Monday, June 1, 2020

What I Ordered from Amazon in May 2020

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

May Amazon purchases coming atcha on this Monday morning!

Girls Swimsuit

Olivia was in need of a couple of new swimsuits for summer.  My usual go-to for swimsuits is Target, but they had nothing left in her size, so naturally, I turned to Amazon.  I came across these Kanu Surf swimsuits and they could not be more perfect!!  They come in loads of different colors and patterns (31 from what I saw!) and they are so well made.  The best part is that the bottoms fit snugly and don’t sag like the others that we have that are too large.  After seeing how well these fit Olivia, I may never go back to Target for swimsuits again!  P.S.  These are true-to-size!

Saltwater Sandals

We purchased Olivia’s first pair of Saltwater sandals almost three years ago, and she has finally outgrown them so it was time for another pair.  In case you’re not familiar with Saltwater sandals, let me just tell you, they are amazing.  They are the only sandal your girl will ever need! 

They’re real leather so they keep getting better with age.  Olivia wore her first pair for nearly three years and I will still be able to sell them on Poshmark because they still look fantastic.  The best part about Saltwater sandals is that you can buy them a size larger than your child’s true size, and they can wear them as they grow into them.  We bought Olivia’s first pair a whole size larger than what she needed, and the first summer she wore them a little big.  The next summer they fit perfectly, and then the final summer she wore them, they were a little on the small side, but they still felt good on her feet.  They’re a little pricier up front than something from, say, Target, but they’re worth every penny since your child will get at least 2-3 years out of them + you’ll be able to pass them down to your next child or sell them when your child outgrows them. 

I cannot rave about these enough!

Milk Pink Native Shoes

Another favorite shoe for kids is our beloved Natives.  Olivia was in need of a new pair, so we bought these milk pink ones again per her request.  As with the Saltwater sandals, we always buy Natives a little large so the kids can get 2-3 years out of them.

Grey Native Shoes

Jacob got three whole years out of his first pair of Natives and he has finally outgrown them, so it was time for a replacement.  He requested the grey ones and I couldn’t agree with the color more since they’ll match everything.

Artificial Tulips

I already mentioned these in my Five on Friday post a couple of weeks ago, but here they are again!  These pale pink tulips are artificial, but they are some of the best-looking artificial flowers I’ve seen.  You get 20 stems for just $16.99 (so much cheaper than Hobby Lobby where I get most of my artificial flowers), and they are just perfect when you want to have the fresh flower look, but don’t want to bother with replacing fresh flowers constantly.

American Royals

I’ve been dying to read this book for a couple of years, and I finally bought it since I haven’t been able to get it from our library.  I haven’t started it yet, but I’ll have to report back when I do!

The Lies That Bind

Emily Giffin is my favorite author of all-time.  I’ve read and enjoyed every single one of her books, and I love most of them so much that I like to read them again… hence, the reason why I purchase all of hers.  Her new book is releasing this month, so I pre-ordered it in May.  I absolutely can’t wait to get my hands on it!

Take Me Apart

My sister-in-law’s birthday was this past weekend, and we got this book for part of her gift, as it was on her wish list.

Glass Nail File

Emily Ley posted about the amazingness of this glass nail file on Instagram, and since I just so happened to be in the market for a new one, I made the purchase, too.  She’s right, it works so much better than regular nail files!  Filing is effortless with it, and it also buffs the tops of nails beautifully... makes them so shiny!  And since it's made of glass, supposedly it will last a literal lifetime because the grains on the file will never wear down like they do on the sandpaper files.  If paying $10.99 one time means I'll never have to buy another one again, I'm SOLD.

Dry Finish Texture Spray

I have super fine, straight hair, that won’t hold a curl or a wave, so I’m always looking for ways to add texture to it.  I came across this texture spray and it has awesome reviews so I decided to try it.  I’ve only used it a couple of times, but it really does work!  It gives my super fine/silky hair a little more texture which helps it hold a curl so much better.  But it’s not sticky at all and it still allows my hair to move naturally.

Smarty Pants Women’s Multi-Vitamins

I’ve been taking these vitamins for a month now and I love them!  They don’t taste bad and they don’t make me feel sick like some vitamins do even if I take them on an empty stomach.

These contain Omega 3 DHA, Vitamin D3 (which experts are now saying may end up playing a role in fighting Coronavirus since it’s so good for the immune system), magnesium, folate, and vitamin K which was everything I was looking for.  They’re also vegan, non-gmo, gelatin free, sugar free, and free of peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, soy, wheat, and shellfish so pretty much anyone can take them safely!

For the last few weeks, I’ve honestly felt better physically than I have in a long time.  I feel like I have more energy and I’ve also felt generally happier/lighter lately, too.  However, that could just be because I’m working out more and have way less on my plate, which means my stress levels are lower.  Who knows!  But either way, I love knowing that I’m putting nutrients into my body that I’m not getting from my food!

Brita Pitcher Filters

We use a Brita pitcher in our house so we’re not constantly using tons of bottles of water, and it was time for some replacements!  Amazon always has them cheapest!

Amazon Gift Card Bookmark

In addition to the book above, we also got my SIL an Amazon gift card for her birthday… and how stinking cute is this one, y’all?!  It’s a gift card that’s also a bookmark!  I mean, how clever and perfect!!

Graduation Card

My nephew graduated from high school last month, so I bought this graduation card on Amazon since we’re rarely going to brick-and-mortar stores these days.  The quality is great and the price was right on par from anything you’d get at Walmart or Target or a drug store.


Olivia has been begging to play with Play-Doh, but all of the Play-Doh we currently have is about three years old so all of the colors are mixed together and dried out.  I bought this refill pack to bust out on a rainy day and I know the kids will be so excited.  They’ve been known to play with Play-Doh for hours on end!


My nephew is turning four this week, so I bought him one of these safe kid-friendly versions of a pogo stick.  Our kids got these for Christmas a few years ago and they both still play with theirs so it makes for a great gift!  My nephew has endless energy, too, so this might help get the sillies out… especially on a rainy day!  ;o)

First Big Book of Why

This book is another birthday gift for my nephew since he’s rapidly approaching the age of, “Why, Mommy?  Why, Daddy?  Why why why?”  Haha.

If you want to see we’ve ordered in past months, check out the posts below.

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases


  1. That nail file sounds so interesting! I have never heard of a glass one. It is funny though, I was just thinking I needed a new one - this post came at the perfect time!

  2. I will have to try that texture spray. The books look like good ones. I love Emily G. Too. Happy June!

  3. Quite the amazon haul!! I love the Native Sandals for Sophia too! they are just so easy to clean!! I love Glass nail files too! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. I want the new Emily Giffin! We had the Book of Why and loved it as well.

  5. Ok you will be seeing those artificial tulips in my home shortly! And American Royals is next up on my list after finishing The Thousandth Floor trilogy. I believe they're by the same author too <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. You can never have enough play doh! That pogo stick looks so interesting. I remember my cousin had one when we were younger and it was pretty dangerous.

  7. I'm so excited to have Prime Purchases start back up tomorrow. I love the tulips, and how cute is the bookmark Amazon gift card!

  8. Those artificial tulips are so pretty! I would have never thought to buy a greeting card on Amazon!

  9. My mother in law got me a glass nail file years ago and I LOVE them so much.

    1. I never knew the existed until a couple of weeks ago. They are awesome!

  10. We have that fly bar. My kids love it. And that bathing suit is sooo cute. I know you love those salt water shoes. I need to get a pair for the girls and try them out.

  11. Lot's of good stuff!! Those Native shoes are super cute!

    1. We adore them! One of our favorite kids' shoes for sure!


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