Monday, March 2, 2020

What I Ordered from Amazon in February 2020

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

When I went through my Amazon orders from February to prepare for this post, I had to do a double-take because there were so few!  I only ordered seven items all month?!  Huh??  That has to be the leanest month ever.

Here’s what I did buy…

Women’s Chiffon Blouse

I used the last of my Amazon gift cards from Christmas to purchase this top and, as always, I snagged mine during a lightning deal.  The quality is top notch and it’s beautiful in person.  It’s true-to-size as I ordered a small and it fits perfectly.   

Comfy Princess Dresses

You probably already saw our whole saga over these dresses last week, and I was so thankful to find them right here on Amazon.  This listing has dresses for pretty much every Disney princess you can think of, plus they have a few other random Disney characters from Toy Story and Star Wars.  The dresses are well-made and, most importantly, they are all made of cotton for all-day comfort.  Olivia gets tired of her real princess dresses because they start to itch, so we knew that we wouldn’t be able to let her wear one of her real dresses to the parks.  I bought the Belle dress, the Aurora dress, and the Cinderella dress for Olivia.  I would have liked to buy Elsa instead of Cinderella, but Elsa was sold out in her size (which doesn’t come as any surprise!)  Haha.

Paper Hearts Garland

I bought this garland to use for a photo shoot with the kids and next year I’ll include it in our Valentine’s décor.  One thing to note is that the post isn’t very clear about the quantity you will receive.  It’s a bit misleading as it sounds like you will receive three garlands, but you only receive one.  I had read some of the reviews prior to purchasing so I knew that was the case, but I proceeded with the purchase because I only needed one anyway.  And it was only $6.99 so that’s not a bad deal at all for one. 

Another thing to note is that it’s made from heavy cardstock and thread, so if you’re looking for something more substantial than that, then this one is probably not for you.  It was exactly what I was looking for so I was very pleased!

Grey Beard

Jacob’s class put on a wax museum event at school last week and he had to dress up like Alexander Graham Bell.  All of the pictures on Google show him with a thick white beard and thick white hair, so I purchased this beard as part of his costume.  It was way more affordable than most of the other beards and it was perfect to do the job.

White Hair Spray

I searched high and low for a white wig for Jacob to wear, but most of the wigs were at least $20 and I just didn’t want to spend that kind of money on something he’ll likely only wear for an hour.  Instead, I purchased this white hair spray and it did exactly what we needed for a fraction of the price.

If you want to see we’ve ordered in past months, check out the posts below.

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!


  1. All so much fun! It's great your kids have the opportunity to dress up in character!

    1. Yes it is! They have so many fun things at their school!

  2. That blush top is so beautiful and so you! I hope you have a super sweet start to your week!

  3. I cant wait for Sophia to get into dressing up - I'll be ordering ALL the dresses! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I need to start sharing my purchases...they are so random at times. I love that blouse you bought, so pretty and feminine!

    1. Thanks, Lily! Yes, you should! I always love seeing everyone's Amazon purchases!

  5. Love that blush colored shirt! So pretty!

  6. When you need a costume, Amazon is always there!

  7. I love that cute rose colored top you bought and I know it will look so nice on you.

  8. How have I never thought to look for princess dresses on Amazon?! Game changer <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. That top is so cute! They really have some great fashion on there.

  10. Great job on only purchasing 7 items! That's fantastic. I love that shirt you bought for yourself.

    1. I know, that might be the smallest month ever for Amazon orders! Ha!

  11. That blouse is so went right on my wish list! Love the little princess dresses too. Have a wonderful week!

  12. You did so much better than I did this month on amazon. I went a bit crazy. I am glad that you got Olivia for those dresses instead of the ones that almost took you.

  13. Loving that chiffon top! And what is the Hello Monday link up? Is there a theme or anything goes? I would love to join 😊

  14. That was me too, but I did have some items waiting in the cart to share as well. I love the top you chose BTW. :)

    Chrissy, Granola & Grace


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