Monday, September 16, 2019

Our Week - The One with Jacob’s First Hit

We had a nice, relaxing weekend and I feel like I’m ready for the busy week ahead… I have lots of appointments and meetings this week so things are going to be a little hectic!  Anyway, let’s get to the highlights from our week!

Monday, September 9

Monday I ran a couple of errands and met with my GI doc for an update on my reflux.  He ended up switching my med to try something different since the other medication hasn’t seemed to help and we’re going to go from there.

Tuesday, September 10

Tuesday was another day full of errands – library book returns, gas, and a fall carnival meeting at the school followed by some cardio in the gym. 

Wednesday, September 11

I headed straight to the gym first thing Wednesday morning and I spent the rest of the morning working and reflecting on September 11 as I do every year on that day.  

Thursday, September 12

Thursday was crazy!  Olivia has ballet and tap every Thursday at 3:45 so we always head straight there from school.  This week Jacob ended up having his second baseball game on Thursday at 5:45 so we had to go straight from school to ballet and tap and then straight from ballet and tap to baseball.  Ever wonder what it looks like when you have #allthesports plus school on the same day?  Your car is filled to the brim with #allthebags.  Ha!

Jacob had two chances to bat in his second game and in his second at-bat he got his first hit!!!!  He got a single and was then sent all the way to third by the next hitter, and then he was batted in to score his first run after that!!  They ended up calling the game early due to the mercy rule and Jacob’s team ended up winning 12-2!  After the game, they had their team huddle and coach ended up giving Jacob the game ball because he had gotten his first hit!!!!  We are just so proud of him!  And y’all, look how stinking cute he is.  Gosh, I love him so much.

Friday, September 13

This past Friday was one of the few Fridays that we have free this fall, so we took full advantage and headed downtown for the evening.  We had dinner and drinks at one of our favorite brew pubs followed by some shopping at the local craft beer store.  Then we grabbed some frozen yogurt for the kids and walked down to the other end of the strip for the Friday evening outdoor concert.  The kids played and danced around for a bit and then B and I stopped at one of our favorite places to grab our favorite s’mores ice cream before calling it a night.

The kids went straight to bed when we got home since we were out later than usual, and B and I spent the rest of the night starting Chernobyl.  Have any of y’all watched it?  Did you enjoy it?  I thought the first episode was pretty good but I starting dozing during the second one because it was so late and I couldn’t hang.  I’m sure we’ll watch some more this week, though.   

Saturday, September 14

Saturday morning started out the way most of our fall Saturday mornings do – with homemade waffles and ESPN College GameDay.  Georgia played at noon so we sat around all afternoon watching them beat Arkansas State 55-0.  All of the Georgia fans did the best thing at the game on Saturday and they wore pink to honor Wendy Anderson, the Arkansas State coach’s wife, who passed away from cancer a month ago.  It was such a sweet tribute to her and to their family and I’m just so proud to be a Georgia fan.  That is what it’s all about!

After the game was over it was time to get ready for church.  Olivia requested curls and I just love how her hair looks when I curl it!  I wish we had time to do it every day!  And even though we didn’t go to the Georgia game, B and I wore our pink to church in honor of Wendy and their family, too.  <3

After church, we met my parents at our favorite Mexican place, and then we followed dinner up with Dairy Queen Blizzards.  We normally don’t go out for ice cream twice in one weekend, but D    Q has their pumpkin pie blizzards this month, so we obviously had to go! 

Sunday, September 15

My MIL and step-FIL didn’t cook on Sunday and Brian had a tennis match early in the afternoon so we ended up eating a quick lunch at home, and then the kids and I went out to run some errands while B was at his match.  Since it’s been FREAKING HOT for what seems like forever, the kids haven’t been getting too much outdoor time, so I took them to the shadiest playground in town so they could burn some energy without catching on fire.  Haha.  Seriously, THIS WEATHER CAN GO NOW. 

After they got 30 minutes of playtime we headed to CVS and Publix.  As per usual, they wanted to sit in the “airplane cart” at Publix (the kid carts with the steering wheels) and I came to the realization today that they won’t be sitting in those much longer.  Both of them are getting too big.  Cue all the tears!! 

We grabbed our free cookies from the bakery (Publix gives free cookies to all of the kids in case you didn’t know!) and then we did our shopping with about 95,000 other people.  Whew.  I was quickly reminded why I NEVER grocery shop on the weekend. 

My mom had decided not to cook dinner Sunday evening, so I decided to take the reigns since we didn’t have any other plans.  The rest of the afternoon was spent baking brownies with the kiddos for dessert, putting away the groceries, and prepping for Sunday dinner.

I made my mom’s baked ziti recipe (soooo simple and soooo good) with a salad, some fresh strawberries, and garlic breadsticks.  My parents, brother, and grandmother came over here and we spent Sunday evening together as we always do.  Lots of talking, laughing, and wine!  Don’t forget the wine! 

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!


  1. Looks like a really Good weekend. Have the Best week.


  2. That picture of your girl in her dance clothes at the baseball game is so cute!

    1. Thank you! Our little ballet dancer and baseball player!

  3. Yay Jacob!!! I love the fact that he is on the 'Cubs' team. I saw what the fans did at that Georgia game, and it was such a wonderful reminder of the good that is in the world. Hope you have a great Monday!

  4. Way to go, Jacob!! That's great he got his first hit and the game ball. Ice cream twice, sounds great to me! It sounds like Sunday dinner was a hit, too.

  5. Woohoo! Go Jacob. And I love your pink dress and your love of ice cream!!!! <3

  6. Congrats to Jacob! I love that plaid shirt that isn't actually too heavy for the weather!

  7. Looks like the kids really enjoyed that ice cream on Friday night! Way to go Jacob with his great baseball skills! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. We made brownies this weekend too!! They are out family's favorite dessert! :)

    1. Yay! We love them, too, and we hadn't had them in a while!

  9. I totally agree about the hot weather! ugh! We really liked Chernobyl, but it's definitely a "serious" drama. Very intense, but it was good.

  10. You guys are on the GO! Such a busy but fun time -- I love a free weekend night for family time too when it comes along!

  11. Every single time I end up at the grocery store on a weekend I think "never again!"... then time passes and I forget how crazy crowded it can be. How wonderful that he got his first hit!!

    1. OMG I don't know why I torture myself like that. I need to just stick to my usual 8 AM on a Monday morning so I have the place to myself.

  12. Way to go, Jacob! He’s so precious in that uniform. Love it! Your downtown area looks so cute and fun! I love that they have outdoor concerts. That alleyway (maybe?) with the string twinkle lights…oh my word! I love it. Our weather is still HOT as heck here too. I’m ready for some cooler temps and to not feel like we are melting when we go outside.


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