
Friday, August 2, 2019

Five on Friday - August Goals

I feel like I honestly didn’t work very hard this month on my goals, but I somehow managed to accomplish quite a lot! 

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.


N  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – I have to say, I haven’t felt the best this month.  My reflux has been causing a plethora of issues and the ringing in my ears is at an all time high.  I definitely feel like this caused my anxiety to spike a bit, and I’ve spent a good time worrying even though I know it won’t do me any good.  I know what I need to focus on next month.
Y  Read 2-3 books. – Yes!  I read 5!  I read the other half of Every Breath (loved it), I read The Perfect Couple (loved it, too!), I read One Day in December (my favorite all month!), I read The Rumor (liked that one, too), I read How to Walk Away (loved it), and I got through about half of The Nightingale. 
Y  Movie date with my momma, aunt, grandmother, and cousin, take 2. – We went to see Yesterday and it was great! 
N  Make bed most days. – I dropped the ball on this and probably only made it about half of the time.
Y  Start quiet time again, several times per week, take 2. – Yes, I finally started getting back into it, although I don’t have it down to a routine yet.  I basically just fit it in when I can since the kids are still out of school and there are definitely days that I have missed.  I would love to force myself up every morning at 6 but I’m just the worst morning person ever.


N  Drink 4 thermoses of water most days. – Still dropping the ball on this one.  Sigh.
N  Continue working out at least two times per week. – I did work out most weeks, but there was one week that I missed completely.  Again, so hard to do when the kids are with me 24/7!
Y  Meet with the allergist to reassess allergy shot situation. – I did meet with him and we have scheduled another skin test in August after the kids go back to school.
Y  Schedule an appointment with my GI doctor to discuss reflux.My reflux has spiked yet again, this time during the time of year when it’s normally calm.  It used to only bother me in the spring and fall when my allergies acted up, but now it’s raging every single day and it’s wreaking havoc on my whole body.  It was so bad that I finally got around to meeting with my GI doc and he has doubled my medication to see if that helps.  I have to follow up with him again in September and if this isn’t working he’s likely going to change my medication altogether.


Y  Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. – We are stressing this constantly and we even devoted an entire day to it.  More on that Monday!
Y  Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids. – Yes, working on this constantly, too.  The kids have gotten really great about remembering on their own for breakfast and lunch, but they seem to always drop the ball at dinner!
N  Ride bikes. – Just never got around to doing this!
N  Go swimming as a family.  Gotta find a pool first!  Lol. – Fail!
Y  Send the kids to summer camp for a week. – Yes!  And they got to see lots of their school friends.  They had a great time!.
Y  Celebrate Jacob’s birthday! – Yes, we celebrated him for a week straight!
Y  Get milkshakes. – We accomplished this Monday at our favorite… Chick-Fil-A!  Because their milkshakes are the best!
N  Let the kids have a sleepover campout at home complete with a fort. – We’ll probably do this sometime this weekend, though!
Y  Continue working on our summer bucket list. – We checked several more things off of the list… only a week to go and the kids are back at school!
Y  Finish Jacob’s summer math homework online. – Yes, finally!  Whew!
Y  Book our trip to Disney World for Spring Break 2020. – YAAAASSSS and we are officially counting it down!  Woo hoo!  Our hotel and park passes are all booked and now we’re just waiting for September to book our restaurants and January to book our fast passes!
Y  Take Jacob for his eight-year well visit at the doctor. – Check!
Y  Start preparing for back-to-school – uniforms, book bags, new shoes, etc. – Oh yeah!  The kids have everything they need for uniforms and shoes, we got Jacob’s new book bag and lunch box, and we are ready to begin in a week and a half!
Y  Look into signing Jacob up for fall baseball. – We were able to contact someone to get more information to us, and we found out that actual sign-ups are in August.  But we made the first steps!
Y  Look into signing Olivia up for dance. – Not only did we look into it, we signed her up and she’s ready to go!


Y  Upload more clothes to sell on Poshmark, take 957. – I finally did this, y’all!!!!  After having it on my list forever I finally got around to photographing some more stuff and listing it.  Now, fingers crossed something actually  sells.
Y  Continue cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets. – We made so much progress in there this month.  You can actually see the floor!  Haha.  We still have a little ways to go but we’re getting closer.
N  Go through keepsakes and make sure everything is accounted for for both kids, take 2. – I attempted to do this a couple of times but it’s something that is going to take a while, so I’m just going to save it for when the kids go back to school. 
Y  Do 20 things on Master To-Do list. – I didn’t just do 20, I did 49!!!!  How, I have no clue.  But they’re done.  However, as always, I added a few more things to the list as well – 7 to be exact – so for the sake of whittling the list down for the year, it’s like I did 42.  That’s still insane!  A few things that I did this month from the list were that I added a couple of pictures to our travel gallery, I put carpet tape down under the new living room rug, we hung stuff in Brian’s office (yes, his office is part of my master list), we found a place to permanently store our outdoor TV (on B’s office wall!), B installed a new outdoor antenna to pick up local stations better since we cancelled cable and I now have all local channels in my office (prior to this some channels were kind of spotty), I ordered a longer cord for my laptop so I can now place it out of sight in my office while still using it, I created some new playlists on my phone as well as edited a few existing ones, I located a ticket stub I’d been looking for for two years (it was in all of the junk in B’s office… go figure!), I updated a couple of things for the blog, and I did a whole lot more that I won’t list here for the sake of keeping this post shorter.


Y  Try to get ahead on blog posts again. – I haven’t gotten as far ahead as I’d like, but I have been blogging 2-3 days in advance rather than the day before most days.
Y  Start planning fall content. – I did great on this!  August is almost fully planned, September is about three quarters planned, October is about half planned, and November and December are both three quarters planned!  I’ve left a sprinkling of open dates for all of the stuff that will pop up along the way.  Feels great to have it all planned out!  Those are the busiest months of the whole year, so it’s one less thing to have to think about.
N  Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post. – Nope.


22 items accomplished
9 items not accomplished

While I did struggle a bit with my overall monthly goals, the fact that I accomplished FORTY-NINE things on my master to do list more than makes up for that!  Or at least I think so, anyway.  :o)  Now for some pictures of my successes...

Movie night with the fam!

All the book reading!

Hung the outdoor TV in B's office since we don't want to leave it outside in the extreme heat and humidity all the time.  Now B can easily grab it from his wall and hang it outside when we need it.

Celebrated Jacob's birthday.
Now for some August goals…

August Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Get into a quiet time routine again.
Start meditating.
Make bed most days.
Read 1.5 books.
Get together with old coworkers from my first job for our reunion.
Have a girls dinner.


Drink 64 oz. water per day.
Hit the gym at least 2 times per week.
Revamp lunches for myself and start incorporating healthier whole foods.
Eat 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies every day, Monday – Thursday.
Meet with dentist for TMJ update.
Meet with the allergist for another skin test to see if allergies have improved. 


Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. 
Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids.
Finish ALL summer homework.
Attend Kindergarten orientation night.
Attend Meet the Teacher day at school for both kids.
Get Maui groomed.
Take Olivia for her quarterly thyroid check-up.
Check off remaining items on summer bucket list.
Make cupcakes with Olivia using her little baking set she received for her birthday.
Sign up Jacob for baseball.


Try crystal knobs on dresser in living room and decide whether to keep or not.
Get mudroom bulletin board switched back to school-year mode.
Clean out my closet.
Clean out kids’ closets.
Finish cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets.
Put carpet tape under new rug in master bedroom.
Touch up wall paint in Olivia’s room (above mirror).
Touch up ceiling paint in Olivia’s room.
Continue listing/selling old clothes.
Go through keepsakes and make sure everything is accounted for for both kids, take 3.
Do 20 things on Master To-Do list.


Get ahead on blog posts.
Reorganize Projects and Recipes pages on blog.
Organize all link-ups in a spreadsheet and in blog posts.
Start making a spreadsheet of Evergreen content to keep updated.
Start sharing Daily To Do Lists in Instagram stories again.
Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post.
Start focusing on essential oils business since I still use and love them all the time.

Now that goals are out of the way, it's time for some funnies for the week...

Wheeeere aaaare yoooou, faaaallll?!

Accurate.  And also scary.  We're getting old.

Truer words have never been spoken... just please let her grow out of it before she's a teenager.

In honor of Amazon Prime Day last week, yes, please do, Amazon.  Oh wait, we share an Amazon credit card.

As an avid CVS-goer because #alltheprescriptions I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a meme.  Why oh why does every single CVS receipt literally look like this?!  Hahahaha.

And in case you missed it, here's what happened on the blog this week...

Happy Friday!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Polka-Dotty Place for High Five for Friday.


  1. You knocked out so much on your master list this past month - that is so awesome!!! Hopefully August will be just as successful. I know once the kids get back to school you will start knocking things off the list left and right. Definitely looking forward to your to do lists again - they always remind me to do some of my to do's. :)

  2. I'm so sorry your reflux is so terrible!!! Dustin complained of feeling like someone stepping on his chest and because of your posts about it, I was able to tell him that it's probably reflux. So I'm glad you've been so open about how it's affected you because it's going to help Dustin, too! I hope you get some relief very soon!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I still think you're the queen of goals! I hope your reflex comes down a bit for you. I feel like I'm always working on patience. Hope you have a great weekend!!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about the reflux acting up. You still did great on your goals!

  5. Wow! What an accomplishment to knock so many things off your list. I hope your relux is healed soon.

  6. I love that you add funny memes to your Friday Favorites!

    1. Thank you! One of my other blogger friends used to do that and she stopped blogging, so I figured I'd start doing it. I'd been wanting to do it anyway because it's a great way to kick off the weekend - laughing!

  7. If you haven't bought the crystal knobs yet, I got some great ones on amazon. Sorry about the reflux, I was hoping you would be cured. What an accomplishment on the master list! I started one for the new house and can't wait to tackle it. OMG that meme about 1990 being 30 years ago, so true. Time flies!

  8. I think that tackling 49 items off the master to do list more than makes up for the few goals you didn't get to! That's wonderful.

  9. WOW! 49 off your Master to do list is AWESOME!! July was a hard month for me to accomplish anything!


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