
Friday, July 24, 2020

Five on Friday - American Royals, New Music, and Hints of Fall

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Hey, y’all!  Happy Friday!  Here are a few favorites from the week…

O N E – American Royals

After finishing (and loving) The Thousandth Floor trilogy, I wasn’t sure what to pick up next because I just wasn’t sure that I’d be able to find anything as interesting.  I ultimately decided to read American Royals since it’s by the same author, Katharine McGee, and ladies, it was fantastic!!  The book came out last fall and I remember everyone raving about it, but I never got around to reading it.  I’m so glad I finally picked it up!

The book takes place in America in present day, but instead of having a president, we have a royal family instead.  The book is told from several different points of view and it follows the lives of the two princesses, the prince, and their friends and families.  If you love all things William and Kate and Harry and Meghan, you will absolutely love this book.  I couldn’t put this book down and I ended up finishing it in just a few days.  It’s so good, I bought a copy to keep in my library.  I won’t spoil the ending, but I will tell you this… I’m dying for the sequel to come out.  September 1 can’t get here fast enough! 

And Katharine McGee may just end up being my new favorite author…

T W O – Tay Tay’s New Album

Did y’all see that Taylor Swift dropped a new album at midnight?!?!  Y’all, I’m so excited!  I thought for sure it would be a while until we got a new album from her since she just put out Lover less than a year ago, but here we are!  Another good thing to come from all of this quarantining…

I’m sure I’ll be listening to it all day… fingers crossed it’s at least half as good as her last three because they’ve all been fabulous!

T H R E E – Water Beads

I’ve mentioned water beads on the blog in the past, but I thought I’d bring them back up again in case you’re looking for something to fill the time with your kiddos during this weird, socially distanced summer.  These water beads come in a small container, and all you have to do is pour some of them into a large container, add water, wait an hour or two, and the beads soften and grow with the water and they’re so fun to play with.

I always give the kids a couple of bowls and cups and spoons and they’ll play with them for hours… even Jacob.  Heck, I even like them!  Haha.


F O U R – Hints of Fall

Once 4th of July is over, I’m ready to put summer behind me and kick off fall, so you can probably imagine how happy I was when Emily texted me earlier this week to tell me that just started carrying the Mrs. Meyers fall soaps!  EEK!  My favorite is the Acorn Spice, but I love Apple Cider, too.  I’m also hoping they’ll put out a new scent or two.

I also received an email from Bath and Body Works this week with details about their fall preview!  It just made me so happy seeing all of the pumpkin and apple and leaves scents.  Sigh.  I’m so ready, y’all.  Just bring it on. 

F I V E – Evening Thunderstorms

There’s just nothing like an evening thunderstorm during the summer.  After a brutally hot, long day, I just love seeing the dark clouds roll in and the wind pick up.  The rain always cools things off and puts me in such a cozy mood.  We’ve enjoyed a few of those this week and I’ve been loving every second.    

Friday Funnies

Exactly how every single parent in America feels right now.

Hahahaha. I laughed so hard at this.

Pretty much.  <eye roll>

This.  Exactly this.

B and I have definitely been drinking our fair share of quarantine coffee ;o)

On the Blog This Week

Happy Friday, y’all! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Your memes always hit the mark for me, haha! We were on the same page in today's post about fall. :) I am SO ready!

  2. That Disney meme made me spit out my oatmeal. I also can't wait for fall, like it's just the best.

    1. Hahahaha. I know, that one cracked me up! And yes, I'm glad we have fall to look forward to. We all need a little bit of fall in our lives right now!

  3. Happy birthday to Jacob!! I am slowly making my way through American Royals...It's taken me far too long for some reason! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  4. Bring on Fall. Great memes. I’ll have to try American Royals. Have a great weekend!

  5. I liked American Royals. I wished it was more about the royalty though! It was more of just a fun drama!

  6. The meme with Disney World is too funny. I was laughing pretty hard at it too. And the one with Kid Rock. Ha. My girls LOVE water beads too. they are great. Oh and I bought that Frozen 2 slides game after you mentioned it in Jacob's birthday interview. I can't wait for all things Fall!!!

  7. I really liked American Royals too!

    1. I am just so excited for the sequel... I'm dying to find out what happens!

  8. I wish those water beads had been around when my kids were young. I guess I'll have to wait for grandkids. ;) I miss thunderstorms. We NEVER get them out here. I've literally heard thunder about 3 times in 7 years. Crazy. XOXO

  9. Kirkland’s has all their fall decor out and it makes me want fall to hurry up and get here.

  10. You really do find the funniest memes. I need to make a serious resolution to read more memes - my husband spends what seems like hours looking at them. We all need them in our lives at the moment! ;))

    1. Haha. I get most of mine from Facebook. I have several friends and family members who literally just post memes all day and when I see a good one show up in my feed, I just save it for these posts. I rarely have to go in search of them because there are so many in my feed. Haha.


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