Monday, August 3, 2020

What I Ordered from Amazon in July 2020

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Last month I had a record low number of purchases from Amazon, but I definitely made up for that this month.  Whew, so many purchases in July… I blame the birthday gift cards that started burning a hole in my pocket!


I read American Royals this past month and loved it so much that I decided to just go ahead and buy the sequel, Majesty.  I’m dying to know what happens in book two so I’m counting down the days until this one arrives on September 1.

Midnight Sun

Y’all!!!!  My friend texted me the other day to let me know that the long-anticipated follow-up to the Twilight series is finally coming out!!  Midnight Sun is the same iconic love story as told in Twilight, but this one is told from Edward’s perspective.  YES YES YES.  There have been rumors about this book for years, and it’ll finally be available August 2.  I already pre-ordered my copy.  #TeamEdwardAAF

White Fragility

This book was on my wish list for months, and with the Black Lives Matter movement picking up at a fast pace back in June, I tried to order it with no luck.  It was finally made available for pre-order again at the beginning of this month and I snatched it up.  After a couple of delays with delivery, it’s finally in my hands, and I’m a couple of chapters in.  I plan to review it eventually here on the blog, but my first impression of it is that every white American should read this book.

Leopard Apple Watch Band

I’ve officially discovered the plethora of inexpensive Apple Watch Bands on Amazon and life will never be the same.  This thin leopard silicone band is ah-mazing – stylish, comfy, breathable, weather-proof, and so inexpensive, and I’ve been rocking it all week!  Only $5.99, y’all!

White Apple Watch Band

This white band is everything I love about the leopard band, only in a different color.  I figure, white will go with pretty much anything, so it’s a good one to keep on hand.  These come in every color and pattern you could ever imagine!  So many options!

Best Leggings

These leggings are like butter, thin and soft and barely there, and after wearing them all day a couple of times, they’re officially my favorite leggings that I’ve ever owned.  They come in tons of different colors and patterns and at just $25.99, they’re a steal compared to their more expensive brand-named counterparts.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel

Okay, so I’m totally guilty over here of still using the same facial cleanser that I’ve used since I was 16.  While I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the one I’ve been using for 22 years, my skin has aged and changed, and therefore probably needs something a little more sophisticated.  I’ve always loved Neutrogena products (the one I’ve used for 22 years was also Neutrogena), so, naturally, the first brand I researched was Neutrogena.  Since my skin has become incredibly dry these last few years, I was intrigued by their new Hydro Boost line, and therefore, decided to try this cleansing gel to take my makeup off every night.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Serum

I’ve always been a very basic skincare girl, not using much more than a daily facial cleanser + a moisturizer, but now that I’m 38 and I have a few wrinkles popping up here and there, I decided it was high-time to delve into the world of serums.  Neutrogena’s new line also includes this hydrating serum, so I thought I might as well keep it in the family and try this one first.  I’ll have to report back after I’ve used it for a while.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream

Yep, I decided to go all in and grab the cream, too.  As I said before, I have very dry skin on my face now, so I thought this one would be good.  All three of these products contain hyaluronic acid which is a sugar that is found naturally in your skin.  It holds moisture and therefore keeps your skin plump and hydrated, which in turn, keeps wrinkles at bay.  Compared to most other skin lines, this one is much more affordable, so I’m hoping that I love it.

Weleda Skin Food Ultra Rich Cream

According to Amazon’s thousands of reviews, this skin cream is pretty much a miracle-worker, so I decided to grab a tube of it as well.  Many people mentioned that it is very reminiscent of LaMer moisturing cream (which retails for $335.00 per 2 oz. – WHAT?!) so I thought it can’t be bad, right?  Especially for that tiny fraction of the cost of the LaMer.  I haven’t tried it yet, but I plan to incorporate it into my skin care routine eventually.  I don’t want to change too much all at once because then I won’t know which things are actually helping and which things could be hurting.  Again, I’ll have to report back once I have been using it for a while.

Ecotools Makeup Brush Shampoo

Wanna know a secret?  I don’t clean my makeup brushes.  I have always bought very inexpensive ones and just tossed them when they get icky.  Well, I’m hoping to revamp my makeup routine soon as part of revamping my skin routine, so I decided to start buying makeup brushes that were of better quality.  Since they’re a little more expensive, I went ahead and bought this cleaner for them since I won’t be tossing them as often anymore.  I haven’t used this yet, but it came up in a lot of my searches as one of the best.  It’s also hypoallergenic and free of lots of different toxins, so I thought it sounded like a good choice. 

Makeup Brush Cleaning Pad

These little silicone pads are uber cheap, so I thought I’d grab one of those, too, to make makeup brush cleaning a little easier and more thorough.

Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder

As I said before, I’m trying to revamp my makeup routine a bit since my skin has gotten increasingly drier over the last few years.  I’ve worn Covergirl Simply Powder Foundation for years, but it doesn’t sit as well on my face now that it’s so dry, and I find that it settles into the wrinkles around my eyes a little more than I’d like.  Instead, I thought it would be better to find something lighter and more translucent.  This Coty Airspun Powder has over 25,000 reviews on Amazon with 4.4 out of 5 stars, and at just $6.84 per pack, it was a no-brainer.  It’s cheaper than my original powder and everyone raves about how well it hides fine lines and wrinkles and gives you an airbrushed look.  Again, I haven’t used it yet as I’m finishing up the last of my old powder, but I’ll report back once I do!

Real Techniques Brush Blush

As I said before, I’m trying to start purchasing higher quality makeup brushes rather than the $1-$2 ones, so I decided to start with these Real Techniques brushes.  They’re by no means top of the line, but they’re by far better than the brushes I’ve used in the past.  I bought the powder brush about a month ago and I’m so obsessed with it, that I knew I had to have the matching blush brush, too.  My blush brush is on its last leg, so it was time for a new one. 

Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid Foundation

I’ve been using this foundation + hydrating serum for years and I’ve always loved it, so I’m not sure I even need to change up my foundation.  It was time for a refill, and I always buy mine on Amazon because, as with most other items, they blow everyone else’s prices out of the water.

Gold Star Necklace

B and I binged Outer Banks back when it first came out, and I obsessed over Sarah Cameron’s gold star choker forever afterwards.  I found this one on Amazon and it’s very similar to the one she wore, but maybe even better?  I’ve been wearing it nonstop for several days now and I love it.  I’ve been sleeping in it and showering in it and it’s held up beautifully so far.  Only $11.99!

Nail Scrubber Brushes

Random, I know, but I bought these in preparation for the kids going back to school.  Germs like to lurk under fingernails, so I’m going to be getting the kids to scrub their nails more often.  Using a nail scrubber is an easy way to do it, and these things were super cheap, so now we can keep one in every bathroom, so they’ll always have one at their fingertips.  Have you seen how much dirt is under your kids’ nails?  YUCK.

I Had a Favorite Dress

In keeping with the BLM movement and keeping my vow to increase diversity in our household, I bought the kids a couple of new books this month.  This book is absolutely gorgeous… the sweetest little story and the most beautiful pictures.  Perfect for any little girl, especially the ones who love fashion!

Those Shoes

I bought this one for both kiddos because it has such a great message about empathy and generosity.  I teared up the first time I read it.  I highly recommend!

Smarty Pants Vitamins

I’ve settled on these as a daily multi-vitamin, so you’ll probably be seeing them in my monthly Amazon posts from here on out.  My hair and nails haven’t looked so good in a long time!

Flonase Sensimist

Fall allergens will be out in full force here very soon (I’m looking at you, ragweed) so I bought a new bottle of Flonase Sensimist to keep on hand.  I use this from about March to November every year since something is always in bloom during those months, and then I’m usually able to take a break from it in December through February.

Amazon Gift Card

Another month, another Amazon gift card to give!  This one had to be mailed, so I stuck with something simple.

If you want to see we’ve ordered in past months, check out the posts below.

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases


  1. So many great beauty purchases!! I finished the first American Royals so I have a few books to get through before I complete the series!! Love the pattern on those leggings too! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  2. I've been meaning to step up my face care routine as well... it's just so daunting!

    1. It truly is. That's why I've been putting it off for a billion years. And that's also why I'm starting out with Neutrogena. There are just too many other brands out there and there's no way to really know what's going to work best for you. I'd hate to spend a ton of money on something that ended up being crap! Haha.

  3. I love changing the band on my Fit Bit.

    1. It really is nice to have the option to wear something different each day and be able to match them to our outfits!  So fun!

  4. So many good things here! I can't wait to hear what you think about the Neutrogena line. I used to use the gel-cream moisturizer and I am trying to remember why I stopped, haha. That powder seems like a good one - may have to consider giving that a try instead of the more expensive stuff I use. Also, I had NO idea there was going to be another Twilight book - going to preorder that now!

  5. How did I not know a twilight book was coming out, I am ordering Midnight Sun right now! I love those leggings to pieces. Cute bands too. Happy Monday!

  6. I agree on White Fragility, as you know!

  7. I love using the gel cream and you bought so many awesome products Lindsay! Hope you have a great day.

  8. Obsessed with that leopard band, and I had no idea American Royals was a series too. SUPER excited now <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. I can't wait for my copy of Midnight Sun to get here!! I have had it pre-ordered forever it feels like!
    I ordered that leopard watch band!

  10. Ok, now I have a gazillion tabs open to check out all these finds! I always love Neutrogena products, and I'm interested in the La Mer dupe. I also love the thinner apple watch bands. Thanks for linking up tomorrow with Prime Purchases.

  11. I've been waiting on White Fragility for months as well, very excited to dive into it! Also, I tried the loose finishing powder but the fragrance was soo strong I had to stop using it.

    1. Oh dang, I hate to hear that. I haven't opened mine yet so I hope that doesn't turn me off to it. I'm not a fan of strong scents either.

    2. I hope it is okay for you!

  12. Wow you bought a lot this time. I am glad you love the make up brush pad too. I never think to buy make up remover products or things like Neutrogena, but now I need to reconsider.

  13. I really need to get back into reading! I noticed your leopard apple watch band in another post and loved it. So cute! I use the Hydro Boost products too. Don’t you just love the smell of the cream? So good!

  14. So much to comment on! The makeup cleaning brush looks like something I NEED - how does it work? Weleda skin food is fab - just be cautious using it on your face (if you do) - you get this incredible deweyness and great moisture BUT after a while it catches up on you and it clogs your pores. The ecotools cleaner is a great idea too - why is it that we find cleaning makeup brushes almost an outfacing boring forgettable job - those tools you have shared will hopefully make it a more fun and easy job - thanks for sharing!

    1. I think all you do is squirt some cleaner into your makeup brushes and then just add a little bit of water and brush them back and forth over that little pad. I need to try it! I haven't taken the time to do it yet. And thanks for letting me know about that Weleda cream... I'll be very careful! I was wondering if it could clog pores!


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