
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Our Week - The One with a Paul Thorn Concert and the First of My Birthday Celebrations

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Last week included our first concert of the year, and any day with live music is a wonderful day for me, so that just made my whole week!  Let’s get to the recap, y’all!

Monday, March 27

Monday morning started out a bit crazy.  We had severe weather and tornado threats all night Sunday night, so they had delayed the start of school by two hours Monday morning.  I was grateful they did because I barely slept all night.  The storms were so loud that it was nearly impossible to sleep, and Olivia ended up getting in our bed around 1 AM, so I was punched and kicked continuously all night.  Haha.

I ended up rolling out of bed Monday morning around 7:30, and then we all got ready and got breakfast before getting the kids to school before 10.  Thankfully, the weather wasn’t too bad on the way there, and I even had time to grab groceries afterward before another round of torrential rain and thunder and lightning started around 10:30. 

By the time I got settled in to work, I only had about an hour before I needed to eat lunch and then get ready to head back out to my appointment with my therapist.  Thankfully, by the afternoon, the severe weather had stopped, and it was just dreary instead.

After my appointment, it was time to go get in the car line, and it was there that I saw the news about the school shooting in Nashville.  My heart just broke into a million pieces seeing those small kids walking out in their uniforms that look so similar to the uniforms that our kids wear.  School shootings are always tragic, but this one hit a bit closer to home for me, personally, since our kids attend a private Christian school, too.  I’d like to think that something like that would never happen there, but this just goes to show you that it can truly happen anywhere.  It’s just not okay, y’all.  It’s not okay for any child to go to school one morning and not ever come back home. 

Our afternoon was a little less busy Monday because golf was canceled due to the weather, so after school, Jacob and I got Olivia to dance, and then he and I headed to piano lessons.  Olivia’s dance school had Visitor’s Day for her ballet, tap, and jazz class Monday afternoon, so Brian went there to be with her since I took Jacob to piano lessons.  As much as I hate missing stuff like that, only one guest was allowed per child anyway, so I figured it would be a good opportunity for B to be able to watch her, too, since I’d be attending her future classes.  It does kill me to miss that kind of stuff, but B took several videos for me, and one of my dance mom friends sent me some videos, too.

Jacob enjoyed having me in his piano lesson so much last week that he asked me to start sitting in with him every week, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.  I love watching him play and learn.  He tackled the same difficult song that he’d been working on the previous week, and he got it down pretty well in the 30 minutes that we were there.  

After his lesson, he and I went to Publix to grab a few things that Walmart didn’t have earlier in the morning when I went, and while we were there, we grabbed some candy for his piano teacher’s treasure box since it was empty.  We swung the candy back by his piano teacher’s office after that since it’s right next-door, and then we headed home for the evening.

By the time they got home, I had sausage, peppers, and onions tacos ready to roll for dinner, so we all sat down and ate together.  After cleaning up the kitchen, I went upstairs and did a stair stepper workout and the kids got ready for bed, and then we ended the evening with an episode of Secrets of Sulphur Springs + the finale of The Bachelor.

Tuesday, March 28

Tuesday morning, I dropped the kids at school and then headed to do all the things.  First up was gas for my car followed by a Target run and then a Fresh Market run to grab chicken since it’s on sale on Tuesdays.  That’s the only place I ever buy chicken, and I only buy it on Tuesdays since it’s on sale.  I usually buy a bunch and freeze it, so I only have to go, like, once a month or so.  I literally buy nothing else there since everything costs eighty-four million dollars.

After that, I headed home to work.  I didn’t get much work done Monday, so I had some makeup work to do, but I just wasn’t in the mood to work Tuesday, so I ended up spending a lot of time texting with friends and talking to my mom and dad on the phone.  I always feel more of a tug to talk to all of my loved ones after a tragedy like what happened in Nashville on Monday, which, I’m sure, is a natural response for most people.  I did manage to get a few things done work-wise, though.

At 3, I grabbed the kids from school, and then we went home so they could get their homework done before Olivia had to be at dance.  Olivia had Visitor’s Day for her Lyrical class Tuesday afternoon, but again, only one guest was allowed, so Brian came home from work early so he could stay with Jacob while I went to Olivia’s dance class.

Her Lyrical class is huge this year… there are almost 20 girls in there, so there were lots of parents there watching.  They’ve been working on their routine for the recital since January, and they have most of it down now, so we were able to watch a good chunk of it from start to finish and get a little sneak peek of what they’re doing in their recital.  They’ve been working hard, and it shows because all of the girls did a fantastic job. 

After that class was done, Olivia had her Musical Theatre class, and they weren’t doing Visitor’s Day for that one because her instructor was out of town, so we’ll be attending that one after spring break.  Since she had one more class, I chatted with a few of the parents for a few minutes and then I sat in the car and read for a bit until she got out.

Since we got home so late, I couldn’t cook, so B had made hot dogs for dinner, along with some chips and fruit, and we sat down to eat as soon as Olivia and I walked in the door. 

After everything that happened on Monday in Nashville, my anxiety spiked, and I felt pretty miserable all day Tuesday.  Many of my physical symptoms came back – neck stiffness, louder ringing in my ears (I’ve had regular ringing in my ears 24/7 since 2018 now, but it gets louder when my anxiety spikes), tension headache, shallow breathing, and this creeping/burning feeling that I get up the back of my neck and ears that lets me know a panic attack is about to happen – so I headed out for a walk after dinner.  I ended up running most of the three miles again (I even sprinted for about a quarter of a mile towards the end), and that combined with the fresh air and setting sun helped shake some of those physical symptoms.  By the time I got home, I felt much better. 

B and the kids already had another episode of Secrets of Sulphur Springs queued up and ready to go when I walked in the door, and after we watched that and got the kids in the bed, I took a hot shower, got in my cozy clothes, and then I meditated and did some quiet time with my devotional for a bit. 

Then B and I finished the last episode of The Bachelor (super cringe… IYKYK) and then some more of American Idol, and then we called it a night.

Wednesday, March 29

Wednesday morning, I dropped the kids at school and then it was time for Operation: Get Everything Out of My Trunk.  First up, I stopped by Walmart to return a couple of items that had been sitting in my car for months.  Next was UPS to return several Amazon items that didn’t work out.  Then, I headed back to the kids’ school to turn in some paperwork to the school office.  And while I was there, I finally got all of the stuff out of my trunk leftover from the school dances that I co-chaired.  I also finallllyyyy gave a bag of party décor to one of my friends who has a kid in Olivia’s class that was leftover from a class party in May of last year.  Hahahaha.  It felt soooo good to get all of that stuff out of my trunk!  I had been hauling some of it around for literally almost a year!

At 9, we had the ribbon cutting for the new playground at the kids’ school.  I served on the Playground Committee to help raise money and plan for the new equipment, and it was so rewarding to see all of those excited babies playing on it for the first time.  It was originally supposed to have been installed in spring last year, but due to all of the supply chain issues in the world, it was delayed until August.  Then again until October.  Then again until December.  And then it was finally installed last week.  So, it was a LONG time coming.  Those babies had been looking forward to it for a whole year.  And fun fact, the playground equipment that they were playing on prior to this was installed when I was in high school there.  EEK!  It was SO OLD.  Haha. 

After the ceremony, I chatted with some of the staff and parents as well as our resource officer for a bit, and then I headed home to work for the rest of the day.

At 3, I grabbed the kids from school, and then we headed home for the evening.  The kiddos didn’t have much homework, so I spent some time with them before it was time to cook.  Olivia had made Resurrection eggs at school, and she was just dying to show them to all of us.  She did a whole presentation for me, and it was just the sweetest thing hearing her explain what each item meant. 

After that, Jacob and I played piano together for a bit.  I have reached the point in the beginner book where the notes no longer contain the actual letters on the keys, so I’m reading the music for real without the cheat sheet, and it is HARD.  I’ve always known that learning to read music is like learning another language, but it is actually harder than I thought it was going to be.  I guess that’s why it’s always best to start something like that when you’re young and fresh… when your brain is still like a sponge soaking everything up.  I’m having a really hard time remembering which keys are which and when to use my left hand or my right hand, so I’m going to have to practice a lot. 

After Jacob and I finished, it was time to cook dinner.  I made Pizza Joe’s, green beans, and garlic bread, and then we all ate together as soon as B got home from work.  After the kitchen was cleaned up, we had a nice long time to play outside since we’d eaten dinner so early, so the kids grabbed the sidewalk chalk bucket, and we all went outside to do chalk.  I love that they haven’t outgrown that just yet… I know the day is coming. 

While we were out there, the ice cream truck drove through, so we let the kids grab ice creams to save for Thursday night.  They’d already had treats after dinner, so they didn’t need more sugar, but we also couldn’t turn down a visit with the ice cream truck.  ;o)

After that, I headed out for my solo walk/jog while the kids continued to play outside, and by the time I got home, they were all showered and ready for bed, so we watched two more episodes of Secrets of Sulphur Springs.  After that was done, they got into bed and I got showered and did my meditation and quiet time for the day.  B and I ended the evening with some more of American Idol, and then we headed up to bed.

Thursday, March 30

Thursday, I didn’t have anything going on, so I dropped the kids at school and then headed home to work all morning.  Then after lunch, I tackled a few things that I’ve been wanting to get done – I got the kids’ Easter baskets all stuffed and ready (and they’re completely done already!) and I got all of the eggs filled for the Easter egg hunt that we do at my MIL and step-FIL’s house every Easter.  I’m a bit ahead of the game this year and it feels so good!

Once that was done, I still had some time to spare before I had to leave, so I practiced the piano for a bit.  I had been trying to get one of the songs down the previous afternoon, but I kept messing up the beats (I think that’s actually the hardest part, remembering to hold it for one, two, three, or four measures), but Thursday when I sat down, it just clicked and I got it down right away.  Woo hoooo!

I left the house a bit early to pick up the kids from school so I could swing by the library on the way there, and I got to chat with my BFF, Jeannine, for a few minutes since she’s the branch manager there.  I also grabbed a new book since spring break is next week.  I also snapped a pretty picture of the disco ball in my car... Olivia's sequin purse was in the back, and it reflected light all over the car while I was waiting in the car line.  So pretty!

After school, the kids and I headed home to grab snacks, and Jacob did a quick change into his golf polo since his match had been rescheduled from Monday due to the weather.  We headed to voice lessons next, and then B came and grabbed Jacob from there to get him to golf in time for his 4:42 tee time. 

While Olivia was in her lesson, I chatted with one of the music teachers there for a bit (he obviously loves music, so we always have a lot to talk about), and I also read for a bit.  Olivia came running out of her lesson just BURSTING because she made the decision to do her voice recital this season!!!!  I honestly didn’t think she was going to change her mind, and I’m not really sure why she did, but I’m excited that we’ll get to see all of these lessons pay off!  When I asked her why she changed her mind, all she said was, “Because I want to be a famous singer someday!”  Haha.  I guess she knows she has to overcome that stage fright of singing in front of people if she’s going to be a famous singer one day.

After her lesson, she and I headed home, and I got everything unloaded and prepped and ready for Friday while she did her homework.  After that was done, she got showered while I squeezed in a quick arms and squats workout.

We still had some time to kill after that was done, so I grabbed a glass of wine and she and I snuggled up on the couch together and read some more of her Body Book (The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls) for a bit.  If you’re not familiar with these, they are great tools to help ease girls into lots of tough conversations about puberty, periods, and eventually reproduction, etc. 

There are a couple of different books, and we’re obviously just reading the first one right now since Olivia is only nine.  This book starts out discussing stuff like caring for your hair, your nails, your skin, etc. but then eventually it eases into the more difficult stuff.  We started to approach the body changes section Thursday night, and Olivia wasn’t the least bit phased by any of it so far, and she also asked a gazillion questions which made me happy.  I’m glad she’s willing to talk about that kind of stuff with me and I pray it stays that way forever.

Once B texted to say that they were on the way, I got up and whipped up some breakfast for dinner – eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, and toast – and then we all sat down to eat when they got home.  Jacob had shot a 46, which was pretty good considering his arm was hurting the whole time.  He had fallen off of his scooter and landed on his arm the previous week and, apparently, he must have bruised it or pulled a muscle or something since it was still hurting.

After dinner, Jacob got showered and ready for bed, and then he and I sat down and played piano some more while B and Olivia played Battleship.  Y’all, my Boo has just been the best little teacher and encourager for me.  He is so dang patient with me no matter how many times I mess up, and I just love him so much.  He truly has a heart of gold, that kid.  Also, learning to play piano is haaaard.  Haha.

After piano lessons, B and I divided and conquered for bedtime as we always do, and I spent some time with Jacob while B got Olivia in the bed.  I did my meditation after that, and then B and I finished the episode of American Idol we’d been watching, and we started an episode of Shark Tank before heading to bed early.

Friday, March 31

Friday morning, I dropped the kids at school and then I headed home to work and get some things done around the house.  At 3, I picked up the kids from school and we were all thrilled because… it was officially spriiiing breeeeak!!!! 

After school, we headed to my parents’ house to hang with them for a bit because my Daddy had a minor surgery the week before, so we wanted to stop by and check on him.  We obviously would have done that sooner, but my Momma came down with a cold right after that, and we didn’t want to get her funk.  Haha.

We ended up spending an hour and a half over there, and then we headed home to B, who was playing video games while he waited for us to get there. 

We had no plans Friday evening, so we decided to go out for Mexican at our favorite local place by our church and school, and then we headed back home to hang for the rest of the evening.  Jacob and I played some piano together, and then after the kids were showered and ready for bed, we watched The Mandalorian followed by some sort of snake documentary on Disney+.  Wuuuut.  Haha.  I had fallen fast asleep while we were watching, so apparently B and the kids went rogue and started watching that randomly.  I have zero desire to watch anything about snakes.  Eek.

After the kiddos were in bed, B and I finished season 2 of Only Murders in the Building, and then we watched an episode of A Million Little Things before calling it a night.  That show has gone way downhill, y’all.  I’m officially no longer sad that it’s ending.  It has been bo-ring lately and it has definitely run its course.

Saturday, April 1

Saturday morning, we woke up to storms, so I made some homemade waffles and then we all snuggled on the couch to watch the final two episodes of Secrets of Sulphur Springs, season 3.  Olivia had gotten scared of it, but she decided she wanted to finish it to find out what happened, so we thought it would be best for her to watch it in the morning instead of right before bed because that makes it a little less scary.  She ended up loving the end of season 3, and she’s already excited for season 4!  The last episode is quite intense for a kids’ show, though, just FYI.

After that was over, I headed upstairs to get my planner prepped and ready for April.  April is looking pretty busy for us, so I needed to get organized. 

Then after that, I got in a cardio workout even though I reeeeally didn’t feel like it for some reason.

The rest of the day was filled with typical Saturday things – the kids played board games since it was raining, and then they did their laundry, we all had a light lunch together, and we got the house tidied up after neglecting it most of the week.  After lunch, the sun was out, so the kiddos did sidewalk chalk outside and I lay out in the sun and finished my book. 

Mid-afternoon, it was time to get ready because B and I had a double date with my friend, Jessica, and her husband, Wade, for dinner and a Paul Thorn show.  We dropped the kiddos at my MIL and step-FIL’s for the evening, and then we made our way to the restaurant downtown at 6.  Thankfully, we had made a reservation because it was PACKED everywhere downtown. 

We ate at the same venue where we saw Paul Thorn… they have a restaurant downstairs, and a bar upstairs where they host musicians for live music.  They’ve been around as long as I can remember (one of the few bars that have stood the test of time in our city), and it’s always a great time when we go.

We were seated right away when we arrived, and the next hour and a half was spent chatting over drinks and a delicious meal.  I had a vodka lemonade cocktail along with their grilled filet medallions with mashed potatoes and green beans, and it was all soooo delicious. 

Once we were all done, we headed upstairs for the show at 8, we grabbed some drinks, and then we found some seats.  Seats were hard to come by as the place was already packed, so we ended up grabbing some chairs and wedging ourselves in between a couple of other groups.  It wasn’t ideal, but we weren’t too far from the stage, and I had a straight view of Paul, so that’s all that mattered to me!  Haha. 

For those of you who haven’t followed for a long time, or for those of you who missed my story time on Instagram stories the other day, Paul Thorn is one of our favorite singer-songwriters.  Brian and I have been seeing him for 20 years – literally – my first show was in April 2003 and I had just turned 21 eighteen days before that.  He always plays at bars and venues where you have to be 21 to get in, so I wouldn’t have been able to see him before that.  Haha.  We’ve seen him 15 times since then, and we love him every single time.  We always stop and chat with him after the show, so he knows us now, and he’s just a really great guy.

Anyhoo, back to the show – he and his band played for two hours, and during the last song, he went out into the audience to mingle with everyone.  He high-fived a few people, and he hugged a few people, and then he made his way over and ended his last song of the night with his arm around me!  It was such a special moment that I’ll never forget! 

Brian was able to video a few seconds of the back of our heads, but that was about all he could get.  However, there was a guy in front of us that had videoed the whole thing, so I asked him after the show if he could send the video to me.  He tried to airdrop it to me, but I don’t think he knew what he was doing, and he couldn’t get it to work.  I asked him if he would text it to me, but he told me no because it was six minutes long, which was too long to text.  He was kind of grumpy about the whole thing, and at one point his wife (or whoever he was with) said, “Aw, come on, just try!” but he never got it sent.  Boooo.

After the show, Brian and I headed over to talk to Paul as we always do, and we chatted for a bit.  We snapped a few pictures, and when we were saying goodbye he told me, "You look as beautiful as ever."  He’s always a charmer, that one!  Haha.

After that, B and I hung around the bar for a bit to check out the band in one of the other rooms, and then we headed home.


Sunday, April 2

Sunday morning, we slept in and then we got ready and headed to my MIL and step-FIL’s to pick up the kids.  They had offered to cook brunch for all of us, which was so kind since they’d kept the kids (and Maui) all night, and we all sat down to eggs, bacon, pancakes, hashbrowns, and homemade cinnamon rolls.  We were all stuffed when we were done, and there was no need for lunch after that big brunch.

We helped clean up the kitchen and then we packed up the kiddos and headed home.  On the way home, I decided to text that guy from the bar the night before (he had accidentally called me when he was trying to airdrop the video the night before so I had his number) to see if he would be so kind as to edit the video and send me just the clip that I’m in.  It’s super easy to do on an iPhone – it takes like 15 seconds – so I didn’t think it was too much to ask.

I got a response almost immediately with a clip of the video and I was THRILLED, but sadly, he had sent me the wrong part and I wasn’t even in it.  Lol.  I texted him back and told him that I wasn’t in that clip (awkward!) and he responded a few minutes later with another clip… that I also wasn’t in.  Face palm.  I texted him back again to let him know I wasn’t in that clip either (SUPER AWKWARD) and, y’all, I never heard back from him again.  He ghosted me.  Lol.  I mean, I guess I can’t blame him, but I just know if I had recorded something that special for someone, I would have tried everything in my power to get it to them.  I guess that’s just me, though!

Anywayyyy, after we got home, I got in a yoga workout and watched church since we didn’t attend Mass Saturday night, and then we all got our shoes on and headed outside for a family walk to the neighborhood playground.  The kids played for a bit while B and I walked laps around the playground, and then we walked back home on the trail.  It was a gorgeous day on Sunday and the weather was just perfect.

When we got home, I spent some time in my office wrapping up a few things for the blog, and Brian and the kids played video games until it was time to head to my parents’ house. 

We celebrated my birthday with them Sunday night, so my Momma had cooked my all-time favorite meal that she makes – meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, black eye peas, squash, and garlic cheddar biscuits.  She also made a Funfetti cake for me… my favorite since I was seven years old.  :o)  My Mama Cass and my Uncle Billy and my brother and his roommate also joined us, and it was a fun evening eating and chatting and celebrating.    

Happy Tuesday, y’all!


  1. That is so weird that the guy videoed the song but couldn't figure out how to send you the clip! I used to be really into a band and Dave was jealous when I would meet them and talk to them after shows, lol.

  2. What a fun week!! That concert sounds amazing.

  3. Wow! What a busy and great week! I'm still cracking up about the guy with the video. Hopefully someday you'll just be sent the video out of nowhere!


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