Monday, July 22, 2019

Summer 2019 (Week 8) - Play Date, Swimming Pool Party, and the Start of Jacob’s Birthday Celebrations

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We had a nice, relaxing week last week and this weekend was full of birthday lovin’ for my favorite almost-eight-year-old!  Time to recap!

Monday, July 15

Monday was the first day of Amazon Prime Day and I was THERE FOR IT.  B and I do a good bit of shopping on Prime Day so we can get the very best deals possible, and this Prime Day did not disappoint.  I spent the entire day browsing deals and setting reminders on my phone, and in between shopping, I spent lots of good quality time with the kiddos.  I had put nothing on the agenda for the day so we could just hang around the house and that’s exactly what we did!  I never even put on makeup or did my hair. 

We played several rounds of Jenga (their newest obsession, which they are surprisingly great at!), we had lunch together, we ran around the back yard playing “tickle monster” per Olivia’s request and we played wiffle ball per Jacob’s request.  It was boiling hot so we could only take the heat so long, and after about 30 minutes outside we headed indoors to work on summer homework.  It’s neverending. 

Once a good chunk of homework had been done, the kids picked out their afternoon movie, grabbed some snacks, and snuggled up on the couch for some quiet time and I retreated to my office to do some work and continue perusing the Prime Day deals. 

I had dinner ready when B got home from work, and then after dinner we all went out in the back yard to play baseball.  Brian worked with Jacob playing catch and batting with his new baseball equipment (trying to get him ready for his first season in the fall!) and I played catch and wiffle ball with Olivia.  Thankfully, our back yard is HUGE so there was plenty of room for two separate baseball games to be going on at once. 

We were ushered inside by a storm that popped up so the kids and I had a snowball fight in the playroom since they were still full of energy.  I bought some “snowballs” just like these at Target last Christmas to stuff in their stockings and they really do make the cutest gifts.  The “snowballs” are made of some kind of fuzzy material, but they are super lightweight and have a little bit of bounce to them, so they don’t hurt even if you nail someone right in the face with one.  Haha.  They are the only balls I let them throw in the house because I know they can’t really do any damage to anything.  But they are perfect for playing in the house when you can’t go outside!

After our snowball fight, we did some reading and then the kids were off to bed so B and I could watch The Bachelorette.  And what a train wreck that was!

Tuesday, July 16

Tuesday was the second day of Amazon Prime Day.  By then, B and I had loaded up on several things, so we both took it a little easier the second day.  We had a sunny day on tap, so the kids spent the entire morning in the back yard playing in the pool while I lounged in the sun and read my book.  I’m reading The Rumor now and it’s another one that I can’t put down.  Not as quite as good as The Perfect Couple, in my opinion, but still very good. 

We headed in for lunch around noon and then the kids sat down to do a little bit more summer homework.  I showered while they worked, but didn’t bother to put on makeup or do my hair because we weren’t leaving the house yet again!  So nice to be able to do that sometimes!

After homework the kids had their summer movie quiet time while I worked on my blog post for the next day, and the rest of the afternoon and evening were spent having dinner, drawing on the kids’ new Scratch and Sketch paper that I had purchased the previous day in the sale (it delivered that fast, y’all!), and reading while B mowed.  Our grass grows so freaking fast this time of year, that poor guy is out there every 8-10 days.  Side note, check out Jacob’s scratch and sketch drawing in the middle… I was wearing a Friends t-shirt with a couch on it that says, “Pivot,” and he wanted to draw that.  Lol.

Wednesday, July 17

Wednesday morning after breakfast we sat down to do more summer homework (it’s crunch time, y’all!) and Jacob finally, finally finished all of his online math homework!  He had something like 42 assignments to complete (some of which were short videos to watch) so it took a while to get it all done.  It feels great to have it out of the way!  I’m relieved and I know he is.  He was over it!

After our long homework hour we all got ready for the day, I did a load of laundry, and then we made lunch at home.  After lunch we played a couple more games of Jenga and then we met up with some friends from school at the trampoline park.  The kids were ecstatic!!  Olivia’s best friend in class at school happens to also be the sister of one of Jacob’s friends from class at school so it worked out that we had one big play date!  Another one of the families from school came along as well and the kids had so much fun!  They jumped, played on the indoor playground, played arcade games, and redeemed their points for prizes, and then we let them all pick out snacks from the snack bar.  It was a fun-filled afternoon with some great friends and I enjoyed having the adult interaction since most of my social interaction these days is with an eight-year-old and a five-year-old.  Haha.

By the time we got home, it was almost time for B to be home from work, so I got to work on dinner and the rest of the evening was spent watching America’s Got Talent.

Thursday, July 18

Thursday we were up and ready early for the day.  I spent the morning sorting through the kids’ uniforms, bagging up what no longer fits, and making a note of everything each of them need before school starts again. 

By the time I finished with that, it was about time for lunch, so we made grilled cheese sandwiches at home.  Jacob had been asking for them, so it made his day.

I set the kids up with their afternoon movie early Thursday because I had a doctor appointment later in the afternoon when they normally have their quiet time, so I was able to get some work done before it was time to leave.

My mother-in-law came over in the afternoon so the kids wouldn’t have to go with me.  At my last appointment there, we waited forever and I didn’t want to put the kids through that again.  I know I used to hate going to the doctor with my mom when I was little!

My appointment ended up being quite quick, and I was back at home within an hour and a half round trip.  My reflux has been acting up again during the time of year when it normally doesn’t bother me, so he is making me double up on my medication to see if that gets it under control.  Sigh. 

I made it home in a downpour and when I arrived, my mother-in-law was drawing with the kids.  She stayed for a few more minutes and then headed back home while I started dinner. 

Our new living room rug from Amazon Prime Day arrived that day, so B and I spent the time after dinner getting it all arranged.  Y’all, I’m so happy I could just CRY!!!!  I’m so glad that I held out for something else and didn’t end up keeping that Target rug.  Who knew that they made 8’ x 8’ square rugs?!  It fits perfectly in our oddly shaped living room and I’m happy to report that the rug is now situated among the furniture properly.  I never thought I’d find something that worked in there!  And bonus points – I actually love this rug even better than the Target rug – the colors, the feel, and the pattern.  It’s perfection.  Absolute perfection.  Also, don’t mind the kids in the background… they were just wrestling like they always are.  Haha.

By Thursday evening B and I were officially caught up on all shows – Handmaid, Big Little Lies, and Stranger Things 3, so we found ourselves not knowing what to watch.  I’ve had it on my list to watch Gossip Girl forever, and since they just announced a reboot, we thought, why not?  So far I’m liking it pretty good… it’s a little teenagery, but not so teenagery that I don’t want to watch, so I’m sure we’ll stick with it.  B could probably do without it, though.  Haha.

Friday, July 19

Friday was a day of errands.  Man oh man, did we run some errands!  We made a stop to donate some things we’d cleaned out of B’s office, went to Target, stopped by Rack Room to grab some new tennis shoes for Olivia for school, stopped by Hobby Lobby, and went to Publix to do our grocery shopping for the next two weeks. 

By the time we got home it was time to make lunch, and then I headed straight to my office to wait for the Nordstrom sale to open to the public at 12:30.  I ended up getting everything I wanted – a pair of Zellas, my favorite undies, and this cardi so I was really excited!  Everyone said to size down in the cardigan, which meant I’d need an XS, but they didn’t have any so I went ahead and ordered my normal size of a small.  Fingers crossed it works for me!

The rest of the day it poured down rain, so the kids and I just hung around the house.  They played super well together all afternoon so I just decided not to rock the boat with homework or organized games or anything else.  While they played I got tons of work done, got a bunch of bills paid, and caught up on some things I’ve pushed to the side while they’ve been out of school.  It was a very productive day without even really trying!  Those always make me happy and it felt good to be productive after a week of no productivity whatsoever. 

Friday evening when B got home, we headed out in the rain to grab some Mexican for dinner.  Naturally, this prompted the kids to want to stop by Dairy Queen for Blizzards on the way home.  Their newest flavor is a Sour Patch Kids Blizzard and our kids request it every time now (yuck!), but B and I stuck with S’mores and it was so good!

Saturday, July 20

Saturday morning Jacob requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then we spent the day working in B’s office.  I got almost everything hung in there and it’s coming along.  We also got a couple of house projects off of the list and it felt so great to be check check checking them off the list!

We celebrated three birthdays with my father-in-law on Saturday evening – Jacob’s, my sister-in-law’s, and my niece’s.  We all met at Olive Garden for dinner first.  Olivia was ecstatic to hang out with her cousin, Haley, all evening.  Haley let her use her phone to take pictures and, I swear, she looked like a teenager doing so.   

After dinner we all went over to my FIL’s house for presents and cake for all three and they all blew out their candles together.  Jacob requested a key lime pie as he always does at my FIL’s for his birthday (creature of habit) and then we had cookie cake for the other two. 

Sunday, July 21

Sunday we hung around the house all morning and then we grabbed Panera for lunch on the way to Jacob’s friend’s birthday pool party.  Both kids got to see their teachers from this past school year at the party since they both have kids Jacob’s age, and the kids spent the afternoon playing with their friends and splashing around.  Neither of them have swum much since swimming lessons but Jacob picked right back up where he left off, even diving off of the diving board!  Olivia, on the other hand, not so much.  Lol.  She was all in the pool having fun, but she had no interested in actually trying to swim.  She did jump off the diving board with B, though.

Sunday evening we headed to my parents’ house for our first Sunday dinner in weeks to celebrate Jacob’s birthday with my family.  Jacob requested spaghetti, rice, and watermelon (lol – random combination) for dinner and my mom obliged.  After dinner he opened gifts and we had cake – lemon flavored and Lego Movie themed – and it was a fun evening celebrating our favorite almost-eight-year-old!  Oh, and he also crossed another milestone this weekend... no more car seat!  He's officially in a booster!  Time is just flying.

The kids are at summer camp this week at their school so I’m hoping to get lots of stuff caught up and done!  And, of course, we’ll be celebrating our boy tomorrow for his birthday! 

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Another great week! Gotta soak up those lazy days sometimes. Summer homework seems like a great idea to keep kids learning, but also seems like it would kind of stink, too. Nice you guys have the math portion done! So glad you got your Nordstrom items - that cami actually shipped for me, so I can't wait to get that! And my Prime Day purchases all were a success! Hope the kids have a great time at camp this week (and the rain has moved out of the forecast for them!). Happy Monday!

  2. We celebrated 2 birthdays this weekend (one was my son turning 13 -- I don't even know how that happened so fast!)

    1. Oh my goodness, I'm not ready for 13! Happy happy birthday to him!!

  3. What a FUN week! But I think I am ready for a routine again! I can't believe I just said that! HA

  4. Looks like a great week! Glad you got what you wanted in the sale. I did too but I had to get pink shorelines instead of beige. I'm wondering if I can exchange them in the store!

  5. It’s the month of Jacob! I love it! So happy you got the goods you hoped for. Happy Monday babe!

  6. So many birthdays to celebrate!! Happy birthday to Jacob! He is so big!
    Hope your reflux gets better.

    1. Yes ma'am! He is definitely getting big. I can't believe how much he's grown this last year. And thank you. The reflux is misery sometimes.

  7. Such a fun weekend! Happiest of birthday's to Jacob! Can time just slow down please!? I have loved using all my amazon prime buys! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. What a great week and such a fun weekend! Happy Birthday to Jacob. We celebrated my birthday this weekend with a very late trip to Nantucket.

    1. Thank you! SO many birthday celebrations this weekend. And how wonderful that you got to go to Nantucket. It's on my bucket list!

  9. Happy Birthday to Jacob! Now I'm totally craving cake, and love the idea of the "snowball fight" <3
    Green Fashionista


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