
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Our Week - The One with a Girls Night and All the Catching Up After Our Trip

We had a short week last week since we got back from New York City on Tuesday afternoon, so this recap will be short and sweet unlike most of my other recaps.  Haha.

Wednesday, December 14

Wednesday morning was a rude awakening after being in New York City for four days because it was back to the grind!  I headed straight to Publix to grab some groceries since we had nothing in the house, and then I spent the morning catching up on blog work.

B had a very mild sore throat when he woke up on Wednesday, so he stayed home from work just to be safe.  I ate a quick lunch and then had an appointment with my therapist midday, and then it was back home to wrap up a few things before it was time to pick up the kids.

Jacob had a makeup piano lesson at 4:30 since he’d missed it while we were in New York City, and then we all headed home for the evening to have dinner and catch up on some TV.  I also squeezed in a stair stepper workout and an arms workout.

Thursday, December 15

Thursday morning, B was already feeling better, so he took a Covid test just in case (it was negative) and then he headed off to work.  I dropped the kids at school and then spent the entire day working in my office.  After school, Olivia had voice lessons, and then we headed home.

When B got home from work, I headed out to meet my girlfriends for dinner.  Two of them couldn’t make it, but five of us were able to get there, and we had the best night!  We went to a new restaurant that’s not far from my house, and I opted for their grilled chicken fettucine alfredo and a glass of cabernet.  It was delicious! 

At most of our dinners, we never think to take a picture, but we made it a point to take one this time since my friend, Jessica’s, blazer was so faaaabulous!  How festive is that?!  You can buy it here if you're interested!

When I got home from dinner, I had a million things to do, but I opted to get in my pajamas and watch Lego Masters with B and the kids instead.  Haha.  The burnout these last couple of weeks has been so, so real.

Friday, December 16

Friday morning – OMG – the to do list was a mile-long!  I had a million errands to run to finish up last-minute Christmas shopping, so I hit up Target, Five Below, Chick-Fil-A (for teacher gift cards), Barnes and Noble, and the gas station. 

The rest of the day was spent working on blog stuff, paying bills, and getting some other random stuff done, and then at 3 I picked up the kids from school.  We came straight home and stayed for the rest of the night.

They played outside while I worked out, and then B picked up our favorite local barbecue for dinner.  While the kiddos showered after dinner, I shut myself in my office and got some gift wrapping done, and then we all watched the Lego Masters season finale followed by a little bit of the Beauty and the Beast special that was on TV.

After the kiddos went to bed, B and I watched an episode of The White Lotus, season 2, and then we headed to bed.  As I was heading upstairs to get the kids in the bed, I looked back down, and I had to snap this picture of my sweet tiny girl. 

Saturday, December 17

Saturday morning was homemade waffles, an episode of Nailed It Holiday, and some snuggling on the couch.  After that, I got in a cardio workout, and then I worked aaaallll day doing laundry, tidying the house, getting things ready for Christmas, prepping for Olivia’s class party, and a million other things.

The weather was gross – super dreary and cold – so B and the kids played poker all morning, and then the kids played video games for a bit in the afternoon.

Saturday evening, we went to 5:30 Mass, and then we had dinner at one of our favorite pizza places with my parents and my aunt and uncle.

By the time we got home, it was time for the kiddos to get in bed, and then B and I watched two episodes of The White Lotus before going to bed.


Sunday, December 18

Sunday morning was cinnamon rolls for breakfast followed by a planning session for me.  I had to get all of my ducks in a row for the upcoming week, and I also spent time getting my 2023 planner prepped.

While I did that, B and the kids played more poker.  He taught them how to play Texas Hold ‘Em, and they both LOVE it.  They will sit and play for hours.  Haha.  Brian even told them how some people wear sunglasses to hide their eyes, so Olivia put hers on.  Lol.

After that was done, I got in a 45-minute yoga workout for flexibility, and then it was time to get ready for Sunday lunch at my in-laws’ house. 

Lunch was yummy, as usual, and then we headed back home to get some more stuff done around the house before heading to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner.  Momma made her famous spaghetti that we hadn’t had in ages, and it was just the perfect end to a nice, somewhat relaxing, and majorly productive weekend.

B and I watched one more episode of The White Lotus before bed, and then it was night-night time for us, too!

Happy Thursday, y’all!


  1. Getting back to reality after any sort of vacation is always a bit daunting isn't it?! LOL It sounds like you had some fun stuff to look forward to though. I bet it was wonderful to catch up with all your friends.

    1. It sure is! Especially at Christmastime when you have a million things looming. Haha. It's okay, though, it was totally 100% worth it! Haha.

  2. Love the Maui pictures and Olivia in her sunglasses! I have a newer friend whose daughter reminds me of how I think Olivia would be in person!

  3. I loved loved loved following your NY trip on IG! I kept showing Nate and saying “we HAVE to visit NY at Christmas time sometime in the near future!” Cheers to meeting your friends for a girls night. They just seem so much more fun during the holidays. That sequined blazer is amazing!! I love Olivia’s “Poker face” and glasses!


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