
Friday, July 10, 2020

Five on Friday - Leopard Running Shoes, New Snack, and Great Book Series

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy Friday, y’all!  It’s time to share a few of my favorite things from the week…

O N E – Leopard Running Shoes

I’ve seen this Walmart dupe for these Adidas running shoes all over blogland these last couple of months, and there was so much positive feedback over them that I decided to try them for myself.  I mean, how freaking cute are they?  And for less than $19, why not?

Y’all, I LOVE THESE SHOES.  They are positively adorable, they fit perfectly, they don’t slip on your heel, and you feel like you’re walking on a cloud because of that awesome memory foam in the footbed.  They’re also lightweight and the footbed inserts are removeable so you can pull them out and hand wash them if they get stinky.  I bought these strictly for the fashion aspect, as something cute to slip on while I’m running errands, but I can honestly see myself running and working out in them, too. 

I recently bought a new pair of Nike running shoes to use as my actual athletic shoes, and for the first time ever, I have to say that I don’t love them.  Super disappointing considering how much I paid for them.  These Walmart running shoes are better… and waaaay cheaper.  I haven’t worn them a lot yet so I can’t speak to how well they’ll hold up, but so far, so good!  And if you don’t like the leopard print, they also come in a beautiful pale purple, and also in gray. 

T W O – New Belvita Flavor

I’ve been a huge Belvita breakfast biscuit fan for years, so we always keep them on hand.  Pretty much every weekday morning I get hungry between breakfast and lunch, so I have them as a mid-morning snack along with my cup of hot sunset cinnamon tea.  They keep me feeling full until lunch and I look forward to having them. 

My favorite flavors have always been Cinnamon Brown Sugar and Dark Chocolate Crème, but they just released a new flavor that tops them all – Cinnamon Brown Sugar with Vanilla Crème!  They are soooo yummy and I just really look forward to having them (and my tea!) each morning… it’s such a nice little treat.  <3  And the very best thing is that I don't even have to leave the house to get them... has been keeping me fully stocked with my 5% off and free shipping since I have a RedCard.  ;o)

T H R E E – The Thousandth Floor Trilogy

I know I’ve already mentioned The Thousandth Floor trilogy here on the blog and I also mentioned them in my Instagram stories, but here they are again!  I just finished the last book in the trilogy this week, and oh my goodness, this series was fantastic!  I checked them out from the library initially, but I loved them so much, I’m going to buy them to have in my home library.  I will definitely want to read them again.

In case you missed my original review, these books take place 100 years in the future in the massive 1,000-story tower in New York City.  The book follows a handful of young adults and each chapter is told from their different perspectives.  The main characters are actually in their late teens (18-19) so the book is technically categorized as “Young Adult” fiction, but that didn’t make a difference for me… I thoroughly enjoyed all three.  One of the reviews for the books specifically notes that “these books will be gobbled up by Gossip Girl fans” and I couldn’t agree more!!  The Thousandth Floor is first in the series, The Dazzling Heights is book #2, and The Towering Sky is the third and final book.  From the very first page in the very first book, I was riveted, and I barely put them down.  I read each one of them in 2-3 days.  I highly recommend these if you’re looking for a good summer beach/pool read.

F O U R – White Fragility is Finally in Stock!

Speaking of books, I’ve had White Fragility on my Amazon wish list for months.  When the Black Lives Matter movement went mainstream a few months ago, I decided to go ahead and order it, but it was sold out everywhere.  That’s great because it means that white people are taking the time to open their minds and educate themselves on racism in America, but it stinks because I haven’t been able to get my hands on a copy to read it for myself. 

Amazon finally put it back up for pre-order last week, so I was able to reserve my copy, and it’s supposed to be back in stock for shipping this week.  I’m really looking forward to digging in and learning more about racism so I can better myself.  A couple of people I know have said that the book helped them realize they were subconsciously hanging onto some prejudices, and they would have never realized that if they hadn’t read this book.  And everyone I know who has read this book has said that it’s “eye-opening” and “life-changing” and “something everyone should read.”  I’m ready to have my eyes opened so I can continue to help fight racism in this country.

F I V E – Essential Oils Tip of the Week

Have you ever researched what kind of gunk is in your dryer sheets?  Yeah, they are filled with toxic chemicals.  Once I saw what was in them, I was done.  Now I just use wool dryer balls with a few drops of lavender on them for each load… the dryer balls help keep the static and wrinkles at bay and the lavender freshens them right up!  The first time you sink into those cozy, clean, lavender-scented sheets you’ll never look back!  Heaven, y’all.  Toxin-free heaven.  ;o)  If you’re interested in getting started, just hop on over to this page right here on my blog.  All of the frequently asked questions are there along with a link to order.

Friday Funnies Things to Ponder

Yes, just have some respect for your fellow man and wear the mask.

Exactly.  It's not political.  It's the safe thing to do right now.  And it won't last forever.

For those of you who are still not wanting to wear one, maybe this will help...

And if you're STILL not convinced, #DoItForFootballSeason

And if you're still refusing after all of the above, well then, this one is for you.

On the Blog This Week

Happy Friday, y’all! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Those really are cute shoes! Bummer the Nike ones aren't that great.

    1. I know, I couldn't believe it. I've always been a Nike girl, but I do not love these. They are too hard or something.

  2. Those shoes are super cute! Can't go wrong with leopard!

  3. Do you think that book trilogy is appropriate for 7th and 8th graders? I'm always looking for new books for my students!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. I may have to order a copy of White Fragility. I listened to it but it would be great to have in print and to be able to share it. Love the mask memes.

  5. Thanks for the heads up that you can preorder White Fragility. I ordered it today and look forward to reading it and sharing with others in my family so that we can be better educated. I hope you'll do a book review on it too, or at least a post on what you learned. We all have so much to learn on this topic, I'd love hearing your perspective.

    1. You are so welcome! I'm glad to hear so many others are reading it. I'm sure I'll discuss the book here on the blog once I read it. Unfortunately, Amazon delayed my shipment and it's not expected to arrive until the end of this month so I'll have to wait a little longer. I'm just glad to know that so many people are taking the time to read it!

  6. Cute sneakers and great memes. Love my wool dryer balls too!

  7. wearing the mask so our kids can go back to school is definitely motivation. Ha. Those are cute shoes and such a killer price. I have heard a lot of good things about that trilogy. I believe Kate read them all and loved them too. Have a great weekend.

  8. I really want to read that trilogy!

    1. It is SOOOO good. You won't be able to put them down!!

  9. Good for you for not only doing your part to help eradicate the racism in the USA but also speaking about out about it. I'm sure it's not easy to post something that some disagree with or think is political in some way so that is why it is even more important to have these tough/uncomfortable conversations so we can learn and do better! I've too been waiting on it to come back in stock, thanks for the heads up!

    1. Yes, I usually don't post anything too controversial here on the blog as I tend to try to keep it an upbeat space, but some issues are just too important not to bring up, and racism is one of them. I'm just glad that so many people are finally taking the time to educate themselves so we can all do better and be better and make this nation a better place. Thank you for your kind words. And I'm glad to hear you'll be getting the book, too. Heads up, though, Amazon just delayed mine again, so it's not expected to deliver until the end of this month now!

  10. I love Freddie! What a great pic. Those belvita biscuits look lovely, here in the uk we never get the great American flavours, every time I visits the states I stock up on cinnamon bun Oreos, I used to love buying clothes in Florida, now I buy biscuits!

    1. Ooooh the cinnamon bun Oreos are wonderful! I didn't realize that they didn't roll out all of the flavors everywhere... I'm sorry you don't have them over there! Thanks for stopping by!


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