Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer 2019 (Week 3) - Settling Back in and Swimming Lessons

Last week was the longest week ever!  We spent the entire week getting unpacked, doing laundry, and getting settled back in after vacation.  There were lots of errands and doctor’s appointments plus swimming lessons every day so we were busy!

Monday, June 10

Monday was positively crazy.  I did at least six or seven loads of laundry, finished unpacking and putting everything away, did the dishes, meal planned for the next two weeks, went to Publix for groceries since we had nothing in the house, started sorting through beach pictures, and started getting caught up on mail and emails and blog reading and everything else that went by the wayside while we were gone.

The kids had swimming lessons with Ms. Joni at 1, so we had an early lunch and then headed out to her gorgeous home.  Jacob didn’t really need to be in swimming lessons again this year since he’s been doing so well on his own, but we decided to send him for one more year as a refresher.  Plus, he would probably rather be in the pool than sitting on the side with me anyway!

As I figured, he did awesome and was swimming away from the beginning, but Olivia cried and cried because she hates to go under water.  It’s so crazy because she swam nonstop in the freaking ocean all last week, but now she’s afraid of a swimming pool.  Lol.  I suppose it’s stressful when you have someone making you do stuff, though, and I know it’s also intimidating when all of the other kids (and babies) are crying. 

She made it through, though, and I set them both up with snacks and a movie when we got home so I could plow through some more laundry and get some work done.  We had a nice little summer storm roll through during our quiet time and before I knew it, it was time to cook dinner.

I made veggies for dinner since we were all in major need of a detox after too many donuts and beers on vacay, and after dinner we let the kids watch some of America’s Got Talent that we missed while we were gone.  After the kids went to bed B and I started getting caught up on the newest season of The Handmaid’s Tale.  EEK!  It’s so good.

Tuesday, June 11

Tuesday looked a lot like Monday but I also had a doctor appointment thrown in there.  My dad was kind enough to watch the babies so they didn’t have to get dragged along with me.  My appointment was quick so the kids and I had just enough time to run home, eat a quick lunch, and then get changed for day two of swimming lessons. 

Olivia cried all through day two again, but she seemed to do a little better kicking her legs.  The rest of the day was spent doing more laundry and continuing to get caught up from being gone the previous week. 

Wednesday, June 12

Wednesday I had to go get my allergy shot, so the kids and I loaded up and headed over bright and early.  Once that was done we had a few errands to run – Target, gas station, and such – and then it was back home for lunch and swimming lessons.

On day three of lessons, something clicked with Olivia and she didn’t cry at all.  She also started using her arms and legs like a boss and she was scooting all around the pool so quickly.  I was just so proud of her! 

We had a major cool front come in this week, so Wednesday evening was perfection.  I couldn’t believe how nice it was!  We couldn’t let that kind of weather go to waste so we got the kids out in the culdesac on their bikes and they rode around for awhile.  We rarely get them outside with their bikes so neither of them are proficient yet, so there tends to be a lot of whining and frustration on their parts when they’re maneuvering and trying to pedal.  Wednesday night was no exception, and I’m bound and determined more than ever to get these kids comfortable on their bikes!

We had a big summer rain roll in which cut our outdoor time short, so we went inside and had a dance party instead.  Old Town Road,” anyone?

And it was nice to hear the rain pitter pattering on the roof while we were getting the kids in the bed.  I love a good rainy evening as long as we don’t have anything important scheduled.

Thursday, June 13

Thursday was the first day all week that we didn’t have to run a ton of errands or go to doctor appointments, so we finally got to have a lazy morning.  The kids had been begging to make homemade waffles all week, so we finally took the time to do that.  My happy little helpers did most of the work, and then we all sat down to enjoy them together. 

The three of us played Legos for a while after breakfast.  Olivia wanted to build her little Frozen palace, so she and I worked together on that and got the whole thing put together.

After Legos it was time to get ready for the day and have lunch, and then it was time to head back to Ms. Joni’s for day four of swimming lessons.  The kids have just discovered the joys of the sunroof in the car, so we've been opening that baby every day since the weather has been nice.  At lessons, Jacob was still looking great in the water and Olivia had another fantastic day that day, too.

I usually let the kids watch a movie in the afternoon for some quiet time, and that’s when I do my blog work, so that’s exactly what we did again Thursday afternoon.  After their movie was over, they played dress-up!

B and I cooked breakfast for dinner when he got home from work and then we went on a walk around the neighborhood because the weather was so gorgeous again.  I surely haven’t missed the crazy heat for one bit this past week!  I wish all of our summer days could be as cool and dry as they have been lately! 

One of my goals for this year is to teach Jacob to ride his bike without training wheels, so we’ve been getting in lots of practice with the training wheels first.  Our kids honestly just haven’t ever been that interested in bike riding so we never took the time to really get them acclimated, hence the reason why Jacob still rides with training wheels.  Our neighborhood is pretty hilly, too, so that’s partly to blame for why we rarely ride.

Well, on Thursday night they both did fantastic!  No whining, no complaining, and they both seemed to have lots of fun.  We went on quite a long walk and they both rode the whole way, up and down the hills.  We’re one step closer to our goal of no training wheels!

We had taken Maui on our walk and although she was able to hang pretty well, she was exhausted by the time we got home.  She passed right out in her little blanket on the living room floor and didn’t move for a couple of hours.

Friday, June 14

Friday, we ran a couple of errands before Jacob’s allergist appointment.   We ended up getting done with our errands a little early so we still had some time to kill.  The kids had been asking for cake pops and I there was also a new cold coffee drink I’d been wanting to try from Starbucks, so we ran through the drive through on the way to the allergist.  I got an Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato and it was SO GOOD.  I never thought I could love cold coffee, but I guess I just had to find the right one!  Summer bucket list check!

So anyway, the allergist… Jacob hasn’t had to see an allergist since he was four, and the last time we were there it was only for his lungs to be monitored after a bad bout of croup.  Well, about a month ago, Jacob started doing this weird breathing thing where he looks like he’s struggling to get a good breath.  And he also started doing this weird eye wink thing as well.  He does both constantly throughout the day, so it’s had me pretty concerned.  We’ve talked to him about both things on several different occasions and he always just says that the breathing thing is just annoying to him and that his eyes just feel dry. 

Since I have a terrible history with allergies and asthma I wanted to have him checked again since it had been several years since his allergy test.  He was able to do the adult asthma tests this time and he checked out perfectly fine.  We were told that lung function for the average healthy child his age is 100% and he was at 101%.  We were also told that the normal level of gas exchange in the lungs for the average healthy child should be less than 25% (the lower the better for this) and his was 5%.  So excellent… which means… definitely no asthma!  Praise!

Because he was also having the weird eye thing, the doc wanted to just go ahead and run a quick allergy test panel on the common things that he could be allergic to, and it came back that he’s still allergic to… absolutely nothing.  The doctor said that the breathing/eye thing is likely more behavioral than medical at this point and he just told us to keep on monitoring him.  Now momma can have peace of mind!

After his appointment we had just enough time to run home, have lunch, and change into bathing suits, and then we were out the door for our last day of swimming lessons for the week.  B joined us on Friday on his lunch break so he could see the progress the kids have made.  Olivia decided to have another whiny day at her lessons, but I blame the summer cold she has.  She’s had it for several days, but Friday was definitely the worst day and I don’t think she was feeling well.

Friday afternoon, the kids watched Beauty and the Beast for their afternoon movie, and I worked and got the house prepped and ready to have company over.  My brother and sister-in-law and my niece and nephew were in town this weekend, so they all came over along with my parents, my uncle, and my grandmother.  Olivia set up her pillow and blanket in my office while I worked.  I was worried she'd fall asleep, but she ended up popping right up when I told her it was almost time for everyone to arrive.

Everyone just brought their own food and we made a pizza and we spent the evening hanging out on the back porch, drinking, listening to music, and watching the kids play.  Olivia spent most of her evening playing with Chyler, my niece.  They were just the sweetest little duo Friday evening and we got some of the sweetest pictures of the two of them together!

My nephew’s birthday was earlier this month so we finally had a chance to give him his gifts and we had a little cake for him.  My mom and dad had gotten him a Stomp Rocket, so the kids had loads of fun with that.  We also started seeing lightening bugs just after the sun set, so the kids and I went on a mission to catch one.  Brian was the one who finally ended up catching one and the kids were thrilled!  We observed it a little and then, of course, let it go.

After everyone left, B and I lounged on the couch for a while to catch up on more TV, and then we called it a night.  It was a long week!

Saturday, June 15

Saturday, we had nothing going on so we spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon outside.  The kids played in the pool and B also played wiffle ball with them and I lounged around and read.

At one point during the day, I walked into the house and saw a sticky note above Maui's food and water bowls.  Jacob had written her the sweetest little note!  I just died!

We did our typical church/Mexican with the fam/DQ for dessert Saturday evening.  Olivia requested that I curl her hair for church and my heart just shattered into a million pieces because she's getting so big.  All night at church she kept telling everyone, "Look at my beautiful curls."  Not modest at all.  Lol.  

The kids got to sit in my dad's new convertible after dinner, and they looked so cute in it!

B and I watched more TV after the kids went to bed Saturday evening... I'm just so excited that The Handmaid's Tale and Big Little Lies are both back!

Sunday, June 16

Sunday was spent celebrating our favorite guy for Father’s Day!  The kids and I made an early morning donut run to grab breakfast and then the kids helped Brian open his gifts.  We all went out to Five Guys for lunch per B’s request (his mom and step-dad didn’t cook because they were out of town) and then we went shoe shopping for B.  We also swung by Target to pick up a couple of rugs I had ordered that were on sale.

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching the Women's World Cup (well, the boys watched, I didn't), playing video games, and celebrating my daddy at my momma and daddy’s house for Sunday dinner.  It was a relaxing weekend with lots of our loved ones and I’m feeling pretty refreshed and ready for the week ahead!  Hopefully this week will be a little less crazy than last week!

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Your niece is so precious. I a,ways say we need a vacation from a vacation because there is so much to do and laundry, oh the laundry. Hope this week is a lot quieter sweets!

  2. You guys really packed it in this week! Even though at the time it probably seemed crazy, I bet it is so nice to go into this week with a little less on your plate! Chyler and Olivia are too precious together. So glad you guys had such a good time Friday - I know how excited you were to see your brother and his fam! Hopefully this week is another good one!

  3. You deserve a gold medal for surviving and thriving through such a FULL week!

    1. Haha. Thank you, Michele! Sometimes it feels that way!

  4. WOW what a week. I felt like that last week getting caught back up from just me being out of town.
    Glad you were able to enjoy some family time!

  5. Looks like a summery start! And that pool is gorgeous!

  6. Such a fun week! I need to see if there is anyone around here that we could get swim lessons like that for the boys. I'm so glad that everything is okay with Jacob and the allergist. My older son actually does a blinking thing with one eye from time to time and has been doing it ever since we had our second son. The doctor said it's a bit of a nervous tick and it will come and go depending on situation is with him. He will do it from time to time but it usually doesn't last long, and if I do pay attention to it, it's usually around new situations or things that make him a bit nervous. Glad you all had a great Father's Day celebrating B!

  7. The perfect weekend! Glad Jacob is doing well I know worrying can be exhausting. Evie has that same Frozen leggo set and we build it over and over. Looks swimming lessons were a success again!! Have a good week!

  8. So glad Olivia ended up doing great in swimming. I love the afternoon movie idea! We usually chill in the morning and go out in the afternoon so maybe a morning movie would be fun!

  9. Well this is just chock full of good stuff and cuteness! I would like to hang out in Ms. Joni's backyard with that view from the pool! Aw, Maui on her blanket reminds me so much of my pup. It is getting to be high time for a new one. I am so glad Jacob's allergy tests went well. Have a great week!

  10. i adore the photos of Olivia and your niece - so so sweet! Glad everything checked out at the doctor with Jacob! xo, Biana

  11. Y'all have been so busy! And oh my goodness...your niece looks so much like Jacob!

  12. That is sooo cool that you get to do swim lessons each day for your kids. WE only go once a week. Where did you get that stomp rocket launcher from? My girls would love that thing.

  13. That does sound like a busy week; so glad that Jacob made out just fine at his allergist appointment.


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