Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Our Week - The One with the Ball and the Super Bowl

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Well, the good, slow weekends as we know them are officially over… probably until June.  Dun dun DUN!!!!  Jacob has officially been drafted for baseball, so we’ll be busy with that for the next four months in addition to all of the other craziness that the end of the school year always brings.  That said, this past week was a great one even though it was a bit busier than previous weeks, and we had an especially great weekend, too!  The icing on the cake!

Monday, January 27

Monday was grocery shopping day as well as the start of my bi-weekly laundry.  If you’re new around here, I meal-plan for two weeks at a time and I go grocery shopping every other Monday.  Sure, every now and then I’ll have to pop in for milk or other perishable items in between, but it’s nice to know that I only have to go “big” grocery shopping once every two weeks. 

As for laundry, I’m not one of those “do a load of laundry every day so it doesn’t pile up” kinds of girls.  I haaaate doing laundry and I especially hate having the clean laundry laying around waiting to be put away afterward, so instead of using that method I only do laundry once every two weeks.  I do have to wash the kids’ clothes every week since they don’t have enough clothes to last two weeks, but other than their two loads, I only do laundry every two weeks.  One day I’ll do a more detailed post on this, but since I’ve had several people ask about this recently, I thought I’d give a brief overview in case anyone else was wondering.

Right after dropping the kids off at school, I headed straight to Publix where I had the entire place to myself.  My gosh, I love being able to shop for groceries at 7:45 in the morning now!!  I’m in and out in less than 20 minutes when there’s nobody there and it is glorious!

When I got home, I put the groceries away and popped on to watch the live stream of the kids’ Catholic Schools Week kickoff mass.  Our school/church streams most of our masses and events live, so it’s nice to be able to pop in and watch when I’m not there.  The mass ended up being extra special and I ended up watching the whole thing.  And I love being connected to my babies while they're at school.  <3

The rest of the day was spent at home working on the blog and doing six loads of laundry, but I did step out for a couple of hours to meet my old supervisor for lunch.  He and I met at my favorite Greek restaurant in town and we spent almost an hour and a half chatting.  I hadn’t seen him in quite a while as he wasn’t able to make it to our Christmas dinner, so we had lots of catching up to do.

This came home in Jacob’s book bag on Monday and I couldn’t agree more with it.  Such a simple sentiment, but my goodness, that is truly all I want for all of us in 2020.  That one went straight on the refrigerator! 

I also cleared off Olivia’s side of the fridge, and we had to say goodbye to this pretty work of art that she made back in the fall.  One day she randomly started collecting leaves and then she came home and stapled them all to this piece of paper.  I’m sad that I can’t hold on to this one forever, but we all know what will happen to the leaves if I hang them in her art file.  Haha.

After dinner, the kids and I worked on some Spirograph designs together.  My mom and dad gave a Spirograph set to Olivia for Christmas and the kids have been playing with it nonstop ever since.  I used to love mine when I was little, but apparently I’m rusty because my designs didn’t look anything like the pictures even though I followed the directions.  Lol.

This whole week was Catholic Schools Week so the kids had all kinds of fun things lined up, one of which was an out of uniform day on Tuesday since they wore their school uniforms to church last weekend.  Olivia gets verrrry excited about clothes and she very carefully selected her entire outfit and laid it out Monday evening so it’d be ready for her on Tuesday.  I used to lay my clothes and accessories out exactly like this when I was little so I can’t even tell you how happy this made me.  

Tuesday, January 28

Tuesday was out of uniform day at school so I snapped a picture of these cuties on the way out the door!

That morning was our last meeting at the school to get all of the raffle tickets in the system before our annual ball.  Five of us worked for three hours keying hundreds of them into the system and we finally got them all in!  It was tedious but it raised a ton of money for the school and I always like hanging out with the ladies while we work.

I left the school just before lunchtime, dropped some books at the library, put some gas in the car, and then headed over to one of my favorite local pizza places to meet one of my other old coworkers for lunch.  He was the third person I ever met at my old job, and he’s one of the ones who I was always closest with, so we try to do lunch once every month or two to stay in touch.  We’ve known each other for almost 16 years (nearly half of my life, jeez) and I’ve watched his kids grow up (one of whom is about to get married) which is pretty crazy.  I sure don’t miss working, but I sure do miss seeing the coworkers every day who are like family.

I had every intention to work on getting ahead on blogging Tuesday after lunch, but when I got home, it was GORGEOUS outside and nearly 60 degrees, so I threw my plans out the window and took Maui for a nice 30 minute walk around the neighborhood instead.  I only had a little bit of time to work when we got back home, but it was so worth it. 

By 2:30 it was 63 degrees so I opened the sunroof for my drive to get the kids.  Life’s little pleasures, y’all! 

Tuesday evening was more Spirographing and I think it’s safe to say that Jacob has it down pat!  He made this star and it turned out so good!

Wednesday, January 29

Wednesday was heritage or red, white, and blue day at school and our kids opted to wear red, white, and blue for good ol’ America.  Side note, it's still pitch black outside when we leave the house in the morning so the lighting in all of these pictures is just terrible!

After I dropped the kids, I headed straight to the allergist for my allergy shot.  It’s going to be so wonderful to not have to do this anymore after this spring!!!! 

The rest of the day was spent working at home all bundled up.  The weather changed back to rainy and cold and it was just one of those bitter cold, damp days where you feel like you can’t get warm.

I’m on the spring event committee this year at the school and we had our first meeting on Wednesday.  I volunteered to be the sponsorships chair since I already have some experience with that for the blog… might as well, right?

I had a short window after the meeting before I had to be in the car line, so I headed to a shoe store down the street from the school to find some shoes for the ball.  I just don’t ever buy fancy shoes and I’ve been wearing the same ones for probably 15 years, so it was long overdue.  We dance a TON at the ball, so I needed something comfortable, and I was able to find some that were cute and comfy so it was a win!

I got into PJs the second we walked through the door (yes, at 3:30 in the afternoon) and then we spent a quiet evening at home.  I made veggies for dinner and then did Legos with Olivia after dinner.  I’m going to miss these quiet evenings when they get traded for baseball practices and games!

Thursday, January 30

There was nothing on my calendar Thursday for the first time all week, so I went straight to the gym after I dropped the kids and then I worked hard on the blog all day.  We’re going to Disney World for Spring Break, so I’m starting to work ahead on some posts for that week so everything will be squared away by the time we leave town.  I certainly won’t be thinking about blogging for a second while we’re there!

Thursday’s reading in my devotional certainly got me and I thought it was worth talking about.  Lord knows I often get myself in a tizzy from worrying too much and then the worries take on a life of their own, so this could not be more accurate.  I love it when my daily readings feel like they’re speaking directly to me.

Friday, January 31

Friday was dress like a teacher day at school.  Jacob opted to dress like their PE coach so he wore athletic pants and a school jersey, and Olivia wanted to dress like her teacher, complete with lipstick.  Haha.  Her teacher writes a daily message on a giant notepad each morning and then the kids dissect the whole thing, counting words and sentences and going over nouns and verbs and punctuation and such, so Olivia wrote her own daily message to carry around to look like her teacher.  So stinking cute.

Friday afternoon I spent a lot of time getting stuff cleaned out around the house.  I’m hoping to have the whole house cleaned out by the end of March.  It’s been much easier this time and the hardest parts are done, but I’m taking my time getting through it since my focus is on more important things this year.

Friday evening our family of four went out for dinner and drinks at Old Chicago, and then we headed straight back home, put a fire in the fire place, and spent a couple of hours watching old home videos.  I like to have a family home video viewing night every now and then so the kids can see what they looked like as babies.  We have hundreds of old videos and it’s so much fun to show them to the kids and reminisce.  We ended up letting them stay up a little later than usual because we didn’t want to stop watching!  My goodness, I miss my tiny babies.    

Saturday, February 1

B had a tennis match first thing Saturday morning and the kids and I made homemade waffles with red and pink sprinkles for breakfast to kick off February.  They watched some cartoons and I got some things ready for the ball Saturday evening. 

After lunch, B took Jacob to his first baseball practice and Olivia and I stayed home in our PJs because it was yet another yucky, damp, cold day.  While they were gone, she and I baked some cookie brownies for the Super Bowl and then we put together four puzzles at her request. 

When the boys got home, Jacob informed us that Saturday’s practice was his favorite baseball practice he’s ever had so I think it’s safe to say he likes his coach and fellow teammates.  Haha.  He doesn’t often make big statements like that, so it must have been really, really good!

B and I had our annual ball to benefit Catholic schools on Saturday evening.  My MIL came over and watched the kids at our house so he and I could have a night on the town.  I had originally purchased this gold sequin dress during a lightning deal last July on Amazon Prime Day and I had fully intended to wear it for the ball until I came across… this navy one.  Aaaallll the heart eyes!  

I had been eyeing it for months so when it went on a lightning deal last week I snatched it right up.  I tried it on, it fit like it was made just for me, and the rest is history… I couldn’t not wear it.  The back is just gorgeous, and it’s so flowy that it was the absolute best to dance around in all night!  It also comes in tons of colors if you don't like navy.  The gold one will just sit in my closet until our next black tie event… which will probably be the same ball next year.  Haha.  I hate that I didn't get anyone to get a picture of the back of it for me, but the event photographer did get one of me with my back to the camera so I'll post it below so you can see.  Also, don't mind the streaks and hand prints and smudges all over the mirror.  Hahahaha.

B and I hit the road at 5:30 to arrive for the cocktail hour at 6.  We ended up being some of the first ones there so we were able to snap a few pictures before it got too crowded.  There are usually several hundred people in attendance each year, so it was nice to have the place to ourselves for a bit.

For the past couple of years we have been sitting with some of our friends who have kids in Jacob’s class, but this year we were seated with my parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin who also attend every year.  The dinner started promptly at 7 and we ate salad, bread, chicken and steak, garlic whipped potatoes, mixed veggies, and some kind of chocolate mousse dessert that was delicious.  The program started just after that and it ended up being suuuuper long due to a surprise announcement and a lengthy round of donation bidding.  To say we were all getting a little antsy to get on the dance floor by the end was an understatement!!

The second the program ended, we all grabbed beers from the bar and hit the dance floor.  We have a band every year and the best part of the night is getting out there and dancing.  The band played a good mix of hits and in between sets the DJ played some good old club tunes like Usher and Lil Jon along with some Lizzo and other faves.  Needless to say, we danced our hineys off.  Once the dancing portion of the evening began, I sat my phone down and never picked it back up, so I have nothing to show for it, but thankfully, my momma snapped a few pictures and so did the event photographer.  Just me in my natural habitat…

We ended up shutting the place down (as always) just a little before midnight and B and I headed home to relieve my MIL of her duties.  I’m so thankful to her for keeping our babies so we can enjoy this night out each year with our church and school family and friends.  Each year just keeps getting better and better!

Sunday, February 2

Sunday I felt surprisingly good considering I’d had a hefty amount to drink + danced in heels all night like I was 21.  I was a little tired, though, so I plopped down on the couch and read for most of the morning.  Bliss.

B and the kids and I made a Sam’s run on the way to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch, and then we stopped by Publix on the way home for some last-minute Super Bowl goodies since we were hosting a get together Sunday evening. 

As soon as we got home, we started prepping for the evening ahead.  We can now add homemade guac to Brian’s resume as he’s made it twice now and it’s some of the best guac I’ve ever had!!  He made a big bowl Sunday and the entire thing was gone in an hour.  I whipped up some burgers and B grilled them to perfection and then we had some baked beans, potato salad, chips, and fruit + the cookie brownies Olivia and I’d made the day before. 

Our usual Sunday night crew plus my father-in-law all came over and stayed well into the third quarter.  After everyone left, we got the kids in the bed, and B and I spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching the rest of the game.  He gave me a much-needed foot and leg rub because apparently I’m not as young as I feel anymore… by the end of the day I was feeling the effects of too much getting low on Saturday night!  Haha. 

We were pulling for KC so we were excited with the outcome of the game!  I also bawled my eyeballs out at the Google commercial and am still in disbelief that Jennifer Lopez is 50.  I bet she didn’t have to get A Rod to rub her feet and legs after all of her dancing Sunday night.  Hahahaha.

Happy Wednesday, y’all!!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 


  1. Love the beautiful dress you wore to the ball and that candid shot of you dancing is just the best!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Thanks so much for hosting, Lindsay. Enjoy your week.

  3. I’m so happy you shared more about the ball, your dress was amazing and it looked like so much fun. LOVE your festive waffles too. So cute!

  4. I always look forward to your ball pictures! We are headed to a Black Tie event next weekend and I went straight to Amazon for a dress!

  5. Love the beautiful ball pictures. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Totally laughing about the JLo/ARod comments, haha! Sounds like a great week. I love Olivia's outfit choice - so cute. And Jacob's toast to the new year is the sweetest thing. The ball sounds so awesome. I love that your school does this and it's always such a hit point of the year. Hopefully this week is shaping out to be another good one!

  7. That navy dress is stunning! So pretty. You sound like you had a busy week - kudos to you, mama!

    1. Thanks, lady! Yep, it was pretty busy but it was full of lots of good things!

  8. Love the big shopping every other week idea. Don't think I could do the same for laundry though! Your dress is amazing for the ball! Go KC! I heard the google commercial was a tearjerker. I saw it but didn't hear what was happening in it, lol!

  9. I love being able to go shopping earlier. It makes such a difference! That is so cool they live stream the masses and you can peek in on the kids and also hear the service. Your dress is perfect and what a fun gala!

  10. Wow you look stunning in that dress!! all the heart eyes!!

  11. What a great week! Your dress was amazing!! LOVE the color!

    1. Thank you! It was so nice to do navy instead of black!

  12. You look so absolutely adorable in your ball gown! Also, excited to hear your headed to Disney for Spring Break...we're in Orlando :)

    I realized I can only reply to your post on my desktop, not my phone!

    1. How fun! We love Orlando!

      And so weird! I'll have to look into that and see if it's something on my end.

  13. What a fun filled week! That dress does look like I was made for you.

    1. Thanks, lady! It was definitely one of my favorites I've ever worn!

  14. What a looked incredible! I'm with you on the laundry! I do ours once a week, and that's enough for me. I can't imagine doing it every day!

  15. You look absolutely stunning in that dress! What a fun event. I wish I could grocery shop at that hour, sounds so soothing!

  16. I enjoyed stepping into your week for a moment, but I came out exhausted LOL. Thanks for hosting and letting me share my links #29 and #30.

    1. Haha. Yes, life can be exhausting, especially during this season of life, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for linking up!

  17. The google commercial was sooo good. I loved it. I hated the outcome of the game since I am a Niners fan. Ugh. I got ahead on my blog posts when we had Disney coming up as well. It feels good to cross that off the list. Love that Olivia wore her Bulldogs cheerleader outfit for the game.


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