Last week was
definitely better than the previous week, and much more eventful, too… in a
good way! Here’s the recap!
Monday, October 17
Monday morning, I got up and got ready, and I tested again for Covid to
see if it was finally out of my system.
When I took the test, I thought I saw the faintest line ever, but it was
so faint that I thought I was going crazy and imagining it. I called B to look at it, and he said he
thought he saw a line, too, but he wasn’t totally sure either. Since we weren’t 100% sure if it was
negative, I took another test of a different brand, and that one came back
negative, no questions about it. Just in
case I was still contagious, though, B took the kids to school, so I didn’t
have to be cooped up with them in the car.
Can y’all spot the faint line on the top test?!

I felt totally normal aside from a little bit of brain fog and not having
all of my energy back, so I hit the ground running… at home, of course. I reeeeally needed to go grocery shopping,
but I decided to wait one more day in the off chance that I was still
contagious, and instead, I got a lot of work done for the blog. I also spent a good part of the day washing
all of our sheets, blankets, towels, and anything else that I’d used while I
had the funk. And I sanitized all of the
surfaces and knobs and light switches in the house, too. Covid germs, be gone!
B had all-day meetings every single day last week, so I had no choice but
to pick the kids up from school Monday afternoon, so I opened the sunroof and
rolled down the windows and hoped for the best.
Thankfully, it was a GORGEOUS day, so it was awesome having the windows
After school, Olivia had dance, so Jacob and I dropped her off, and then
I took Jacob to piano lessons. I
normally go in with him and wait in their waiting room, but I didn’t want to
risk giving anyone the funk, so he went in by himself and I waited in the
car. Right after he went inside, he and
his music teacher came outside and headed towards my car and I immediately
thought, “OH NO, are they not going to let him do his lessons since I had
Covid??” But fortunately, that wasn’t
the case at all. His music teacher is a just
super nice guy and he just wanted to come out and check on me. Then after they checked on me, they headed
back inside for Jacob’s lesson. Haha. I was so panicked at first, though.
Once Jacob was done with his piano lessons, he and I headed home, and I
spent the rest of the afternoon folding all of the laundry and putting sheets
back on the bed before cooking dinner.
After dinner, I decided to head out for a solo walk, and I was super
pleased that I was able to do 2.22 miles.
I took it easy since I didn’t have all of my energy back, but I did run
for a short stint just to see how my lungs would hold up, and y’all, I had zero
lung issues at all! I was so happy! I have asthma, so I tend to have issues even
when I don’t have Covid, so I was grateful that my lungs felt nice and strong
after having Covid.
As I said, I took it easy and walked the majority of the way, and when I
got back, I was pretty darn tired, so my energy level definitely wasn’t back to
100%, but it felt great to be able to get out of the house and move my body!
While the kids showered, I worked on my Friends puzzle – yes, I’m STILL
working on that – it’s the hardest puzzle I’ve ever done – and then we all
watched an episode of Nailed It before the kids went to bed.
B and I watched an episode of Vampire Diaries after that, and then
we went to bed. B finally felt
comfortable sleeping in the same room with me Monday night, so he was back in
our room and off of the couch bed.
Tuesday, October 18
Tuesday morning, I decided to test ONE MORE TIME (sheesh) since I had
errands to run, and thankfully, this time there wasn’t even a hint of a
line. It was fully 100% negative, no
questions about it! Woooo hoooo!
After I dropped the kids at school (first time in a week!), I headed to
Target to pick up a few things, and then I had my annual checkup with my
midwife. After that, I was finally able
to get groceries from Publix, and then I spent the rest of the day at home
working on the blog and trying to get my life back together. Ha!
Tuesday afternoon, as I was getting on the highway to pick up the kids to
school, my tire pressure alert popped up on my dashboard. It had been popping up for a couple of days
because of the dip in temperatures (happens every year around this time!), but
this time, it alerted me that the tire pressure in my rear driver’s side tire
was 12. TWELVE, y’all. The normal pressure is 35, so I knew something
was bad wrong.
I drove super slow the rest of the way, and I got in the car line, and
then when I hopped out of the car to inspect, it looked like my tire was going
flat. Sigh. I called B and asked him what to do because
I’ve never had a flat tire before – LOL – and he met me at the gas station to
put air in it. Yes, I know, I know, I
could have done that myself, but I hadn’t put air in a tire in years. Pitiful, I knoooow.
As he was filling the rear driver’s side tire, he did a little
inspection, and there was, indeed, a big nail in it. Boooo.
So, after he got it all filled up, the kids and I rode to the tire place
near our house and they patched it for me.
By the time we were done there, we had just enough time to get home, get
Olivia changed, and then head straight back out to get her to dance. When we got home, Jacob tackled homework, and
I got dinner started.
After our late dinner, Olivia still had homework to do since we’d been at
the tire place all afternoon, so she got that done, and then the kids both
showered. I got in an arms wrokout and then worked on my puzzle again
(somebody come finish it for me!!!!) and then we watched an episode of Nailed
It before sending the kids to bed.
It was yet another episode of Vampire Diaries for B and me after
that, followed by bed.
Wednesday, October 19
Wednesday morning, we woke up to 35 degrees which is insane for us this
time of year. I had scheduled Maui’s
appointment at the groomer, and I felt terrible because it was so cold, and
they had to cut all of her hair off.
After dropping her, I spent the rest of the day at home working on blog
stuff (and my first Instagram Reel!) and then I picked Maui up mid-morning
after she was ready. She wouldn’t even
look at me in the car… I think she was mad at me. Lol.
After school, I whisked the kids over to Publix to get flu shots, but
they turned us away and said they weren’t taking walk-ins that day. Ugh.
I’d been trying to call their pediatrician’s office for two weeks to get
them in for flu shots, and I hadn’t heard back.
Which is nuts because every single time I’ve called in the past 11
years, a human has answered the phone right away.
I finally contacted them on Facebook, and somebody called me back right
away, and she apologized profusely and told me that their office has been hit
HARD by the flu and that they’ve been extremely short-staffed. The flu is just everywhere here right now,
and we weren’t prepared because it usually doesn’t hit hard here until
She was able to make appointments for the kids for the next day, thank
goodness. Olivia had six kids out in her
class about a week ago with the flu, so we’ve been holding our breath and
crossing all of our fingers and toes and praying that she wouldn’t get it. Last December when she and Jacob had it, they
were both so, so sick. It was
Olivia had a makeup voice lesson on Wednesday, so we headed over there
after our failed attempt at flu shots at Publix, and then we headed home. I made a new tortellini soup recipe for
dinner Wednesday night because it was soooo cold all day, and it was a crowd
pleaser… all four of us loved it!
Brian had tennis Wednesday evening, so the kids and I were on our own for
dinner, and then the rest of the evening.
I got in a stair stepper workout while the kids got showered and ready
for bed, and then B got home just in time for us to watch an episode of Nailed
It before the kids went to bed.
After that, it was another Vampire Diaries and then bed for
us. (I always feel like a broken record
when I say this because it’s literally this, like, five nights a week. Lol.)
Thursday, October 20
Thursday morning, I dropped the kids off in some very cold 33-degree
weather, and then I headed home for an hour to get started on some blog work
before I had to be back at the kids’ school for Olivia’s Mass and first quarter
awards ceremony. I always love attending
the school Masses because I love hearing those babies sing their little hearts
out. It is the sweetest. Olivia was particularly snuggly, too, and I
enjoyed every single second of her church cuddles.
The first quarter awards ceremony for third, fourth, and fifth grades was
immediately following Mass, so I stuck around for that. Olivia got Principal’s List (straight As),
Religion award, and AR Completion award, and she got the award for Top 3 AR
points earner in the class (she was second place). I’m just so proud of my girl!
After the awards ceremony, I stayed and chatted with a couple of people at the school for a bit, and then it was time to head home and get some work
done! I’ve been drowning in blog stuff,
and I’ve been struggling to get caught up, so that took up most of the
remainder of my day.
On the way to pick up the kids from school, I dropped some soup off at my
Momma and Daddy’s house because my Daddy was under the weather with Covid. He didn’t get it from me either, y’all! Just gonna go ahead and put that disclaimer
out there. Haha. He and my Momma had gone to Huntsville to
visit with my brother and sister-in-law earlier in the week, and we think they
brought it back from there as they’re all down now with it, too.
After dropping the soup, I headed to pick up the kids from school, and
then the kids and I boogied on over to their pediatrician’s office to get their
flu shots… FINALLY! Thankfully, that was
quick, and we were able to get Olivia to voice lessons on time right after
that. Whew!
The rest of the evening was spent doing homework, cooking and eating
dinner, and then I went for another walk/jog after dinner. My energy still wasn’t back to 100%, but I
was able to jog about 25% of the way that evening. Slowly but surely, I’m getting my energy back
after that dumb Covid!
After my jog, it was more working on my puzzle, and I am THISCLOSE to
giving it up, y’all. This particular
puzzle is dumb because there are too many pieces that look like they fit
together but they actually don’t, so we’ve had to go back and pull pieces apart
and it’s been a nightmare to get it together.
If we ever get this one done, I’ll be donating if afterward. It’s just not well-made.
After the kids were showered and ready for bed, we watched an episode of Nailed
It and then the kids went to bed so B and I could watch Vampire Diaries.
Friday, October 21
Friday morning, I had a meeting first thing at the kids’ school. I’m in charge of the Reindeer Run this year
along with my friend, Becky, so we had a quick meeting about that, and then we
delved into something else afterward.
When I got home, I spent some more time Reindeer Run planning – calling
to book Santa, organizing notes, searching online for a few things, etc. – and
then the rest of the day was spent catching up on some life stuff. I had just enough time to do a couple of
things for the blog, and then it was time to head to the school to pick up the
kids. Friday flew by, y’all, and
I felt like I’d hardly gotten anything accomplished.
The kids and I headed home after school and I wrapped up a couple of
other things, and then the four of us headed back to the school at 5 for the
fall carnival. They had food trucks, so
we grabbed some dinner and ate first, and then we spent the rest of the evening
hanging out at the carnival, chatting with friends, and watching the kids live
their best lives. We barely saw either
of them all night because they were having way too much fun with their friends.
The carnival ended at 8 and we had to drag the kids out of there… they
didn’t want to leave! By the time we got
home, it was getting late, so we hung out for a bit and then sent the kids to
bed. I had to scrub off Olivia's face paint, but she wanted one more picture of it first.
B and I watched two episodes of Vampire
Diaries, and then he and I headed to bed, too.
Saturday, October 22
Saturday morning, B had a tennis match bright and early, so he headed to
that while the kids and I made homemade waffles and watched ESPN College
GameDay. Jacob had spent the whole
evening at the fall carnival tackling the football dummies on the football
field, and he had worked out lots of muscles that he doesn’t normally use, so
he was on the struggle bus with Jello arms and legs.
Mid-morning, I got in a cardio workout, I started some laundry, and I tidied
the house, and then when B got home from tennis, we made a light lunch. Jacob had a birthday party to go to for his
friend W.J. Saturday afternoon, so he and I + Olivia made our way to the local
arcade at 2. Olivia got to tag along
with us because she’s friends with his little sister… they’re not in the same
grade at school, but they take dance together, so they invited Olivia to come
along, too.
While the kids played arcade games and laser tag, I hung out with the
other parents, popping in and out to check on the kids every now and then. Jacob was thrilled because he won some
massive jackpot of tickets (he had well over 3,000 by the time they were done),
so he was able to get one of the big prizes.
By the time the party was over, we were approaching early evening, so we
headed home to pick up Brian and then we headed to our favorite Mexican place
for an early-ish dinner.
After dinner, we headed back home and watched Ghostbusters per
Jacob’s request, and then B and I watched Vampire Diaries as well as
some college football before hitting the hay.
Georgia had a bye week, so we didn’t have a game to watch. Boooo.
Sunday, October 23
Sunday morning, we got up and had cinnamon rolls, and then we were super
lazy and watched two episodes of Nailed It. By the time those were over, I had just a few
minutes to do some planning for the week ahead, and then it was time to get
ready for the day.
My MIL and step-FIL decided not to cook Sunday lunch since I’d had Covid
the previous week, and since my dad had the same funk, we weren’t going there
for Sunday dinner either. That meant we
were on our own all day.
We ended up going to lunch at one of our favorite local restaurants. I had a BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato, and
avocado) and it was delicious as it always is!
The weather was perfect, so they had all of the garage doors open, and
it was just a really nice time.
After that, we headed to Publix to pick out a pumpkin. We would have loved to go to a pumpkin patch
to pick one out, but we don’t have any good ones in town anymore. We were able to get a MASSIVE one –
seriously, the biggest one we’ve ever gotten – for just $6.99!
The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out at home, prepping
everything for Monday, working on blog stuff, doing some laundry, etc. The kids prepped all of their stuff for the
week ahead since we have such a busy week, and then they played some video
For dinner, we heated a frozen pizza in the oven, and we sat
outside. We hadn’t eaten dinner on the
back porch in ages, so it was nice to get back out there. Then after dinner, we carved our giant
pumpkin. It turned out so cute!
By the time we were done carving, it was dark outside, so we got our
pumpkin all set up on the front porch and then we went inside to watch Amazing
Race. After the kiddos went to bed,
B watched the finale of House of the Dragon, and then we went to bed.
And now for
a few current things…
In October,
I started American Royals III: Rivals.
It’s been pretty slow, though, so I haven’t made much progress. The book that I’ve been wanting forever
(Every Summer After) finally became available at the library while we
were in the mountains, and then when we got back, I came down with Covid, so I
wasn’t able to pick it up, and now I have to get back at the end of the long
line again. Waaaahhhh.
With B: We are still making our way through The
Vampire Diaries, and I think we’re nearing the end of season four now. I have to say, this season has been my least
favorite and I’m actually a little bored with the current storyline. I’m hoping it picks up again since we still
have several more seasons to go. Brian
just finished up with House of the Dragon and we’re still watching a
boatload of college football + ESPN College GameDay per usual.
With the
Kids: We’re working our way through Nailed
It, Lego Masters, and The Amazing Race. And, of course, we’ve been watching all of
our favorite Halloween movies – Hocus Pocus, Hocus Pocus 2, and Ghostbusters.
Alone: Y’all!!!!
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is on Netflix now and I’ve watched
it, like, 84 times already since October 1.
I freaking love that movie and it has literally been on repeat around
the clock while I work in my office. I
did take a break from that one day to watch The Wedding Crashers, though…
another favorite.
Listening To
We’ve been rocking the Halloween play list mostly, but I’ve also been on
an Ed Sheeran kick since we just bought tickets to his new tour next year. Every single one of his albums is pure gold
and I love him. And, of course, you
probably know that Taylor Swift released a new album on Friday (unless you’ve
been hiding under a rock), and I’ll have that one on repeat for the next week
until I make the switch to CHRISTMAS MUSIC on November 1! EEK!
And that’s what we’ve been up to!
Happy Tuesday, y’all!