
Friday, January 15, 2021

Five on Friday - January Goals

Well, I had big plans for January, y’all.  I had planned an entire month of new blog content, I had planned to blog five days a week, and I had made a nice long list of things I wanted to accomplish around the house, and then on January 1 we found out unexpectedly that… the kids would be returning to virtual learning until at least January 19.  Womp womp. 

Nothing we can do except for roll with it, so I rearranged some things on my editorial calendar, and I trimmed back my list of goals.  It’s still probably on the heavy side considering I’ve been able to do next to nothing the first two weeks, but I’m feeling ambitious so I thought I’d at least try.  I also posted about my goals for 2021 earlier this week, so you can see them here if you missed it!

Also, before I get to the goals, I wanted to give y'all a head's up that you're going to start seeing some changes here and there on the blog.  I FINALLY started on a brand refresh (LONG overdue, y'all), but I'm doing the whole thing myself (so far), so I'm doing things little by little as time permits.  I originally wanted to have everything designed and ready to roll out all at once on January 1, but that didn't happen, so instead, I'm just going to roll out a little here and there as I have time to work on it.  Not ideal, but such is life this past year.  

So far, I've refreshed my signature and all of my graphics (the easy part), and now the hard stuff remains (blog header and updating fonts, colors, and layout).  I'll probably end up hiring someone to help me with some of the functionality, but I'm going to see how far I can get on my own first.  So anyway, just wanted to let y'all know that!  And now that all of that housekeeping is out of the way, let's get to the goals...

Today I’m recapping my December goals and listing my January goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.  And since I opted not to do seasonal bucket lists this year, all of our fun Christmas activities will be here instead.  ;o)

December Goals


Y  Get together with family to celebrate Christmas somehow. – It was completely different, and it was certainly far from ideal, but at least we got to see some of our family.                                                                              


Y  Meditate every day.

Y  Quiet time every day.

N  Drink 64 oz. most days.

Y  Close all rings on my Apple Watch at least 16 days. – I closed all of them 17 times!

Y  Visit with therapist via Zoom.

Y  Go to semi-annual dental cleaning.

Y  Read Christmas Shopaholic.


Y  Go to semi-annual dental cleaning for Jacob and Olivia.

Y  Mail holiday cards.

Y  Watch all of our favorite Christmas movies. – We watched so many greats… Christmas Vacation, Serendipity, Home Alone 1 and 2, The Holiday, etc.

Y  Watch some new Christmas movies – We watched Jingle Jangle, Christmas Chronicals 1 and 2, Let it Snow, etc.

Y  Send a couple of care packages to friends. – We got one sent to my brother and sister-in-law who weren’t able to come home for Christmas because, Covid, and we also sent a little something to our friends in Germany.

Y  Decorate gingerbread houses.

Y  Go to Fantasy in Lights (safely). – We rode in our own vehicle this year instead of the public jolly trolley, but we still had a great time!

Y  Take the kids to visit Santa (safely) (if we can even do this?). – We found a Santa who was behind a window in his very own little house, so the kids were able to visit with him without putting him or themselves in danger.

Y  Drive around and look at Christmas lights. – We did this twice!

Y  Have a Brian and Lindsay day date, or two. – We got two in… granted it was running errands at 7:30 in the morning to pick out Christmas gifts, but at least it was time alone together away from the house.

Y  Bake sugar cookies from scratch. – Finally did this for the first time ever and it was hard.  Lol.

Y  Make New Year’s Eve extra special. – We did!  We got all dressed up, got takeout for dinner from a nice restaurant, did fireworks in our back yard, grazed on a dessert board all evening, and rang in the New Year with champagne and sparkling grape juice in fancy glasses.  We let the kids stay up until midnight for the first time ever, and it was my most favorite NYE since they were born.


Y  Finish Christmas shopping.

Y  Set up 2021 planner.

Y  Get all Christmas decorations put away by December 31.

Y  Clean entire house top-to-bottom by December 31.

Y  Tidy entire house top-to-bottom by December 31. 

Y  Get all laundry caught up by December 31.

N  Complete 2 things on Master To-Do list.

Blog/Social Media

Y  Post 3-4 times per week. 

Y  Share Christmas home tour on blog.

Y  Share Christmas home tour on Instagram stories.

Y  Start recapping 2020.

Y  Start thinking about goals for 2021.


30 items accomplished

2 items not accomplished


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 1

    Christmas Shopaholic     

Meditation Days: 31

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 17

    Exercise Ring: 17

    Stand Ring: 31

Workouts Completed: 21

    Core Training: 1   

    Dance: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 9

    Outdoor Run: 2  (5.55 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 6 (12.91 miles)

    Stair Stepper: 2

    Strength Training: 1

    Yoga: 0

Time Spent Working Out: 14:17:56 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 3,740

Pictures of My Successes


Apple Watch rings

Reading Christmas Shopaholic

Dental appointments

Mailing some of our Christmas cards

Jacob's gingerbread house

Olivia's gingerbread house

Fantasy in Lights

Visiting with Santa

Heading out to look at Christmas lights

Our favorite house to see Christmas lights

Baking homemade sugar cookies

Day date with B

Finishing up Christmas shopping

Celebrating Christmas with my family on the back porch in the freezing cold

Christmas Day

Celebrating Christmas with extended family outside, more than 6 feet apart!

Elf shenanigans... forgot to add this to my goals, but wanted to share anyway.

Cleaning up Christmas

Making New Year's Eve extra special!

Now for the January goals…

January Goals


Catch up with a friend or family member once a week via phone or text.

Send happy mail to Olivia’s friend who moved to Florida.

Spend time with each child one-on-one.                                                                             


Meditate, quiet time, and affirmations every day.

Drink 64 oz. most days.

Eat healthy salads for lunch most days.

Eat Larabars instead of M&Ms most afternoons to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Close all rings on my Apple Watch at least 16 days.

Do 50 crunches every day. 

Try a new workout (HIIT, maybe?).

Visit with therapist via Zoom.

Read It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way.

Clean makeup brushes.

Make a Fresh Start play list.


Make virtual learning a happy place for the kids.

Take the kids to ride their scooters at the river walk.

Deposit kids’ money into their savings accounts.

Set up money plan for kids (save, give, spend).

Sign Jacob up for spring baseball.

Start looking at condos for beach trip in June.

Record a video every single day of the month and upload to my One Second a Day app.


Clean out Jacob’s entire room.

Clean out Olivia’s entire room.

Clean out entire play room.

Clean out iPhone (apps and contacts, etc.).

Clean out List Master app.

Clean out refrigerator/freezer.

Clean out pantry.

Scrub out our master bathroom tub.

Clean microwave.

Strip all of our towels.

Start prepping for Valentine’s Day.

List the rest of my winter items on Poshmark.

Complete 1 thing on Master To-Do list.

Blog/Social Media

Post 4-5 times per week.

Publish a couple of simple, short posts. 

Discontinue hosting link-ups.

Share my home decluttering/organizing on Instagram stories.

Start rolling out brand refresh.

Friday Funnies

Let's hope this isn't true, but it made me LOL.

This feels like it happened 84 years ago.


I feel you, Joey.

Somebody please do this!

On the Blog This Week

 2021 New Year’s Goals + My Word for the Year

Our Week – The One with Quarantine, Week 43 (Virtual Learning and a Dark Day for Our Nation)

New Year’s Eve Bar Cart Decorations

Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Congratulations on the changing things over! I keep wanting to do some little changes, but I'm always afraid of messing something up. When I changed from blogger to wordpress it gave me so much stress! Is the signature at the bottom of your post your actual writing? Also, I love all of the cleaning items on your list! That seems super ambitious, and I am rooting for you!

    1. Girrrrl, I can't even imagine how stressful that must have been. That's why I'm thinking of sticking with Blogger now. Ugh. And no, the signature is not my handwriting... it's just the new font I chose!

  2. Someone just asked me the other day about your Wednesday link up and how we missed it. But I know how it is when you have to let some things go, I think the Wednesday fashion link up we host has become redundant already and it’s only been a year. People just don’t appreciate the link ups anymore. So sorry about the continual virtual learning I know that throws a wrench into all your plans!! You are so ambitious to post 45 times a week, sometimes I don’t even want to do my three, LOL!

  3. Good luck with the blog redesign! I've been fixing up my images too. Are you using Canva? I have a hard time finding fonts I like on there! Also good luck with the rest of your goals of course!

  4. Best of luck on your goals and with the blog redesign!

  5. Love your new designs. One of my goals this year was to refresh my signature and make better graphics. It's so time consuming.

  6. I feel Joey too. It has been a tough year already. Ugh. Hoping for brighter and happier times. Isn't life crazy how it throws these curve balls. You will hit your goals!

  7. I love your new graphics! And am so impressed you did them yourself! Good luck with your goals, although I know you've already knocked quite a few of them off you list already!


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