
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

The beginning of 2019 was hard, y’all.  There were many events that transpired earlier this year that brought on sadness, stress, and anxiety, and because of that, I’m more thankful than ever this year for the blessings in my life…

For a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally no matter what.

For a kind-hearted and smart little boy who keeps me laughing every day.

For the cutest little mini-me who loves fiercely and never ceases to amaze me with her intellect and wit.

For the sweetest little angel baby in heaven who watches over us every day.

For the best little doggie who gives plenty of snuggles and keeps my lap cozy and warm. 

For an incredible extended family who will drop anything to help us when we need it. 

For an amazing tribe of friends, old and new, who always have my back and never fail to be there for me when I need them the most.   

For good health.

For God’s endless love and forgiveness, no matter how many mistakes I make. 

And for YOU, my readers… I’m grateful to every single one of you who continue to come to this space day after day.  Your love and support is humbling and I’m thankful for every single one of you. 

I hope you all have the happiest day today surrounded by those who you love most!



  1. Aw, so sweet! We're thankful for you and all the hard work you do to keep this blog sharing such great content.


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