Kids consume and generate and create SO MUCH STUFF over the courses of their lives and it can be so hard to decide what to preserve as keepsakes and what to toss… their first outfits, the shoes in which they took their first steps, their favorite toys throughout the years, beloved blankets and stuffed animals, school work, art work, report cards, awards, birthday cards, sports jerseys… it can be so hard to get rid of that kind of stuff. And that makes it so easy to get completely overwhelmed and overrun by the clutter that our kids, alone, create.
Because it’s so
overwhelming, most people don’t even know where to start, and therefore, they
never do. Then, years later when they
finally decide to try to get a handle on things, they’re drowning in clutter which
makes it nearly impossible to get caught up.
The very best thing you can do is to implement this keepsake method right
when your children are born. That way,
you never get behind and you can just maintain as they grow. Today I’m going to share with you the method
I use to keep it all under control.
Over the past year, I’ve
written several different posts on how to declutter, preserve, and organize
keepsakes, and today I’m simplifying all of that information and putting it
into one big post so it will all be in the same place.
By the time you’re done
reading this post, you should have a detailed plan for exactly how to declutter
and organize all of your children’s keepsakes.
You may want to save more than I do, or you may want to save less, so
all you’ll have to do is tweak it to suit your needs.
So, how am I preserving and
organizing 22 year’s worth of stuff for each of our children? In a nutshell, each child has four boxes:
1 box for School Papers Keepsakes
1 box for Non-School Papers Keepsakes
1 box for Clothing Keepsakes
1 box for Everything Else (Non-Papers &
Non-Clothing Keepsakes)
To start your own keepsake
system like this one, you will need to purchase the following FOR EACH CHILD:
2 file storage boxes (Get the ones I use here in a 5-pack, here in a 1-pack, or here in a 1-pack but there are plenty of other options here as well)
2 regular storage boxes (I
love these)
Hanging file folders with
tabs (I needed 26 for one file box + 25 for the other file box and I used these)
Index cards (I like these)
1 external hard drive (this one is super inexpensive for 2 TB!)
1 infant keepsake box (find lots of selections here)
1 baby hair holder (this set is similar to what I have)
1 baby hair holder (this set is similar to what I have)
1 baby teeth holder (I have these here)
Now to elaborate on each
School Papers Keepsakes Box
This box will contain
PAPERWORK that is only related to their SCHOOL CAREERS. If it’s not related to school then it doesn’t
belong in here!
For this box, you will use
the following:
1 file storage box
Hanging file folders with
tabs (I needed 26 for this box)
1 chalkboard label
1 chalk marker
This box will contain one
file folder for each of the following in this order:
- Young Toddler Papers (age
- Older Toddler Papers (age
- Twos Papers
- Threes Papers
- Pre-K4 Papers
- Kindergarten Papers
- First Grade Papers
- Second Grade Papers
- Third Grade Papers
- Fourth Grade Papers
- Fifth Grade Papers
- Sixth Grade Papers
- Seventh Grade Papers
- Eighth Grade Papers
- Ninth Grade Papers
- Tenth Grade Papers
- Eleventh Grade Papers
- Twelfth Grade Papers
- College Year One Papers
- College Year Two Papers
- College Year Three Papers
- College Year Four Papers
- Grades – this hanging file
will contain two manila folders for the following:
- Report Cards
- Test Scores (standardized only, not everyday tests… those
go in grade folders)
- Awards – this hanging file
will contain three manila folders for the following:
- Academic
- Scholarships
- Sports
- Keepsakes – this is for
all other school related papers (programs, diplomas, etc.)
- School Pictures – this
hanging file will contain four manila folders for the following:
- Individual
- Class
- Dance
- Sports
You will only keep a small
random sampling of school work and art work from each school year to keep in
the folders and you will toss the rest.
Then for the special folders at the end, you will keep everything for
those – all report cards, all important test scores, all awards, all school
pictures, etc.
By the time your child
graduates college, you should have a small random sampling of their school work
by grade plus all of their report cards, standardized testing grades, awards,
and school pictures plus some assorted keepsakes like school programs and
And if you want to see even
more pictures, details, and explanations for our kids’ School Papers Keepsakes Boxes,
check out my original post here. There is a ton
more information and a lot more pictures as well.
Non-School Papers Keepsakes Box
This box will contain all
other PAPERWORK that you’d like to save from their personal lives, NOT from school.
For this box, you will use
the following:
1 file storage box
Hanging file folders with
tabs (I needed 25 for this box)
1 chalkboard label
1 chalk marker
This box will contain one
file folder for each of the following in this order:
- Artwork – artwork they do
at home that you wish to save
- In the Media – newspaper
articles, newsletters, etc. where your child is featured
- Professional Pictures –
this hanging file will contain four manila folders for the following:
- Baby (professional pictures from their baby years)
- Birthdays (pictures of them with their birthday
chalkboard from each year)
- Family portraits (beach sessions, fall sessions,
Christmas card pictures, etc.)
- Santa Visits (pictures of them sitting in Santa’s lap
each year)
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
- 2028
- 2029
- 2030
- 2031
The yearly folders are for
everything else that you want to save from each year – birthday cards, birthday
invitations, Valentines, Christmas cards, notes from their friends, etc. Your labels for your yearly files will
obviously be different than mine as you’ll do one for each year of your child’s
Again, you will only keep a
random sampling of items from each year to keep in the folders and you will
toss the rest.
You can see more pictures
and details about our kids’ Non-School Papers Keepsakes Boxes in this post here. Again, there is so much more
information and there are also specific details of what exactly I save.
Clothing Keepsakes Box
This box will contain all of
the clothes that you’d like to save.
For this box, you will use
the following:
1 regular storage box
Index cards
1 chalkboard label
1 chalk marker
This box will contain the
- All outfits they wore for
the four professional picture sessions during their first year of life
(newborn, 4 month, 8 month, 12 month – these are the pictures in the panels
that hang in our dining room)
- First bib
- First bathing suit
- First sunglasses
- First jacket
- First Easter outfit
- First Halloween costume
- First Thanksgiving outfit
- First Christmas outfit
- First Christmas PJs
- First/favorite blanket
- First sleepsack
- All personalized birthday
shirts (we had special shirts made for each of their birthdays, ages 1-5)
- Other special shirts that
they made/decorated at school for special events/holidays
- Team jerseys from sports
they play
- Team shirts from sports
(Jacob has a couple from soccer with his name on it)
- First dance recital
costume, first ballet shoes, etc.
- First school uniform
- A few other outfits/shirts
they wore throughout their lives that they loved so much/that had special
I use index cards to label
each item with the date, year, or age that they used it, and I also include a
brief description of each item.
You can customize this box
to suit your needs. You might save more
or less than I do.
You can see more pictures
and details about our kids’ Clothing Keepsakes Boxes in this post here.
Everything Else Keepsakes Box (Non-Paper
& Non-Clothing Keepsakes)
This box will contain
everything else that does not go in the boxes above, so basically, everything
that you want to keep that’s not paper or clothing.
For this box, you will use
the following:
1 regular storage box
Index cards
1 chalkboard label
1 chalk marker
1 One Line a Day book
1 external hard drive
1 infant keepsake box
1 baby teeth holder
This box will contain the
- Photo album of ultrasound
- Book of their birth (I
made these for our kids)
- Baby book
- One Line a Day (journals I
kept from their first five years of life)
- Hard drive of all pictures
and videos from their lives
- Infant keepsake box (you
can see more about the contents of those here)
- Copy of the local newspaper from the day they were born
Caps and shirts the hospital dressed them in right after they were born
Flowers delivered to the hospital when they were born
- Umbilical
cord stumps (yes, I saved these… don’t judge.)
Going home outfit (you could keep this in the Clothing Box if you prefer)
- Baptism
- Shoes in which they took their first steps
- Lock of hair from their first haircut
- Baby teeth (yes I’m saving these and I’m keeping them
in one of these)
- First pacifier
- First brush and comb
- Ticket Stubs Book (binder
of all tickets stubs from movies, plays, sporting events, etc.)
- Rock collection box
- Souvenir penny book
- Disney Autograph book from
our Disney trips
- Mickey ears from their
first Disney trip
- Diaper bag
- First bottle
- First sippy cup
- Favorite stuffed animal
- Very favorite toys through
the years
- Very favorite books
through the years
- Trophies/other medals that
don’t fit in their school keepsake boxes
- Flowers/corsages from
first dances, etc.
- Other random school
projects that they want to save that don’t fit in their school papers keepsake
boxes (posters, pottery, picture frames, etc.)
- Other special keepsakes,
souvenirs, etc.
Just be sure to label
everything with the date and a brief description of what it is… that way you’ll
know why you saved everything! Again, I like
to use index cards for the labeling.
And you can see more
pictures and details about our kids’ Everything Else Keepsakes Boxes in this post here.
So there you have it. Four boxes for each child. And we keep those four boxes in the corners
of their closets. That way, we have easy
access to them which makes maintenance a breeze, but they’re also not in the
way either. See Olivia's in the right corner there?
When our kids grow up and
move out on their own, they will each have four boxes of keepsakes to take with
them when they go – a box of their entire school career, a box of their other
paper keepsakes by year, a box of their most special clothes, and a box of all
of their other treasures. Four boxes may
seem like a lot to some of you, but when you’re talking about 22 years worth of
stuff, that’s actually not that much.
With regard to important
papers like birth certificates, social security cards, baptismal certificates,
etc. we do not include those in the
keepsake boxes because they are all kept in our family’s LIFE BINDER that is
kept in our fireproof safe in case of an emergency.
Your child will be so
thankful that you created this little time capsule for them, but they’ll also be
glad that you didn’t bombard them with thirty boxes of every single thing they
ever owned. It’s the perfect balance!
Now, go buy those four boxes
and get started! I promise you won’t
regret that you did!
And be sure to follow me on Instagram for more organizing tips... I post about organizing frequently in my stories! I have an entire highlight dedicated just to organizing. :o)
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest
Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World / Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter
Jaclyn at Coffee, Pancakes, and Dreams / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest
And be sure to follow me on Instagram for more organizing tips... I post about organizing frequently in my stories! I have an entire highlight dedicated just to organizing. :o)
Don't forget to link up with us below!
Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts!
Stefanie at Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest / Facebook
Erin at Simple Purposeful Living / Facebook / Instagram / PinterestSarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest
Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World / Bloglovin / Facebook / Inst
Jaclyn at Coffee, Pancakes, and Dreams / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest
Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest
*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy Chronicles, Tucker Up, Shopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.
I feel like such an unfeeling, uncaring mom when I read these posts of yours...I have kept hardly anything at all of my boys' childhoods. I am a very sentimental person but I just can not stand clutter of any kind. I don't even have my wedding dress or much of anything from my childhood either. Luckily, my boys seem to take after me! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, please don't feel that way! I'm WAY more sentimental than most people so I keep way too much. Haha. And the older I get, the more clutter drives me crazy. That's exactly why I'm getting a handle on it now!
DeleteI am so glad that I have all this information before I have kids...that way I can get on top of it right away once I do. :) Love ALL this. And this life binder you mentioned...please share the details!
ReplyDeleteI do throw most of the boys stuff out but I keep a couple things. I think they are in a drawer somewhere. I have moved a couple times so I have learned not to accumulate! But we display things in an area of the kitchen throughout the year!
We display our kids' art in the kitchen, too! And then I keep my faves and recycle the rest!
DeleteDUDE!!! You did an amazing job!
ReplyDeleteHave I told you lately how AMAZING you are!!! Great job.
ReplyDeleteI love it. I still need to find Gabbie's school work from before 3rd grade so I can organize that! lol.
ReplyDeleteWOW! that is very impressive! Great job!
ReplyDeleteI'm at that point where I just can't throw anything away, but I know I need to get organized. Love the idea of filing all the school stuff. Serena brings home a project <3
ReplyDeleteGreen Fashionista
HOLY MOLY GIRL! This is beyond impressive! Thanks for sharing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteCan you just come organize my life!?! Haha! You are so good at this!
ReplyDeleteHaha. Thank you! I really enjoy organizing so I would probably enjoy that!
DeleteYou are my organization guru. I am sending this to my sisters, they will totally love this!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love all of your organizational posts! So inspiring! I need to do this, just SO MANY THINGS when your kids go to school. So excited to finally adapt a usable system.
My organization-loving heart LOVES THIS!!! I would love to know how you organize outside toys and things, like chalk, sports balls, pool noodles, etc! Would love any tips!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing. I give you mad props for putting this all together. I wish I was more organized.
ReplyDeleteNow I just need you to move in with us and DO the organization 😉 I love reading about it, and could read about it all day long... It's the "do it" part that gets me!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. If we lived close, I would most definitely be happy to do that! I love to organize and I'm running out of spaces in my own house to do that. Lol.
DeleteI am pretty sure that you are the most organized person I know! You are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThis is an exhasutive list! Looks great! I have condensed Scott's and my things because we just don't have room with 4 kids things now :)! Such great wisdom and organization here!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO organized!! Such a great system, I can only imagine how many things of Tatum's I'll want to keep over the years!