
Friday, November 1, 2019

Five on Friday - November Goals

What a month, y’all!  October was positively crazy in the very best of ways, and we spent so much time doing all of the fun stuff that I’m a little worried to see how this post is going to go.  I honestly only looked at my October Goals once this past month, so there’s no telling what didn’t get accomplished.  Haha.  Let’s see, shall we?

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

October Goals


Y  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – I have taken several steps to alleviate my anxiety this month and I’m really starting to focus on all of this.  I can’t wait to share more with you eventually!
Y  Continue quiet time/meditating. – I have been doing this every single day and it has been doing wonders for me!  I think I only missed two days this whole month and that was just because we were out of town all day both days.
N/A  Make it to as many weekly bible studies as I can. – Unfortunately October has kicked everyone’s butts in our bible study group so there was only one bible study this month, and unfortunately it was on a night that Jacob had a baseball game.  Since all of that was out of my control, I’m just crossing it off the list instead of giving it a no.
Y  Continue the library book that I started a month ago. – I did pick this up again, but I haven’t gotten very far… it’s a little slow and I’m struggling to get into it.
N  Lunch with an old co-worker. – Never even attempted this.  Too busy.


N  Drink 64 oz. water per day. – I’ve been coming close to getting this in a lot of the days, but I’ve dropped the ball a little on this… probably because I’ve just been too busy!
Y  Hit the gym at least 2 times per week. – Yes, religiously!  Every single week!
N  Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days. – I’ve been struggling with this a bit recently because I’ve been so busy and also because we’ve been on the go so much from baseball.  We’ve had far too many Chick-Fil-A dinners than I care to count!
Y  Annual mammogram. – Done! 
Y  Meet with new doc to assess health issues assuming I get an appointment. – Yes, I finally got an appointment and I’m now starting to look more at anxiety as a factor in all of my other health issues… I’ll eventually post about this, but for now I just want to see how everything goes.
Y  Get my flu shot. – Yes ma’am!  So important!


N  Ride bikes if the weather hopefully cools off, take 2. – Nope.  The weather only recently cooled off and we’ve been so busy with baseball that we only had a couple of evenings with nothing going on, and we used that time to actually relax and be lazy.
N  Get Disney app set up and customize magic bands.
Y  Take kids for their flu shots. – Check!
Y  Start focusing on Christmas shopping and gathering ideas. – I definitely started doing some browsing and I also organized all of the gifts I have so far!
Y  Watch all of our favorite fall & Halloween movies. – Yep, we watched Hocus Pocus, Toy Story of Terror, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, and Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween (the kids loved it!)
Y  Visit a pumpkin patch or cotton field. – We didn’t get to do this as a family, but Olivia and I went together so we’re calling it a win!
Y  Carve pumpkins. – Check!
Y  Start planning for fall family photos. – Not only did I plan them, we took them, too!
Y  Decide whether or not to do Friendsgiving, and if so, pick a date. – My girlfriends and I shot the idea around for a bit, but nothing ever came of it, so we’re not doing one as of now… we may revisit the idea for Christmas, though.  Everybody was just too busy!
Y  Attend our school’s big rivalry football game. – Sure did!
N/A  Attend Jacob’s first field trip of the year. – I found out that parents weren’t able to attend this one, so I’m just going to cross this one off instead of giving it a no since it wasn’t within my control.
Y  Annual mountain trip with my faves and experience some new things!!!! – Yes, and we had a blast!
Y  Celebrate 10 YEARS in our home. – Yes!
Y  Attend Home & School meeting for October. – Yes!
Y  Attend alumni social and homecoming football game at school. – Yes!
Y  Celebrate my niece’s first birthday! – Yes!
Y  See Ray LaMontagne in Atlanta!!!! – Yes!
Y  Finish planning Fall Carnival and round up all sponsorship donation prizes. – Yes!
Y  Attend Olivia’s first field trip of the year. – Yes!
N/A  Setup for and attend the school fall carnival. – Yet another thing that was out of my control this month… we had to move the carnival due to the weather, so we’ll be having this in November.
Y  Attend Olivia’s class Halloween party. Yes!
Y  Make a festive, spooky dinner prior to trick-or-treating. – Yes!
Y  TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!! – Yes!


Y  Get ALL kids clothes listed on Poshmark. – This was supposed to say get all kids WINTER clothes listed on Poshmark.  No need to list the summer clothes right now.  But yes, I officially have all of the kids old winter clothes listed.  Now I need to get my old maternity clothes listed.
N  Set up new planner for 2020. – Big fat fail.  I didn’t even start.
N  Do 7 things on Master To-Do list. – For the first time all year, I failed at meeting this goal.  Womp womp.  I did accomplish 2 things from the list, but that was all I was able to do.  A lot of the tasks that are left on this list are tasks that are going to be time-consuming or require spending money, so there aren’t really any tasks left that are quick or easy or free.  


Y  Complete 1-2 blog posts for December. – Yes, I completed a full post for November, completed about three quarters of my yearly recap (which is one of my longest posts of the entire year), and I also started a couple more.  I’m calling this one a win!
Y  Pitch to 2-3 brands. – Sure did and I’ve already lined up a collab for November!
N  Take photos for IG, take 3. – Negative.
N  Share more on oils Instagram account. – Big fat nope.


29 items accomplished
9 items not accomplished
3 items that had to be removed due to circumstances out of my control

Not my best month, but not terrible either.  And all that mattered to me this month was the fun stuff on the list, and I think it’s safe to say that we had plenty of that!  Here are some pictures of our accomplishments this month...

Gymming it!
Flu shots for the kiddos... somebody wasn't happy, bless her heart.

Mountain trip with the best!

Field trip with my girl!
Fall family pictures... CHECK!

Pumpkin carving

Now for the November goals…

November Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Make it to as many weekly bible studies as I can.
Start reading a Christmas book.
Dinner with co-workers.


Drink 64 oz. water per day.
Continue quiet time/meditating.
Hit the gym at least 2 times per week (with the exception of Thanksgiving week).
Start using my stair stepper some of the days that I don’t go to the gym.
Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days.
Schedule ultrasound follow-up to mammogram. (Standard for me… nothing is wrong!)
Meet with new doc.
Get a therapeutic massage.
Check-up with my dentist about my TMJ/clenching issues.
Semi-annual dentist cleaning appointment.  Yuck.


Ride bikes, take 3. 
Get Disney app set up and customize magic bands, take 2.
Continue Christmas shopping and tracking gifts on my spreadsheet.
See Alejandro Aranda in Atlanta.
Attend the school fall carnival.
Attend the Georgia vs. Missouri game… although, this is a maybe.
Attend Home & School Meeting for November.
See Wicked at The Fox in Atlanta… we have tickets, hopefully we can line up a sitter!
Attend Winterfest at our local university.
Attend all of the Thanksgiving festivities at the kids’ school.
Attend the Georgia vs. Texas A&M game.
See Frozen 2 in the movie theater!!
Celebrate Thanksgiving.
Check as many more things off of our fall bucket list as possible.
Have our 3rd annual North Pole Breakfast.
Start listening to Christmas music.
Start watching all of our favorite Christmas movies.


Start listing winter maternity clothes on Poshmark.
Set up new planner for 2020, take 2.
Clean out, organize, and put away all fall decorations.
Decorate the whole house for Christmas.
Start planning Christmas hosting duties.
Order Christmas cards and start addressing.
Do 3 things on Master To-Do list.


Complete 1-2 blog posts for December.
Pitch to 2-3 brands.
Start planning/organizing 2020 goals.
Take photos for IG, take 4.

Looks like family time will be taking precedence over everything else for November… the way it should be during the holiday season!

Here are some Friday funnies…

It's funny because it's true.
Happy day after Halloween, everyone!
And that's the way it should be!!

And for all you haters... no, we don't "skip Thanksgiving."  ;o)

And ICYMI, here’s what happened on the blog this week! 

Happy Friday, y’all!  Enjoy eating all of the Halloween candy today while the kids are at school!  ;o)

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Della Devoted for High Five for Friday.


  1. You're doing great! Smart idea to work on your year end post now. You don't have to wait to look back at what's already happened! I'm glad you've done well at being more positive and having less anxiety, that's great! What are the best oil blends for feeling anxious?

  2. Even though you said it wasn't your best month, it was pretty darn good! I feel like goals are harder this time of year because there are so many things going on - it's more time to enjoy than 'get stuff done'. :) At least that is the way I am going to think of it bc I am pretty sure I didn't get any of my three things done on my October goals, haha. Here's to hoping it's a productive, and family fun filled November!

  3. When did you start getting mammograms? I have one coming up and I haven't done one. I wasn't supposed to get one until I was 40, but they found something. Just curious on that. I think you did a pretty good job. I am like you with the water as well.

  4. I'm not sure you can ever have a bad month of not hitting your goals because you seriously do so well with things! I can't believe we only have two months left to the year but I have a feeling they're going to be good ones!

  5. Too funny; I just read a blog this morning that HAD a wine pairing to go with all the Halloween candy chart! You did awesome getting most of your goals accomplished.

    1. Haha. That's so funny!! I think it all goes with wine. ;o)

  6. For having so many goals, you did so well!
    And I agree about skipping one actually skips it! Might as well celebrate Christmas for two months if I'm going to pull out all those decorations, right?

  7. I would say you did pretty dang good! It's hard to accomplish goals this time of year!

  8. Honestly, my goal is to come up with as many thoughtful, healthy, and fun goals as you have! Haha! It sounds like October was mostly a great success and I'm sure November will be too. Also... bring on all things Christmas! ;)


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