Monday, October 7, 2019

Our Week - The One with Jacob’s First Double and Rivalry Week

We had a busy, busy week this week and I’m still trying to catch my breath from it all.  Not having a set baseball schedule and having late evening games has been a tough adjustment but I feel like we’re rolling with it and moving right along!

Monday, September 30

Monday was a typical gym/groceries/laundry day for me, and then after school the kids and I did our whole afternoon routine in fast mode to get everything done (including dinner) before leaving the house at 6:15 for Jacob’s 7 PM baseball game.

The team we played was very good and the boys were about twice our boys’ sizes so needless to say, after the second inning we were down 9-1.  Sheesh.  In the third inning our boys hit their stride, and from then on out we were able to hold them and come all the way back to 10-8.  We ended up losing, but our boys played their hearts out, and considering we were down by so many runs so early on, I’d say that was quite the comeback. 

Jacob ended up hitting his first double ever… a strong hit straight to second base.  He made it to first base, safe, and then the second baseman for the opposing team overthrew the ball to first in an attempt to get Jacob out, which gave Jacob the chance to make it safely to second.  Meanwhile, another one of Jacob’s teammates ran home, so Jacob got yet another RBI under his belt.  He had struck out for his first at-bat, and then he got another solid hit at his third at-bat, but unfortunately it went straight to the first baseman who was able to tag Jacob out.  All in all it was an exciting game, and I am just loving watching his confidence grow as he achieves new things. 

Tuesday, October 1

Tuesday I had to get a dreaded oil change.  I’m not one for just sitting around and waiting, so oil changes are one of my least favorite necessary things in life.  I ended up getting both of my email inboxes cleaned out while listening to my favorite morning show while I waited, though, so it was a win!

As I’ve said before, I’ve been meditating and doing some quiet time each day with my devotional, and Tuesday’s reading was one of my favorites yet.  It truly spoke to me and I ended up highlighting almost the entire thing.  Y’all know I’m a goal-setter and I love nothing more than crossing items off of lists, and while I do feel like I let myself rest, I probably don’t rest enough, so it’s something I’m really going to work on in 2020. 

Jacob had another baseball game Tuesday afternoon at 5:30, and it was HOT.  The weather here has just been so, so miserable with the temps over 100 degrees and the heat indexes even higher, and I’m sad that fall baseball season is almost over and we’re still suffering.  Tuesday’s game didn’t go quite as smoothly for Jacob personally as he had two strike-outs, but the team ended up winning 11-8.

Wednesday, October 2

Wednesday was another gym day and then it was home to work on laundry and blogging.  We’re heading to the mountains this week so I worked hard all last week to get all of my posts done for this week, and I’m also already trying to prepare some posts for Christmas break so I can do plenty of relaxing and soaking up the season with Brian and the kids.

Brian had a tennis match Wednesday evening, but the kids and I were finally able to have an evening at home with nothing else interfering.  I cooked an early dinner and then the kids made it to bed on time to try to make up some of the sleep they’d lost the last few evenings due to events and baseball games. 

Thursday, October 3

Thursday was so busy.  I had my annual mammogram first thing Thursday morning and it went well.  I should have results back sometime in the next couple of weeks.  And in case you’re wondering, no, I’m not over 40, but I do have a history of breast cancer in my family so my midwife started sending me for annual mammograms earlier than most.  On another note, I’d forgotten how dang painful those things are!  Good lawd, it hurts! 

The rest of the day was for errands, errands, and more errands – UPS, dropping donations at our church, Target, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart, among other places, and then I picked B up from work for a spontaneous lunch date.  A new Greek restaurant opened in our area about a year ago and we still had yet to try it, so we headed to the downtown location near his office.  Y’all, it was so freaking good and we will most definitely be frequenting that place!  I had a salad with grilled chicken, garlic green beans, cucumber, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, and tzatziki sauce and it was AMAZE.  The food was so fresh and so delicious and it was a nice clean eat (other than the feta cheese, of course). 

Olivia had ballet and tap right after school that day and then we were able to go home and have the entire evening at home together, all four of us.  We made breakfast for dinner and finally finished America’s Got Talent.  I’m so thrilled that Kodi Lee won!!  He is so talented and so deserving and it just made my heart so happy when they announced it. 

Friday, October 4

Friday I spent the day at home, pretty much working on the blog for the entire day.  I finished all posts for the coming week and I also started working on a couple for the future.  I’m all about getting ahead!

Friday afternoon, I got this text from one of my old co-workers... he was heading to Knoxville for the Georgia game.  I always get so excited when I see products with my name spelled correctly.  It was a struggle when I was a kid!  Haha.

Friday evening was the big rivalry football game between our school and one of the other private schools in town, so we grabbed a quick dinner at our favorite Mexican place and then headed to the game.  Our school offers a little cheerleading program for all of the PK4 – third grade students where they get to meet with the big cheerleaders and learn a couple of cheers before the games.  Olivia has been dying to do it so we arrived just in time for her to join them.  She was shy at first, but once she got out there and got going she perked up a bit.  After about 30 minutes of practice they all performed their cheers on the football field and it was so cute to watch. 

The rest of the evening was spent watching the football game with all of our friends while all of the kids played and ran around together. We ended up losing which was a big bummer since it was our big rival, but we had fun and the kids had even more fun so that’s all that matters. 

Saturday, October 5

Saturday morning was about as lazy as they come… we were up around 8 to make homemade waffles and then B and I spent the entire morning watching ESPN College GameDay in our PJs.  I may or may not have dozed a little on the couch here and there and it was the perfect lazy morning.

After a full morning of relaxation, I finally got going after lunch and got a couple of things done around the house… some laundry and more photographing items for Poshmark while we watched football.

We headed to mass at 5:30, grabbed a pizza to-go from one of our new local spots, and then made it home just in time to crack open our favorite beers at the start of the Georgia game.  Our game started out u-g-l-y, but we found our groove in the second half and we ended up whooping Tennessee.  Whew.  It was scary for a while there.

B and I put the kids to bed at halftime and after Olivia said her prayers she said, “Mommy, I’d like to say an extra prayer tonight… Dear God, thank you so much for making gravity.  Without it, we’d all go up to outer space with the moon and the stars AND YOU CAN’T BREATHE UP THERE.  Amen.”  Hahahaha.  I cracked up so much.  Somebody has been paying close attention in school!

Sunday, October 6

We had a typical Sunday yesterday and it was so nice after missing Sunday lunches and dinners here and there for the last few weeks.  I made some pumpkin cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then I did my usual Sunday morning planning session to make sure I was ready for the week ahead.  We have a short week as I said before because Wednesday at noon WE HEAD TO THE MOUNTAINS!  I’m so excited I can’t even stand it!

We finally had a “cool front” (notice the air quotes as I’m not sure we’d really call it that – LOL) come through, taking the temps down from the 100s to the upper-eighties instead.  It’s still way too hot for this time of year, but I’ll take 89 degrees over 101 any day.  Since it was so “cool” and breezy Sunday afternoon we spent lots of time in the back yard at my MIL and step-FIL’s after lunch.  My sister-in-law and her fam weren’t there because of a baseball tournament, so Jacob had Poppie all to himself for batting practice.  He was nailing them right and left and looking so good! 

Meanwhile, my very own little basic white girl went on a mission to gather up every single leaf in Nana and Poppie’s yard so she could make a pile to jump in.  Hahahaha.  I swear, she is so my child.  I have such fond memories of doing that in my parents’ back yard with my brother.  I’m telling y’all, I’ve been basic for a loooong time and I can’t tell you how proud I am of that!  :o)   

We spent Sunday evening at my parents’ house.  Daddy requested spaghetti and I don’t think there’s ever a time that I have said no to that!  In case y’all didn’t know, my momma makes the best spaghetti on the planet.  I’ve tried to duplicate it several times and I’ve never been successful so y’all don’t even bother to ask for the recipe.  My momma just throws stuff in the pot and it ends up being consistently delicious, but we can’t ever seem to capture a recipe on paper.  Momma tried to write it down once for me and it just wasn’t even close.  After a full evening of spaghetti and wine and good times, it was time to call it a weekend and hit the hay early! 

T-minus 2.5 days and we’re off to the mountains!!!!  Y’all be sure to follow along on Instagram Stories starting Wednesday!

Happy Monday, y’all! 

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!


  1. A baseball game at 7pm seems so late!! I guess that what I can expect when my kids get old enough to play sports! I love the Jesus Calling devotional, and the one that you shared is so good. I can totally relate. That greek salad looks UNREAL. It’s amazing that you prep all of your blog posts for the week ahead of time! That is such a good idea. Do you blog 5 days a week? I love reading your posts! It’s interesting seeing what your whole week looks like! :)


  2. It's always so exciting when kids have an amazing sports moment! Congrats to your boy!
    And the hope in that devotional is great!

    1. Thank you so much! It's been so much fun to watch him learn a new sport! And yes, that devotional is just wonderful. It never fails to speak to me.

  3. You guys had a full week! That's so awesome Jacob is doing so well with baseball! And I love that Olivia was all about the leaves. That was one of my favorite things in the fall, too. Hope you guys get a bit more of a cooler front this week, especially when you head for the mountains.

  4. I remember that was one of the toughest things about baseball was not having a set schedule. It's so hard to play in when you don't know what you have to plan for. I'm the same way, I try to relax when I can but I know that I could do a much better job at it.

  5. Cutest lil baseball player. Baseball season can be tough. And love seeing all the lil cheerleaders.

  6. Hi, Lindsay! Baseball is so good for kids. They learn to deal with successes and "failures" and to take it all in stride, both individually and as a team.

    1. I agree 100%! I'm loving baseball so much more than soccer even though the schedule is a little crazier. I'm kinda hoping he sticks with it!

  7. You know I love all this baseball! I seriously have such a tough time "resting" and I ended up kind of sick this weekend which made me be more still than usual. I also knew I had seen that rainbow dress before...I kept my friend Holly's daughter for a bit this weekend and she was wearing it too! So cute...I miss dressing little kids!

  8. Congrats to Jacob on hitting a double! We're finally getting some fall weather here, yay!

  9. Lucky lady!! I wish we were in the 60's and 70's! I'm so over the heat! Hopefully we'll have some nice cool temps later this week when we're in the mountains. :o)

  10. That would be hard on not having a set schedule.

    1. Yes, it's definitely been an adjustment. I'm a planner by nature so I like having a set schedule!

  11. LOVE that rainbow dress on Olivia! And I hear ya on not liking to sit around and wait, clearing out your inbox at an oil change appointment is a great idea <3

    Green Fashionista

  12. Hopefully you'll find some nice cool weather in the mountains! I just love her prayer-- I too am thankful for gravity even if I've never thought of it that way before. LOL.

    1. Lol. Right?! Something we take for granted, I suppose.

  13. Oh that prayer and that pile of leaves - adorable. It was nice catching up on your week, Lindsay! It looks like things are going well. I can't wait to follow along on your vacation to the mountains! Have a wonderful day, girl!

  14. I love Olivia's dress at the end. My girls would totally love that. Love that pile of leaves comment. Too funny. I hope you guys have the best time in the mountains!!! yay for Jacob!!!

  15. Our cool front arrived, and it feels a little better to be in the 80s instead of 100. We should get a big blast of cool air on Friday...can't wait!

  16. That game had us all on edge to begin with! EEK and we were at the lake with limited service watching from Ben's Ipad! HA


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