Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What I Wore - January 2020

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Good morning and happy Wednesday!  I know everyone was making jokes and posting memes about January lasting for 87 days, but for me personally, it could not have gone by faster!  I’m still in disbelief that we’re almost halfway through February.  

Y’all ready to see what I wore all 87 days of January?  Hahahaha.  But seriously, I somehow managed to forget to to take a picture of January 16 and I couldn't remember for the life of me what it was so I could go back and recreate it, so it's a loss... one of the rare instances that I forgot!  

January 1 - Brown Boots

January 2 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 3 - Striped Top // Hunter Boots

January 4 - Purple Ruffle Dress

January 5 - Brown Boots

January 6 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 7 - Buffalo Plaid Sherpa (similar) // Brown Boots

January 8 -  Seaside Sweatshirt // Brown Boots

January 9 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 10 - 

January 11 - Hunter Boots

January 12 - 

January 12 (afternoon) - Do More of What Makes You Happy Tee // Adult Natives

January 13 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 14 - Adult Natives

January 15 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 17 - 

January 18 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 19 - Grey Bobble Knit Sweater

January 20 - Buffalo Plaid Sherpa (similar) // Duck Boots

January 21 - Buffalo Plaid Sweater

January 22 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 23 - Zella Live-In Leggings // Hunter Boots

January 24 - Scarf

January 25 - White Bobble Knit Sweater // Brown Boots

January 26 - Tutu Dress

January 27 - Brown Boots

January 28 - 

January 29 - Brown Boots

January 30 - Zella Live-In Leggings

January 31 - Seaside Sweatshirt // Duck Boots
Enjoy the rest of the week!  We’re halfway there!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 


  1. Oh I like January 12th the best...Love that you document all of your clothes, I think mine would look like the same 4 outfits rotated, hehe.

  2. I love all the sweatshirts, they look so cozy!

  3. My January outfits definitely look much different with our cold weather LOL! Lots of cute sweaters! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Love all the coziness of the month! I think my Hunter boots are begging for a BREAK! it has been non stop rain here I feel like!

  5. Your pops of color make this drab winter much more bearable. Love the cozy sweatshirts!!

  6. Such a cute wardrobe!!! Love them all. I am really fond of the purple "seaside" sweater. I need one that says, "lakeside". Might need to figure out how to do it on my Cricut :)

    1. Thank you! Seaside is one of our favorite places on earth!! It's in the gulf and it's just so quaint and perfect.

  7. Loving all the graphic tees and pullovers and pops of peplum <3

    Green Fashionista

  8. I must start doing this again! I use to be so good with the selfies and at some point lost the knack. You always amaze me that you get this done and it's always one of my fave posts.

  9. All the sweatshirts look so cozy! And I love both those buffalo tops!

  10. I always love this recap! Loving that pink look on January 24th!

  11. I️'m actually impressed with the variety of your outfits for the whole month! I️ feel like I️ get into a rut of wearing the same things over and over even though I️ have a closet full of clothes!

    1. Thank you! I used to be the same way so a few years ago I did a challenge where I wore something different every single day for an entire year and I feel like that really taught me how to mix and match and utilize everything I have!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I always love when she wants to be in my pictures. <3

  13. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with MY VALENTINE’S DAY MIRROR (LOOKING-GLASS PROMPT) and my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 9 where I leave a comment and share all entries on social media if share option is available, open February 1 to 26.

  14. This is such a fun idea for a post, I'd love to do something similar. I love that neon sweater, it's gorgeous and perfect in this dreary weather xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Thank you! I've been doing these posts once a month for several years now and I think it'll be so cool to be able to look back one day and see what I wore on a daily basis.

  15. I always love to see what you wore for the month!


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