart hadn’t had earlier in the day.

Once the Dum Dums were dropped off with his teacher, we all headed home, and I immediately started putting away the last of the groceries and cooking dinner because it was getting late.  Monday night was sausage, peppers, and onions tacos with tortilla chips and fruit – a staple in our house.

After dinner, I headed upstairs to get in a workout on my stair stepper while the kiddos got showered and ready for bed, and Brian headed out to start mowing the lawn. 

Once the kids were ready for bed, we all watched an episode of Weird But True, and then the kids went to bed.  B and I started the show Shrinking because we’ve heard amazing things about it, and I loved the first episode.  It gave me high hopes for the rest of the season!


Tuesday, June 13

Tuesday, we finally had nowhere to be, so I had already told the kids that we were going to have a lazy day at home.  I had a million things to do, and I needed to take some time to get caught up on everything once and for all.

I got up at 7:15, got showered and ready, got the dishwasher emptied, started a load of laundry, watered all of the indoor and outdoor plants, removed my nail polish and repainted my toes, and I ate breakfast, and the kids STILL weren’t awake after all of that.  I guess they were still worn out from the beach.

Jacob finally got up at 9:15 (which is CRAZY late for him), and I made breakfast for him and sat with him while he ate.  Since we were alone together, I took the opportunity to break the news to him about his music teacher leaving.  Y’all, I knew he was going to be sad, but I completely underestimated just how hard it was going to be for him.  He is devastated.  I spent the next little while comforting him and it was just a really tough morning.  I’m so bummed for him, and I pray that this doesn’t affect his passion for the piano.  I really think his teacher has played a big role in that for him.

Olivia finally rolled downstairs just before 10 (crazy!) and I made breakfast for her.  She had a major (random) nosebleed while she was eating, so that ended up delaying her breakfast for a bit.  After that, both kids got settled in with a cartoon, and I headed upstairs briefly to start a load of laundry and start catching up on some blog reading.

After about 20 minutes of catch-up for me, Olivia and I got her letter addressed to her new pen pal and we got it out in the mailbox.  She made a friend while we were at the beach, so they exchanged addresses so they can be old-fashioned pen pals!  Isn’t that so much fun?! 

After that, she and I spent some one-on-one time making bracelets together while Jacob tinkered with his piano.  We made matching red, white, and blue bracelets for 4th of July!

I joined Jacob at his piano after that, and I watched him play a bit, and by the time that was done, it was lunchtime. 

It rained on and off all day Tuesday, so we stayed inside all day.  After lunch, I stripped all of the beds and washed all of the sheets, and then we went through the kids’ uniforms to see what they need for the new school year so I could go ahead and place our order with the uniform company.  I don’t even want to think about them going back to school yet, but the uniform company was having a two-day sale, so I wanted to get our order in during the sale!  They’re also known to backorder stuff foreverrrr so I promised myself that this year I’d remember to order early.  Last year, I think we waited until mid-July and the kids didn’t have some of the stuff they needed until weeks after school started.

Once that was done, I retreated to my office for the next couple of hours to GET STUFF DONE and the kids played video games.

After I wrapped up things in my office, I got all of the sheets back on the beds and I folded all of the towels that had been washed, and then it was time to start dinner.  We did easy turkey and cheese biscuit sliders for dinner.  Brian was originally supposed to have been away playing tennis during dinner, so I always try to pick easy stuff on those nights, but his tennis match was canceled due to the rain, so he ended up being home anyway.

After dinner, the four of us got out for a family walk with Maui since there was a break in the rain, and we made it nearly 1.5 miles before getting back home.  I headed back out on my own after that to get in a walk/run, but my hip/knee/SI joint issue ended up flaring up again, so I ran for part of it and then walked part of it. 

While I was gone, B and the kids watched an episode of Weird But True, and after I showered, we started watching America’s Got Talent. 

Once the kids were in bed, B and I watched another episode of Shrinking, and then we headed to bed, too.  On our way to bed, we always check on the kids, and Jacob was still awake, upset about his piano teacher leaving, so I lay down with him in his bed until he was ready to try to go to sleep.  I knew he was going to be sad about this, but it is heartbreaking how much it has upset him.  It is so hard having sad babies and not being able to do anything for them to make it better.


Wednesday, June 14

Wednesday morning, I was awakened at 4:15 by thunder rumbling in the distance, and by 5 AM we had a massive, full-blown thunderstorm with torrential rain.  Olivia ended up in our bed per usual during storms, so between that and the storm, I never went back to sleep. 

I’d hoped to get a few more minutes of sleep at some point so I lay in bed a little later than usual for a weekday, but it stormed for hours, so that never happened.  I finally got out of bed at 7:45 and got showered and ready, and then the kids and I had breakfast.

After breakfast, they watched a cartoon while I finally finished getting caught up on blog reading, and then they got ready, and we got out the door to get them to my parents’ before my appointment with my therapist. 

Thankfully, there was a break in the storms while we were out, but the bottom fell out right as I got back to my parents’ house to pick up the kids.  The weather was pretty extreme on Wednesday, and we were under a tornado watch and a flash flood watch all day, too.

When we got home, I made lunch for the three of us, and then the kids played video games while I worked.  We had so little outdoor time last week because we had soooo much rain.

After lunch, the kids played video games for a bit, and I worked on blog stuff.  I also spent some time thumbing through the new Bibles I’d purchased so I could decide which one to keep and which one to send back.  I ended up settling on the NIV Beautiful Word Bible, but I also found that it comes in different covers, so I ordered one more with a different cover to see which one I like better.  My main issue with the NIV version was that I’m worried the cover will eventually look outdated, and I wanted a more classic option, so I found another option that I’m hoping will fit the bill.  We’ll see.

After that was done, I worked on a couple of organizing projects – all of my purses/belt bags/clear stadium bags/wallets/pouches were in disarray, so I finally got them cleaned out and organized.  Then I also organized all of my bracelets.  I’ve taken up bracelet-making as a hobby, so I have TONS of bracelets now, and I needed to get them all organized so I could see what I have.

By the time that was done, the kids were long done playing video games and they had moved on to playing with their marble run.  It was STILL storming outside, so we were stuck inside for the foreseeable future.

I was just getting started on dinner when my phone rang, and I saw that it was Brian.  He had already texted me to say he was leaving work, so I knew he was on the way home, and the only time he ever calls me on the way home is when he gets stuck in traffic from a wreck to let me know he’s going to be late. 

Well, unfortunately, this time he was calling to tell me that he was the one who had been in the wreck.  Sigh.  Thankfully, he was totally fine, but his SUV was not.  He was actually almost home when it happened – he was only a couple of miles down the road – and he hit a slippery patch in the road.  Once he hit the slippery patch, the car fishtailed and spun out of control, and he couldn’t do anything to get it back on track. 

He ended up spinning around and then plowing up an embankment into some trees backwards.  Thank GOD nobody else was around.  That road that he was on is not terribly busy, but there is usually a pretty steady flow of traffic during rush hour as people are coming home from work.  There are also a lot of dump trucks that go through there because of a business that’s just off of that road, so I’m grateful that none of those were coming through as he lost control.

Thankfully, Brian was totally fine.  He said that he didn’t get hit by anything, and he wasn’t even sore or anything.  And although the vehicle would still start, there was no way he could drive it because the front bumper had fallen off, he was stuck in some trees, and all of the side airbags had deployed.

The spot where it happened is around a very dangerous curve and on a hill, so he told me he didn’t want me to come to him right away because there would be no place for us to safely pull over there.  Instead, he called 911 and waited for a police officer and a tow truck to arrive.

Once the police officer had filed the report, Brian walked to the nearest business, and the kids and I picked him up and took him home from there.  When we got home, B called our insurance company to file the report, and it was actually a very quick process.

Once that was done, we made breakfast for dinner – eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, and toast – and it was a late one because of all of the events that had transpired. 

After dinner, the kids got showered and I got in a stair stepper and arms workout, and then we watched a couple of acts on America’s Got Talent before getting the kiddos in the bed.

B and I watched another episode of Shrinking and then we called it a night.


Thursday, June 15

Thursday morning, we were awakened really early yet again by more storms that were rolling through.  I got up and got showered, got breakfast for the kids and me, and then I retreated to my office for a bit to get tickets to see Phillip Phillips in concert in Atlanta in October.

Brian was able to work from home Thursday which was a blessing since we only have one vehicle for the foreseeable future.  He got a call from the insurance company first thing Thursday morning saying that he needed to go get everything out of the vehicle so insurance could move it to their facility and inspect it, but they went ahead and told him that it’s likely totaled.  They said when side airbags deploy, that pretty much always results in a total loss of vehicle.  Sigh.

Thursday was rainy yet again, so the kids spent some of the morning starting summer homework (they each have some online work to complete, and they also have to read), and B headed out to grab everything out of his vehicle at the tow place.

While they all did that, I worked on some blog stuff and I got some things done around the house, and by the time all of that was done, it was time for lunch.

After lunch, the kids played with their marble run for a bit, and they also played video games, and I worked on blog stuff.  It was a pretty uneventful afternoon thanks to the weather being yucky again.

For dinner, I made Taco Joes and steamed green beans, and by the time we were done eating, the rain had stopped – THANK GOODNESS.  We were able to get out for a walk around the neighborhood with Maui, and the kids played on the neighborhood playground for a bit as well.

After that, I squeezed in 2.38 more miles on my own while B and the kids headed home.  I tried to run again, but my hip/knee/SI joint issue was still causing problems, so I ended up alternating between jogging and walking… mostly walking.

When I got home, I showered, and then we finished this week’s episode of America’s Got Talent before the kids went to bed.

Once they were in the bed, it was another episode of Shrinking for B and me, and then bedtime.


Friday, June 16

Friday morning, we woke up to MORE RAIN – sigh – so the kids settled in for some cartoons after our morning routine, and I got caught up on blog reading and did some blog work.  Mid-morning, I headed out to run some errands – Walmart to do some returns, Walgreens to pick up Father’s Day cards, and then the liquor store and gas station to grab a couple more things – and then I headed home.

Thankfully, the rain stopped before I started my errands, and then it was just cloudy for the rest of the morning.  When I got home, I rounded up the kids, and then we took a trip to the library because Jacob’s book for summer reading was finally available.

My friend, Jeannine, texted me while we were there and asked if we wanted to meet them at one of our favorite local places near our church to have lunch, so we happily agreed and we headed straight there. 

We met up with her and my friend, Heather, plus Heather’s mom and all of our kiddos so we had a big group.  We ended up having to wait a while for a table because the place was packed, but the kiddos didn’t mind because they spent some time playing in the game room they have there… their favorite part.  ;o)

We ended up getting two booths back-to-back right by the game room, so the kiddos all sat together at one while the adults sat at the other.

After lunch, we headed home, and when we walked outside THE SUN WAS FINALLY SHINING.  Amen.

We headed home and spent a little bit of time outside followed by some tidying up followed by some video game time.  I got the Father’s Day gifts wrapped, and I got my office nice and tidy, and B got the lawn mowing done (they let him off early for the three-day weekend), and by the time all that was done it was time to decide what to do for dinner.

None of us were terribly hungry since we’d eaten lunch so late, so I ran out and picked up a light dinner from our favorite local barbecue place.  They have an AMAZING smoked turkey sandwich, and it was all I needed since I was still pretty full from lunch.

After dinner, the kids were begging to play on the playground at their school since it was just installed shortly before they got out for summer break.  So, I called Jeannine and she and the boys met us there for some late evening playground time.  We had the whole thing to ourselves, and we ended up staying until 8:30.  The kids had a whole lot of energy to burn since they’d been stuck inside for so long.

When we got home, the kids got showered and in the bed, and then B and I watched two more episodes of Shrinking.  And y’all, I am UTTERLY OBESSESED with this show.  It is so good.  I had seen high praise everywhere for it, so my expectations were through the roof, and normally when my expectations are that high, I usually end up disappointed. 

Well, I’m here to tell you that it is one of the best shows I have ever seen.  Every single character was cast perfectly and there is not a single one who I do not love.  The character development is excellent, and I fell in love with each of them after just one episode.  The show is clever and witty and laugh-out-loud funny at times, and it’s heart-warming and you’ll laugh and you’ll cry, and you’ll just be downright floored by some of the things that are said. 

I feel like there are just so many excellent nuggets of life advice to take away from every single episode and there are just so many thought-provoking lines.  At the end of episode six, Harrison Ford’s character gives a couple some marriage advice and all he says is, “Stay open.  Two vulnerable people will always find a way to connect.”  Y’all.  If that isn’t the most beautiful and true statement, then I don’t know what is.  That hit home so hard, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since I heard it.

I’m telling y’all, this show is just brilliant, y’all.  Brilliant.


Saturday, June 17

Saturday morning, we got up and had homemade waffles for breakfast, and then we started doing all the things.  We’d gotten some pinestraw delivered that morning to put down in our landscaping beds, so B headed out to do that while I got in my workout for the day. 

After my workout, I headed outside to clean up behind the straw laying, sweeping off the sidewalks and porches and driveway, and getting all of the loose, dropped straw in the beds.  After that, I watered all of my outdoor plants, cleaned off and changed out the front door mats, planted sunflowers with Olivia, and got all of the plants in my bedroom trimmed and re-soiled.  Whew.  The kids helped and played outside all morning with us, and then we all had a light lunch at home.



The afternoon was laundry, finally getting some stuff put away that’s been sitting out for far too long, washing Olivia’s bed canopy that fell down months ago that we haven’t had the chance to put back up, and the kids put away all of their clean laundry.  Then, I finally relaxed outside for a bit and read.

They played video games for a bit after that, and I spent some time reading in the back yard, and then I spent a few minutes working on blog stuff in my office before it was time to get showered and ready for the evening.

We originally had some plans for Father’s Day Saturday evening, but they had to be postponed until next weekend, so we ended up going to 5:30 Mass with my family and then out to dinner with my parents and my Mama Cass instead.  We went to our favorite local Mexican place since we hadn’t been in a while, and then we swung by Dairy Queen for Blizzards on the way home since we hadn’t had that in a while either… we love to support them since our next-door neighbors own it. 

By the time we got home, it was too late to watch anything with the kiddos, so we got them into bed a little early-ish for a Saturday night, and then B and I watched a couple more episodes of Shrinking before we headed to bed.


Sunday, June 18

Sunday was Father’s Day, so I got up early and went to grab some donuts from our favorite local place.  We all had breakfast together and gave Brian his gifts after that, and then the kids watched some cartoons while I got in a yoga workout and watched the local sermon that I watch every Sunday morning in addition to attending our own church.

My MIL and step-FIL didn’t cook lunch on Sunday, so we decided to take the kiddos to see the live action The Little Mermaid at the movie theater.  They had an 11:45 AM showing, so we were able to get there before the theater got too busy.  We all ended up loving the movie SO MUCH… it was fantastic… definitely my favorite live action Disney movie so far! 

I cried numerous times and pretty much bawled my way through Part of Your World.  The original movie came out when I was just seven years old, so it always brings back sweet memories from my childhood… it was my very favorite Disney movie until Beauty and the Beast came out a couple of years later, and Ariel has always been one of my favorite princesses.  In addition to that, I’ll now always be reminded of our beloved Father Manny’s homily last weekend where he tied that movie and song in with Jesus and how much He loves all of us and wants to be part of our world, and I love that it’ll always have two meanings for me now.  If you haven’t seen the new one yet – GO.  It is excellent and I’m already ready to go see it again!

When we got out of the theater, the clouds and rain were rolling in, and the rest of the afternoon ended up being rainy and yucky yet again.  Sigh.

When we got home, Brian and the kids played video games, and I worked on the blog, and then we headed to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner.  My Momma made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, black eyed peas, and biscuits – my all-time favorite meal of hers – and it was a great evening hanging out and celebrating my Daddy for Father’s Day.

When we got back home, it was bedtime for the kiddos, and then B and I wrapped up the first season of Shrinking.  It was soooo great, y’all, and I’m already missing it!  I’m excited and ready for season two!

Happy Wednesday, y’all, and here’s to (hopefully) a better week for us!


  1. Wow, what a week. I'm so glad Brian was ok after that accident. It seems like they total a car for just about any reason now. That is so sad about the music teacher too. He obviously is doing such a good job with Jacob! We had sad news that Jack's guitar teacher of many years passed away recently. He was such a big influence during Jack's high school years!

  2. Quite a week! That sucks about Jacob's teacher. I hope you can find another good one! Car wrecks are so scary. We got hit by another driver a few weeks back. Luckily no one was hurt, just my car trunk! Glad the week ended with better weather. I grew up with The Little Mermaid too and loved the live action!

  3. So sorry to hear about Brian's car! Glad he was okay though.

  4. So thankful that B was ok! You sure did a week!!

  5. Oh no!!! I am SO sorry to hear Brian lost control of his car, but I am SO glad he is ok and no-one else was involved in it. I think I've heard that before where if the side airbags deploy it is usually totaled. Oh, I am sure you are all done with all of that rain and the storms! I am sure this next week will be MUCH better!!


  6. Oh my word, Brian's wreck had to have been so scary but I'm so glad he's okay! Also, what are your thoughts on Shrinking? I watched that show when I would get up and do middle of the night feedings and it's one of my favorites! The funniest! And I just love Jason Segal!


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