Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What I Wore - September 2019

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

Y’aaaallll.  We are still suffering from a MAJOR heat wave here in the south and I’m positively convinced that it’s never actually going to be fall… or winter for that matter.  The temps have steadily been near 100 degrees every day with heat indexes well into the hundreds and I’M SO OVER IT I COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE OVER IT ANYMORE.  I also know that y’all are probably over hearing me talk about it, too.  Haha.

Every month I keep thinking we’ll have a little bit of a cool down so I can start working on my cozy fall wardrobe, but nope, it never happens.  I’m bored with all of my summer clothes and therefore have been putting zero effort into my looks each day, so this is probably going to be the most boring What I Wore post ever. 

I swear, the first time the highs drop below 90 y’all are going to see me sporting a sweater and a scarf and my beloved boots.  Haha.  At this point I’ll take what I can get.  At least I have a couple of fall graphic tees to get me through (here and here)… and I'm also still loving this sleeveless top (it's on clearance for just $9.50!) and this plaid top... it screams fall but it's sleeveless so I can stay cool in these terrible temps.

In the mean time, here’s what I wore in the month of September… it pretty much looks identical to what I wore in August…

As always, I'll link as many items as I can underneath each picture if you want to shop for yourself!

September 1 - Striped Top (40% off) // Brown Saltwater Sandals

September 2 - Pom Pom Tank

September 3 - Leggings

September 4 - Leggings

September 5 - Green Flutter Top

September 6 - 

September 7 - Zella Live-In Leggings

September 8 - 

September 9 - 

September 10 - Leggings

September 11 - 

September 12 - 

September 13 - 

September 14 - Swing Dress

September 15 - Plaid Top

September 16 - Leggings

September 17 - Leggings

September 18 - Button-Down Tank

September 19 - 

September 20 - 

September 21 - Black Dress // Brown Saltwater Sandals

September 22 - Zella Live-In Leggings // Adult Natives

September 23 - Leggings

September 24 - Twist-Front Top

September 25 - 

September 26 - Leggings

September 27 - Pumpkin Spice Everything Top

September 28 - Plaid Top // Brown Saltwater Sandals

September 29 - It's Fall, Y'all Top // Brown Saltwater Sandals

September 30 - Leggings

September 30 (evening) - 

Have a great Wednesday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 

Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday and Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up.


  1. Those are some super cute outfits! Hope the heat breaks for you soon.

    1. Thank you! We're supposed to have a cool front come in early next week and it will take the temps down into the low eighties... that's not ideal for this time of year, but it's definitely better than 100 degrees!!

  2. I always just love seeing your outfits. Don’t forget to link it up with us today. I am praying for a waaay coooool down for you girlfriend. Fingers and toes crossed too.

  3. Fingers crossed that you get some cooler weather soon!

  4. I swear I feel like you just shared your month of August outfits!! Where has the time gone. Seriously the plaid walmart top has probably been my fave fall purchase. I've worn it like crazy. Always impressed with how well you document your daily.

  5. I love the plaid Wal-Mart shirt but I'm with you! I'm ready for Fall outfits!

  6. It's been crazy hot here as well. We're in the 90s and then it supposed to drop 30 degrees tomorrow. Love that pumpkin spice shirt!

  7. I love your fall tees, so cute! I can't believe it has yet to cool down. Fall temps arrived here today so hoping they work their way to you soon :)

  8. I know what you mean about being bored with your summer clothes! I'm still waiting for fall here too.

  9. Also over summer clothes and our heat wave as well. But its so fun to watch Olivia grow with you when you take these pictures. To see how much taller she gets each month and year.

    1. Aw, I agree!! She was only one year old the first time I took a picture like this, and it's still to this day my very favorite OOTD picture. I ended up taking it like this because my hubs and Jacob were out of town and we didn't have anyone to take our picture. I loved how it turned out so much that it just became our thing and here we are five years later taking the same pics!

  10. Hoping you guys get some fall weather soon!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. I finally picked up that plaid top yesterday, I cannot wait to wear it for casual friday! We have a cool front coming on Monday to make it in the 80's finally. C'mon fall weather!

  12. Lookin' cute as always but can it paaaleeease get cooler!!!

  13. You had some really cute outfits! It's warm most of the year here so I always find summer outfits most inspiring, these don't look boring at all!

    Hope that you are having a great week :) I've just posted a giveaway on my blog!

    Away From Blue

    1. Aw, thank you! I guess I feel like they're boring because I'm getting tired of wearing the same things over and over again... I need a change in weather so I can have a change in clothes! And thanks for letting me know! Heading to your blog now!

  14. Thank you! Sorry y'all are still hot there, too. It has to cool off sometime, right?

  15. All of these tops are so cute and I'm 100% with you on the heat wave. Of course I live in South Florida so what do I expect. lol. Anyway, it's tough to remain stylish when you're melting. I need about all the tops you featured! Thank you for sharing with us at the Style Six. :)


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