
Monday, December 16, 2019

Fall Family Photos 2019

Now that our Christmas cards have been revealed and distributed, I thought I’d share our family photos that we took earlier this fall.  As we’ve done for the past three or so years, we did our own photos using a tripod, a timer, and donut bribes to get the kids to cooperate.  ;o)  No professional photographer needed here!

The lighting wasn’t the very best this time, as we arrived a little later than we would have liked.  I guess next time we better wake up the first time our alarms go off and leave the snoozing to another day.  Since the sun was pretty high when arrived, we had to settle for taking the majority of the pictures in the shade, but after a lot of editing, I got them looking a little better.

Here they are!

We’ve taken our pictures at the same location for the past four or five years so I think next year a new location will be in order.  :o) 

Happy Monday, y’all! 

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

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  1. Beautiful photos! And such a cute dress!

  2. These are all framers! I love the outfits you picked for everyone! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I just adore your color mix and sweet smiles in every single picture! These turned out incredible!

  4. I'm impressed that you do the photos yourself!

  5. Your pictures are sooo good! No photographer needed is right!

  6. Oh I love them. Love your dress too. And wow the kiddos are getting so darn big!

  7. They turned out so GREAT! Sorry about the link up confusion.

  8. They all came out amazing, and I love the sun poking through. So snoozing was a good thing! I am the farthest thing from a morning person, so I totally get it <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. Such sweet photos. I can't believe how much your kids have grown up over the last year. I love the outfits that you guys chose as well.

  10. I'm still obsessed with that dress color of yours!!!

  11. Your pictures came out so cute! The kids are just adorable and getting so big.

  12. They turned out so good! I took my Christmas card pic myself as well, I could not get the dog to cooperate with treats though, donuts and kids are easier!

  13. It always amazes me at how you get so many good pictures with just a darn tripod! So good!

  14. The kids have just grown up so much! We haven't taken pictures this year and it breaks my heart just a little...hoping over Christmas we will make it happen for a new years card.


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