Monday, February 10
Last Monday started out as,
well, a Monday, when my SUV wouldn’t crank.
Sigh. I knew it wasn’t the
battery because the car made the cranking sound, but just wouldn’t turn over and
actually start. Since the kids and my
nephew (who we take to school each morning) had to be at school, we didn’t have
time right then to investigate, so we all just piled in B’s vehicle
instead. He and I dropped the kids and
then I dropped him at work, and then I took over his SUV for the day since I
had to get groceries and pick up the kids from school.
Once I arrived back home
Monday morning, I immediately called my dad and he and my mom (who was off for
the day) were kind enough to come over and investigate for me. With a lot of persistence and a lot of feeding
via the gas pedal, Daddy was able to get it to crank, so I was able to drive it
straight to our mechanic. Momma and
Daddy followed me down there and then took me back home so I wouldn’t have to
sit there all day. The mechanic called
me back mid-afternoon to let me know that they had fixed it, and fortunately,
it was a very easy (and cheap) fix.
Our mechanic happens to be
just a couple of blocks from Brian’s office, and one of his coworkers was kind
enough to drop him off to pick it up after work so the kids and I didn’t have
to make the trek downtown to get him and the car. I was able to cook dinner and go about our
regular routine, and for that, I was immensely thankful since it was our only
night with no extracurricular activities.
Car trouble is always a pain, but this time it went about as smoothly as
it could have possibly gone thanks to the kindness of others who were willing
to help us out.
Monday evening I came across
the broom challenge on Facebook and immediately had to try it. I was shocked and amazed to see that a broom
will, indeed, stand up all by itself with very little effort. I know it has to do with the fact that the
center of gravity is down at the base of the handle and that’s why it works,
but it still just seems like it should fall over to one of the sides since the
handle is so darn tall. So weird.
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday morning I headed to
the gym for a treadmill workout and I ended up having one of my best workouts
ever. Just look at all of those calories
burned in 35 minutes!
The rest of the day was
spent running to Fresh Market, blogging, doing a little bit of online birthday
shopping for Olivia’s birthday, and then baseball-ing in the evening.
Wednesday, February 12
Wednesday was another gym
day and I enjoyed the stair climber so much the last time that I decided to
start alternating between it and the treadmill each week. Since I haven’t yet built up my stamina for
stair-climbing, I can only do around 15 minutes before I feel like I’m going to
die, so I decided to try out some of the weight training equipment for the
other half of my workout.
I tried the hip adduction
and hip abduction machines and they straight up kicked my hiney. I did 100 reps on each machine and when I
hopped off of the second one, my legs felt like straight Jello. I’m typing this four full days later, and my
inner thighs still feel a little tender.
Lol. Guess I’ll be adding those
two to the regular rotation… they’ll help get my thighs and booty in shape for swimsuit
Wednesday for lunch I made
some avocado toast (I’ve been on a major kick lately again) and I decided to
poll everyone to find out what the best healthy-ish bread is. The overwhelming majority said Dave’s Killer
Bread so I added it to my shopping list.
Wednesday evening Jacob had
baseball practice again and B ended up unexpectedly working suuuuper late, so
the kids and I were on our own for practice and dinner. I whipped up some eggs, grits, bacon,
sausage, and toast for dinner since it’s easy peasy when I’m on my own.
B ended up getting home
around 7:30 and then we turned on Gossip Girl after getting the kids in the bed. We had expected to watch another regular
episode, but we were not aware that the last season was a short one, and the
episode turned out to be the series finale!
I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for the end and I wasn’t quite ready
to say goodbye so I was devastated when I realized it was the last episode
ever. That said, the ending was SO good
and I was totally shocked who Gossip Girl ended up being… I truly never saw
that coming. I’m already ready to start
watching it over again in my office while I work... I’m having serious
withdrawals. Gosh, I really loved that
Thursday, February 13
Thursday was Grandparent’s
Day at the kids’ school and I had to be there bright and early to help set up
and also to drop off Valentines party supplies for Friday. It was yet another yucky, rainy, cold day, so
I had to run errands and drag everything inside in the pouring rain.
I met up with the other
ladies in our visitation hall and we started prepping for the grandparents –
making coffee and setting out donuts, other drinks, and napkins. They had a Grandparent’s Day mass at 9:30 and
then once mass let out, everyone came in to enjoy coffee and donuts. My momma, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and
step father-in-law were all in attendance and the kids got to spend some good
time with them. Unfortunately my daddy
was sick so he wasn’t able to come. I
was so sad about that, too, because someone at the school snapped the picture
below of the kids with all of their grandparents and I hate that my dad isn’t
there. :o(
I had grabbed some of that Dave's Killer Bread at the store that morning, so made some more avocado toast for lunch, and y'all, where has this bread been all my life?! Y'all were SO right.
Thursday evening Olivia
worked on a special valentine that she wanted to give to a boy at school. Face palm.
She showed me her masterpiece when she finished and I cracked up. “You are so handsome,” she said. I mean, what is she, 15?! Hahahaha.
We’re gonna have to watch out for that one when she’s a teenager. She’s boy crazy already. SMH.
We were supposed to have had
baseball that evening, but it ended up being canceled due to the rain and that
was probably a good thing as this is how the kids spent the rest of the evening
after we got home from ballet.
Haha. School is exhausting.
Jacob did finish a drawing he'd been working on and he wanted me to take a picture of it to send to Pop.
My girls ended up having
bible study that evening and I had initially declined thinking we’d be at
baseball, so after baseball was canceled I considered going. However, I ended up being so exhausted by the
time it was time to go that I just ended up skipping and resting at home
instead. I’m so ready for this cold,
rainy weather to go! I think it’s making
me feel more exhausted that I actually am.
I’m ready for spring and more daylight in the evening. I’m also tired of being cold all the
time. Ha!
I was also thankful to have
stayed home to capture this sweet moment, too.
Friday, February 14
Friday was Valentine’s Day
and the kids’ excitement was tangible.
They were pumped! Both of them
had small parties but neither of them were parent events which made me a little
sad. But I did get a few texts from
Olivia’s teaching assistant throughout the day.
Olivia was the class helper
on Friday so she got to read a book to the class. The teaching assistant in her class sent this
picture to me and I just died at her little crossed legs. I swear, she’s a 15 year old living in a 5-year-old’s
I’ve mentioned before that
my momma works at the church office right there on the school campus, so Jacob
and Olivia have always loved that because they get to go visit her every now
and then. For a while Olivia was asking
her teacher to go see her all the time (LOL) so her teaching assistant told her
that they couldn’t go see her every day, but that they could go see her on
special days. Well, her teaching
assistant told me that first thing Friday morning Olivia went running into
class saying, “It’s Valentine’s Day so it’s a special day! We get to go see Cokie today!” Hahahaha.
She’s not going to let them forget!
So after lunch, she and her
best friend got to walk over and see my mom at her office. Every time Jacob and Olivia visit my mom they
always ask to copy their hands on the copy machine (I used to do the same thing
when I was little, too!!) so my mom copied the girls hands while they were
holding hands. OMG, so sweet. Olivia’s teaching assistant sent these
pictures to me and it just made my day!
The rest of the day was spent working from home while diffusing this new candy hearts diffuser blend that I came across - 6 drops Orange, 4 drops Wintergreen. Smells soooo yummy!
When I picked the kids up
from school they were both bouncing off of the walls and they were all a
chatter about their days. When we got
home they both dumped their valentines and candy on the table to see what all
they had received, and then we did a little impromptu photo shoot to
commemorate the day.
Afterward, the kids played
while I set the table for Valentine’s Day and then B brought home Five Guys on
his way home from work. We weren’t about
to try to go out to eat! B and I had
some drinks and we ate dinner and we let the kids open their little gifts from us. My parents stopped by after dinner to drop
off a little treat for our whole family, and then the four of us all settled in
on the couch in our PJs for a family movie night. The kids wanted to watch Honey We Shrunk
Ourselves to finish the trilogy and we all loved it. I had never seen that one before, but I
thought it was cute!
Saturday, February 15
Saturday morning I made some
canned cinnamon rolls and then topped them with some pink sprinkles… such a festive
Valentine’s Day breakfast without any fuss!
In the week leading up to
Valentine’s Day I posted hearts on the kids’ doors each night stating one thing
that I love about them. They loved it so
much and I loved the excuse to let them know just how loved they are. I snapped pictures of their finished doors Saturday
morning to have as a memento.
We had no plans Saturday with
the exception of afternoon baseball practice for Jacob and a 40th birthday
party for one of our friends, so we spent most of the day hanging around the
house and getting some things done. I
had no particular agenda or list of things I wanted to accomplish, but I did
know that I wanted to have a productive day after lots of recent lazy-ish
weekends. I ended up getting a few
things crossed off of my master to do list and I also backed up all of our
pictures and videos to the current month. I got the house tidied up and got my Valentines gifts put away (see the Baby Yoda tee that B got me for Hollywood Studios!!!!) and I also did my meditation and quiet time. Super productive without even really trying!
Brian took Jacob to baseball
at 2:30 and Olivia tagged along (even though I’d hoped she’d stay with me) and
I used the time to go through and clean out some very old computer files. When they got home, we all got ready and then
it was time to head to Donnie’s party.
The party was at their
house, and it was quite a huge shindig!
They live out in the country on a decent piece of land, so they are able
to have loud parties without having to worry about disturbing anyone. Brian and I have been friends with Randi and
Donnie since B and I started dating (B has known Randi since they were little
as she’s his best friend’s sister) and they used to throw huge, crazy adult Halloween parties every year
before any of us had kids. They have a
full-size basement that they turned into their very own bar and I’ll just say
that some crazy good times were had down there back before we all had kids. We’ll just leave it at that. ;o)
They hadn’t been
entertaining in the bar area for a few years as it had turned into more of a
storage area since they’d had their two girls, so we were excited when they
decided to “reopen” the bar for Donnie’s party.
We grabbed a six-pack of Donnie’s favorite beer and headed over around
6. There were tons of people there…
maybe 60-70?? Maybe more?? And things definitely looked a bit different
this time since there were 20+ kids running around, but we had the best
time. They had barbecue, drinks, and
even some live music for entertainment. The
kids ran wild, playing, eating snacks, and just living their best lives. We stayed out way past their bedtimes and
they were sad to leave. I was sad to
leave, too. It was such a fun night.
Sunday, February 16
Sunday morning we decided to skip church. I just couldn’t bring myself to wake the kids at 6:30 after keeping them out so late, so we had a lazy morning at home watching cartoons, reading, and lounging around.
I had seen a hair tutorial
in one of my favorite blogger’s IG stories that I wanted to try on Olivia, and
it turned out SO cute. It looks like it
would be really complicated, but it’s honestly pretty easy! Olivia was thrilled and she looked darling so
I gave myself a big pat on the back for that one. ;o)
As we were getting ready to
go to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch, B somehow managed to throw his back out
just doing routine things and it has been really bad. He’s thrown his back out a couple of times in
the past, and while it was painful for him, it was never anything like
this. This time he can barely walk, he
can’t sit for long periods of time, and he’s only somewhat comfortable when lying
down. Every time he moves he yells out
in pain and it’s just been awful to watch him.
He’s being stubborn and doesn’t want to see a doctor yet, so I’m just
praying he heals quickly and that it’s nothing that requires any kind of
medical assistance. I’m typing this on Monday,
one full day after it happened, and he’s not doing any better. He had to stay home from work today because
he can barely move, and I’ve been taking care of my little patient since he can’t
do much for himself.
Anyhoo, he was able to
finish getting ready and get to his mom’s for lunch, although I had to help him
put on his socks and shoes and such. We
had a nice lunch over there and baseball practice ended up getting canceled
again because of, you guessed it, more rain.
Ugh. The cousins got to spend some good quality time playing games at Nana and Poppie's, though!
B spent the rest of the
afternoon popping ibuprofen like candy, icing himself, and laying flat, and I did
some work and prepped for the week ahead while the kids played video
We went to my parents’ house
for dinner and my mom decorated cookies with the kids for dessert. They love to decorate cookies so it was a
real treat for them!
Happy Wednesday, y'all!
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Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts!
Mary Leigh
I love Olivia’s braid. Your Valentine’s Day looked so sweet. Hope this week is just as sweet!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute hairdo! Sounds like a busy week with enough good to outweigh the bad. Hope Brian is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteThank you! He sure is! Finally!
DeleteGlad your week turned around! PS I️ LOVE avocado toast too! I️ need to try it with Dave's Killer Bread (I️ used to buy it all the time, sooo good!)
ReplyDeleteGirl, YES! Try it! It's my favorite. I've literally eaten it for lunch every single week day for the past three weeks. Haha.
DeleteGlad the car stuff turned out ok. I hope Brian's back heals fast. Dave has back problems sometimes too.
ReplyDeleteUgh car trouble is the worst! Glad it is working again. So glad you like the Dave's killer bread, having me some today! Sounds like Brian needs a chiropractor stat, poor guy! A busy week for y'all, you deserved to skip church!
ReplyDeleteGosh what a fun week with more good than bad! I have to say the hearts on the door are such a great idea - will have to do that with Sophia when she's older! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteoh how I miss all the little Valentine's!
ReplyDeleteAhhh all the Valentines! But ugh car trouble is the worst! Glad it was an easy cheap fix <3
ReplyDeleteGreen Fashionista
Girl you are always so busy!!! I too live close to my parents (and my mother in law) and it is always so nice when they can help with car stuff.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm so thankful that my parents are just right down the road and my dad is retired!
DeleteWhew! So glad it was an easy and cheap fix. About a week or two ago I went to start the Jeep, but the battery was dead. It was the coldest day of the year and just zapped the battery. Nate leaves for work around 5 am, so he wasn’t home to help. Luckily, I got it to start with the jump box and then took it straight to O’Reilly’s after dropping Mason off. Got a new battery and the kind worker helped me to install it. I felt so bad though because it was 20 degrees and windy! That avocado toast looks amazing. Just added it to my grocery order! Dying over Olivia’s Valentine to a boy! Oh my, mama!!!
ReplyDeleteYour friends basement looks so awesome - I really thought you guys were at a bar! I love how festive you made Valentine's Day with the hearts and then continuing it even on Saturday with the cinnamon rolls. Just so fun. I am hoping as I type this now that B finally gave into the oils or icyhot and is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteI can't with that braid!! Oh my goodness! Wish you could come over here and do my hair. I'd love it if you'd bring some avocado toast too. Looks like you had a great week.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it perfect?! I'm TERRIBLE at hair but this is so easy to do. It's crazy how easy it is because it looks like it would be so complicated!