
Friday, May 31, 2019

Five on Friday - Swimming Pool, DVD Storage, and a New Movie

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

This week has been spent doing laundry, getting packed, and prepping the house for the house sitter, because in two days WE ARE OUTTA HERE!  But first some favorites!

O N E – $20 Swimming Pool

Last summer, we purchased this pool for just under $25 at our local Walmart and we used the mess out of it last summer.  I’m happy to report, it survived winter in the storage shed and is still as good as new so we will be using it again this summer.

It’s ten feet long so it’s big enough for the kids to really be able to play well in it, and that also means that it’s plenty big for Mommy and Daddy to get in there with them.  And very comfortably, I might add. 

It’s actually only $19.88 if you get it online, so if you’re looking for something to keep your little ones busy all summer, look no further!  You just can’t beat $19.88 for this big ol’ sturdy thing, y’all!

T W O – New DVD Storage

I posted about our new DVD storage on Instagram stories a while back, and I had so many questions about where the piece of furniture was from.  Well, it’s just a plain white dresser made by Davinci, and you can get it online at lots of different websites.  Find it here on Amazon and here at Walmart... it's the same price everywhere, though.

The dresser is absolutely perfect in that space, and it’s very well made, and I’m just so pleased how the whole thing turned out.  We have all of our DVDs organized in alphabetical order, spine up, vertically, and it will easily fit around 188 of them.  Once ours fills up that way, I’ll probably start stacking them front to back and it will hold significantly more that way.

T H R E E – Movie Filming Here

It was announced recently that Bruce Willis is going to be filming a movie right here in our hometown, and my littlest brother will be working on the movie!  He just graduated from film school here in Georgia and this will be his very first one as an intern.  I have loved Bruce Willis since Die Hard, Armageddon, and Friends, so it is now my life goal for the next twelve weeks to hunt him down and meet him while he’s here.  Lol.

I mean, hey, it worked back in 1999 when the movie We Were Soldiers was filmed here!  I met Chris Klein because he came to the movie theater when I was working, and I also saw Mel Gibson and Greg Kinnear (and maybe Sam Elliott, too?) at a local hockey game.  I also have several friends who spotted Keri Russell at a couple of our bars regularly, but I wasn’t old enough to be in the bars at the time.  Now, how to meet Bruce… I mean!!!!


F O U R – Natural Deodorant Update

I mentioned natural deodorant a couple of weeks ago here on the blog, and I received lots of suggestions from y’all about which one to try next.  To recap, I love my Native deodorant, but I don’t love that it leaves white marks on my clothes.  Well, the overwhelming majority of you said to try Primally Pure or Lavanila... apparently, both are great at keeping you fresh and dry, but neither of them leave white marks like Native does. 

I really wanted to try Primally Pure… it was my number one choice!  But unfortunately, they only sell on their own website, which means that in addition to paying the expensive price for the deodorant, you also have to pay $5 for shipping.  I’m sorry, but I just cannot and will not pay $19 for one stick of deodorant ($14 for the stick + $5 shipping).  Why oh why can’t they just get on board and sell on Amazon like everybody else so I can get the free shipping?!

Anyhoo, because of that, I went with the Lavanila because they do sell that on Amazon.  Are you listening, Primally Pure?  ;o)  I’ve only been using it for a couple of days and I already like it better than Native.  It truly goes on clear and does not leave white marks on my clothes, and I also feel like it leaves me feeling even more dry than Native does.  I was worried about the scent being too overpowering, but it's not at all.  I have the vanilla lavender and I love it.  I highly recommend this one!

F I V E – Weekly Funnies

Ready for some laughs for the week?

Pick me up at 6 and you've got yourself a deal.  Hahahaha.


Okay, y'all might not think this one is that funny, but B and I have laughed over this thing for dayssss.  This was SO MY DOG growing up!  If the door was open like three inches, he would somehow manage to squeeze between your legs and open it the rest of the way with his nose and he was GONE.  I can't even tell you how many times I had to run after him in the 13 years we had him.  And WHYYYY THO?  We treated him like a king!

I'm still laughing at this one and I'm fully prepared for #AllTheWhining as we enter the summer season.

Be sure to follow along on Instagram stories starting Sunday to join in on the beach fun!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and By BMG for High Five for Friday.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Family Summer Bucket List 2019

This will be my second summer at home with the kids and I think I’m just as excited as they are to be out of school!  Last summer was so relaxing and fun and I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  I’m hoping that this summer is even better. 

Here are a few things on our summer bucket list…

O N E – Extended Beach Trip & Explore New Things There

Since we’re not planning on taking any other big trips this year (since we’re saving for Disney for Spring Break next year) we decided to book our stay at the beach for eight days and seven whole nights!!  It will be the longest we’ve ever stayed and I’m ecstatic!  Last year none of us wanted to come home.  We’ll be staying in 30A again and we have so much more exploring to do!  There are a couple of things I had on my list for last year that we never got to do – check out the airstream food trucks in Seaside (namely The Meltdown) and eat at Bud & Alleys in Seaside – and I also just want to explore lots more of the area!

T W O – Explore Our Downtown Area

There are several new restaurants that have opened downtown as well as a new candy store, and we will also have a new specialty donut shop opening down there as well.  In addition to that, there have been three new murals painted on walls downtown, two of which are by Kelsey Montague, the famous angel wings painter!!  I want to explore and try all of these new things!  I love being a tourist in my own hometown!

T H R E E – Providence Canyon

There is a place in Georgia called Providence Canyon and it’s called “The Little Grand Canyon” of Georgia.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever been in my whole life, and if I have, I don’t remember it.  I’d like to do this with the kids and take them exploring.

F O U R – Spend Lots of Time at the Library and Keep Little Minds Sharp All Summer

We did this last summer and the kids were reading machines.  In addition to reading a lot this summer, I also want to keep Jacob’s math brain sharp.  He will be starting third grade in the fall and I’ve heard that’s when the academics get crazy hard, so we’re hoping to get a jump start on multiplication tables this summer.  I bought some flashcards and I’d like for him to have them all memorized by the end of summer.  There are 13 different sets (0-12), but 0s and 1s are easy, so one per week (2-12) should get the job done since we’re out for eleven weeks!

F I V E – Take the Kids Bike Riding on the Bike Trail

We had an eleven mile bike trail open here a few years ago and we’ve never once set foot on it.  I’d love to take the kids there to practice their bike riding sometime before it gets too hot.

S I X – Find a Cold Coffee Drink at Starbucks That I Like

Last year I had my first ever cold drink at Starbucks, but it was not a coffee drink.  This year I’d like to find a cold coffee drink there that I like, so send all of your suggestions my way!

S E V E N – Play in the Pool in Our Back Yard

We bought a huge blow-up pool last year and it was the best $25 I spent all summer.  The kids lived in that thing last year and I loved having it to cool off after laying out.

E I G H T – Go see an Atlanta United Game

Atlanta got a professional soccer team a couple of years ago and B has been dying to go to a game.  Since Jacob loves soccer so much, I think he’d enjoy it, too!  I’m pretty sure we’ll all enjoy it!

N I N E – Swimming Lessons for Both of the Kids

This will be Jacob’s fourth year and Olivia’s third year in swimming lessons and we’re going to continue taking them every summer until they are 100% comfortable in the water.

T E N – Date Nights

Summertime means laid back time, so I’m hoping to squeeze in at least three date nights with B.

E L E V E N – Get Milkshakes

We do this so rarely, but the kids always love them, so it’s on the list again this summer!

T W E L V E – Play on All the Playgrounds

We have so many fun playgrounds to choose from in our city, so we plan to make the rounds again this summer.  We have one that’s newish that we’ve never been to, and apparently it’s the granddaddy of all playgrounds, so that one is a MUST!

T H I R T E E N – Cookout and Outdoor Movie with Friends

We had this on our list for last summer and I don’t think we ever got around to it, so hopefully we can make some time for it this year.

 F O U R T E E N – Local Brewery

We had a brewery open in recent years and B and I have yet to go.  From what I hear they are pet and kid-friendly, so I’d love to make it over there one evening.

F I F T E E N – Open Savings Accounts for the Kids

Take two!  This one was on the list last year and we never got around to it!

S I X T E E N – Establish Chores and Allowance

This one was on our list last summer, and while I did start giving the kids responsibilities, we never actually made it a habit.  We also never figured out what to do about allowance.  So this one is back on the list for 2019!

S E V E N T E E N – Vacation Bible School

Our kids attend our church’s VBS every year, and I like that it’ll give me a week of half-days to get things done since I’ll be with the kids 24/7 for eleven weeks!

E I G H T E E N – Summer Camp

Last year we tried to get the kids into the summer camp at their school for one week, but it filled up before I had the chance to enroll them.  They have both requested to do the water themed camp this summer and we have them all signed up already!  That means Momma will get a break for a week!  Woo hoo!

N I N E T E E N – Get a Tan (While Using Sunscreen, of Course)

I had the best tan last summer that I’ve had in probably a decade and I loved every second of it!  I always feel so much healthier with one so I can’t wait to have it back… while also being responsible and healthy about it.  :o)

T W E N T Y – Read Five Books

I accomplished this goal last year so I’m coming back for more!  The kids are out for eleven weeks and I’m hoping to complete five books in that time period again.

T W E N T Y – O N E – Perfect Our Grilling Game

We failed at this one last year, so I’m leaving it on the list with the hope to work on it a little harder this summer.

T W E N T Y – T W O – Campout

Last summer we let the kids sleep in sleeping bags on each other’s floors plenty of times and this summer I’m hoping to do it again.  Only this time I’d love to go all out and build them some kind of fort and do a whole camp experience right in our house.

T W E N T Y – T H R E E – Random Acts of Kindness

We had a great time doing things for others all last summer so I’d love to do it again this summer.  Teaching kids kindness is so important in today’s world, and I’m bound and determined to create kind human beings.

T W E N T Y – F O U R – Celebrate Jacob’s Birthday

Jacob will be eight this summer, so we’ll be celebrating him well!  He actually chose to go to camp the week of his birthday since that’s the water themed week, but I’m sure we’ll do plenty of celebrating on the weekend to make up for it.

T W E N T Y – F I V E – Weekend Trip to Huntsville

As I mentioned yesterday, my brother and sister-in-law both just got jobs with NASA in Huntsville, AL, so I’m hoping to get our family of four up there to see them this summer.  There is a lot to do in Huntsville from what I hear, and we’ve never been, so we’d like to explore a new place and maybe even get a little inside tour of NASA?  Make it happen, Zach and Cheryl!  ;o)

T W E N T Y – S I X – Get Brian’s Office Cleaned Out and Organized

I saved the best (and worst) for last… this one is huge, y’all!  We’ve lived in our house for ten years in October, and in the ten years we’ve lived here, Brian’s office has always been a mess.  We never gave it any attention and it eventually turned into a dumping ground for everything that we didn’t know what to do with, and it’s driving me bonkers!  It never used to bother me because I never had a reason to even go in there, but we added a closet onto it a few years ago and it houses all of my seasonal decorations as well as our wrapping paper, so I’m in and out of there frequently now. 

This summer I want to get his whole office (including closets) cleaned out and set up so it will be functional and organized and easy to get in and out of.  You’ll be able to follow along with the progress on Instagram stories… and you’re going to be SHOCKED when you see how bad the before pictures are.  EEK!  This is one very lofty goal.

Well, that’s it, y’all.  The kids have an extra week of summer this year.  Last year they had ten, and this summer they’ll have eleven.  I’m hoping to create a whole summer full of wonderful memories like we did last year!   

Similar to last year, most weeks I’ll probably only blog 3-4 days per week, but I’ll be back to a regular 4-5 day week in August when they go back to school.

In addition to all of the items above, I've also decided that I'm not going to completely skip out on the gym like I did last summer.  By the end of last summer I felt yucky from sleeping in too much and not working out enough, so this year I'm hoping to at least make it to the gym once per week.  I'll probably just go in the evening when B gets home from work.  

And before I go, a few other simple ideas of things to do in case we run out of ideas…

Paint and hide rocks
Water beads
Dance parties
Kinetic sand

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What’s Up Wednesday - May 2019

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

Alright, it’s time to recap the month of May!  It was SUCH a busy month, and I’m sure this post will reflect that.  #AllThePictures

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Grilling hot dogs and hamburgers for Memorial Day
Tue – Pulled pork sandwiches, fruit
Wed – Eggs, grits, bacon, toast (we love breakfast for dinner!)
Thu – Momma’s going out with some old coworkers!
Fri – Out again!
Sat – Out again!

What I’m Reminiscing About

We’re heading out for our annual beach trip this weekend so I’ve been 100% in beach mode this week, and I’ve been thinking about all of the sweet times that we’ve had at the beach, first as a family of two, then three, and now four.  I can’t wait to soak up some sun and relaxation with my favorite people!

What I’m Loving

Essential oils!!  The more I use them the more I love them, and I’m now using them for all sorts of stuff.  I recently made the famous “Unicorn” roller for stress and anxiety and it is magic, y’all.  If you want to learn more, check out this post from earlier in the month, or you can go straight to this page to learn how to get them for yourself!  I’m already approaching my first two empty bottles and I’ve only been oiling for a couple of months.

What We’ve Been Up To

Yowza.  What haven’t we been up to is the real question.  May was busy in the best of ways.  In addition to all of our weekend shenanigans, we also had lots of other activities going on…

We went to RiverFest here in town and spent the evening hanging with family and friends, drinking beer, and listening to live music.  Recap here.

We wrapped up Jacob’s fourth soccer season.  Recap here.

We attended the school’s spring casino night fundraiser earlier this month.  See the recap here.

Back on May 7 B and I had a quick overnight trip to Birmingham to see Dave Matthews Band at Oak Mountain Amphitheatre.  We managed to land fifth row center seats and they were just freaking fabulous!  We grabbed a couple of craft beers and some hot dogs on the way in and we danced and sang the night away.  The weather was absolute perfection… sunny and cool and crisp, and it was one of my favorite concerts to date… and I’ve seen them 23 times!  The next morning we got up and grabbed brunch at Big Bad Breakfast before heading back home.  We eat at BBB in 30A and we love it, so we had to stop at the one in B’ham, too.  It was another crisp, sunny day, so we had brunch on the patio and it was perfection.  B had the French toast and I had sausage cheese biscuit… their biscuits are to die for.  Such a fabulous trip with my fave and it was so nice to get away from all of the May craziness if just for a night!

On May 9, Jacob and Olivia had “Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher” Day at school for Teacher Appreciation Week.  Jacob wanted to dress like his head teacher, so we put him in a yellow school shirt (because yellow is her favorite color) and purple and yellow Mardi Gras beads (because she’s from Louisiana and LSU is her favorite team).  Olivia wanted to dress like her Assistant Teacher so we put her in a floral dress with a denim jacket, because she always wears dresses and denim jackets.  We also put her hair in a braid swept over her shoulder because her teacher wears braids sometimes.  Her Assistant Teacher was so excited that Olivia had dressed like her and they took the sweetest picture together for the school’s social media accounts. 

That same day, Olivia’s class had a Mother’s Day breakfast at school.  We had muffins, donuts, and fruit, and they gifted us the sweetest little plates with their handprints on them.  The teachers had also made a slideshow with pictures of us with our babies when they were babies and, of course, it made me cry.  It was the sweetest morning with my girl!

Later that same day, my family (minus the kids) met at the cemetery to lay my Papa John to rest.  It was a small funeral with close family and friends, and it was actually really lovely.  I have major anxiety over funerals, and while my anxiety did flare up, it didn’t seem to be as bad as it was the last time I had to go to a funeral.  Hello, unicorn roller!  After the funeral, B, my parents, my brothers, my uncle and his friend, and I all went to eat lunch at a BBQ restaurant that we love.  They were packed at lunchtime, so we ended up having to sit in the tables on the bus (they converted an old greyhound bus as part of the restaurant) and we had a really great time hanging out and goofing off like we always do.  Rest in peace, Papa John.

On May 12 we celebrated Mother’s Day and we surprised my Daddy with something extra special.  See the recap here.

On May 19, we watched Olivia perform in her first ballet and tap recital ever!  Spoiler alert, she did great.  See the recap here.

On May 20, Olivia’s class had their end of the year luau and they spent the entire morning playing games, lounging in the baby pools, and playing on the slip and slide.  I volunteered to help and it was the best time even though it was HOT. 

May 22 was Olivia’s Pre-K4 moving up ceremony.  She and the rest of the kids sang five songs on stage (and ROCKED them) and we watched a little presentation that the teachers had put together about the school year.  Yes, I cried.  I just can’t believe my baby is going to be in Kindergarten next year.  Slow your roll, time!

Olivia was officially out for summer after her ceremony, so she and I ran a bunch of errands in preparation for Jacob’s class summer birthday party later that day, and we also managed to squeeze in a little Mommy Daughter pedicure.  It was her very first one and she loved it!  She did, however, manage to smudge one of her toenails within about five minutes of them being done, but they graciously fixed it for her. 

Later that same afternoon was Jacob’s class summer birthday party.  He’s a summer birthday, along with several other students and his teacher, so we surprised his teacher with yellow roses (her fave) and a Target gift card from the class.  After the cupcakes and juice boxes were consumed, the whole second grade class headed to the practice field for a class water balloon fight.  They had over 500 water balloons and it lasted about five minutes.  Haha.  Those kids had so much fun, though!

May 23 was Jacob’s second grade kickball game, one second grade class vs. the other.  B and Olivia and I all went to watch, and then afterward, Olivia and I ate a quick lunch in Jacob’s classroom while the kids ate lunch in the cafeteria.  After we ate, a couple of the other moms came in and we all set up an epic ice cream sundae bar with whip cream, hot fudge, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, M&Ms, Reeses Pieces, marshmallows, cherries, and sprinkles… THE WORKS!  When the kids came back from lunch, they dug in and then Jacob’s teacher presented her “candy bar awards” for the end of the year.  It was so cute.  Each child was awarded a different award that was named after a candy bar, and she explained each award.  Jacob got the “Rolos Award” because he’s “rolling down the right path!”  So cute!  And Jacob's teacher, who is also my sweet friend from high school, gave me a little gift for helping out and being the class room mom this year!  

May 24 was Jacob’s last day of school and it was a half day.  All they did was clean their desks in the morning and then they had one final school mass at 9:30 AM.  Olivia and I joined him, and the homily by our pastor was very touching.  He told the kids to do three things this summer – HAVE FUN, help out around the house and keep their bodies moving, and to say their prayers every day.  They recognized several teachers who are retiring, and then they had the awards ceremony for the middle-school kids, and then it was done.  We headed back to Jacob’s class afterward to grab his report card and give his teachers some hugs and then he was officially out for summer!  Woop woop!

We spent the rest of the weekend celebrating Memorial Day and RELAXING in the sun!  Recap here.

And among all of those events, I still managed to squeeze in two lunches with old coworkers, dinner with my boo, Adrienne, and a girls dinner with my old coworkers.

What I’m Dreading

The summer heat.  Our temps this past week have been absolutely ridiculous.  It’s been around 100 degrees for multiple days and it’s only May.  I have a feeling we’re going to be in for it this summer and I’m sure I’ll be over it by July 5!  Haha.

Also, my summer allergies.  I swear, it's never-ending for me these days.  I suffer for two months in the spring from tree pollen, get about a month of a break in May, and then the stupid grass pollen starts up at the beginning of June and I suffer for at least another month.  The grass pollen has started early this year, probably due to the early excessive heat, so I'm praying that getting away for our beach trip next week will give me some relief!

What I’m Working On

I’ve decided to lighten my load for summer, so I was doing #AllTheThings in the month of May to prepare for that.  Here are a few things I’ve been working on this month, and you can see more in my Monthly Goals post here. 

  1. Preparing blog posts for summer in advance.  Lots of fun stuff coming your way this summer, y’all!
  2. Preparing the house for summer.  I’m working to switch out the bulletin board in our mudroom area from school mode to summer mode.
  3. Photographing all of the kids’ artwork from the last half of the school year and getting it sorted, purged, and filed. 
  4. Cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets, getting them decluttered, and organized.
  5. Selling our old stuff we no longer want/need.  I’ve finally started using FB Market and I’m loving it!  I’ve made enough money to buy several large things I’ve been wanting for around the house and I’m hoping to have my office and the living room completed very soon!
  6. Whittling away at my Master To Do List.  I’ve been crossing 20+ things off the list each month and it feels so good!  You can always follow along in my Monthly Goals posts on the first Friday of every month!
  7. And as always, blogging.  In case you missed any of the posts from this past month, see below for the highlights!  There were some pretty great ones this month!

The Top 5 Best Shoes for Kids

And be sure to come back here tomorrow because I’ll be sharing our Family Summer Bucket List for 2019!

What I’m Excited About

We are heading to 30A this weekend for seven glorious nights and eight glorious days!  To say I’m excited is the understatement of the century.

I’m also excited about the release of The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 next month and Big Little Lies Season 2!  EEEEK!  They’re both just so good!

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – We are all done with Big Bang Theory (I loved the series finale), Shark Tank, Modern Family, American Idol (I was SO MAD that Alejandro didn’t win!), This is Us, A Million Little Things (one of the best shows ever), and all of the other regular season stuff.  We just started The Bachelorette (even though Hannah B. gets on my nerves) and we also just finished Big Little Lies season one.  We finished The Handmaid’s Tale seasons 1 and 2 earlier this month and I cannot rave enough about it!  I’m dying for season 3 to come out next month!

Reading – I just started my first book of the summer, My Oxford Year.  It’s one that everyone loved a couple of years ago, so I've had it on my radar for quite sometime.  I have to say, the first couple of chapters were a bit slow, but I'm now about halfway through and I'm LOVING it.  Perfect summer read!

What I’m Listening To

In the morning, I always listen to Elvis Duran and the Morning Show while I work.  Once that goes off I typically listen to a local radio station or I’ll switch over to my own tunes.  Now that the kids are home for the summer, I won’t be listening to any of that anymore, so I’ll be trading that in for all of our country favorites that are perfect for summer.  We have also had Taylor Swift’s new song on repeat, along with Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber’s new song (and Ed has a new album coming out this summer!!!!  YAAAASSSS.), and I’m also completely obsessed with Talk by Khalid and Knockin’ Boots by Luke Bryan.  Yes ma’am!

What I’m Wearing

I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago in one of my Five on Friday posts, but it’s worth mentioning again because it’s so darn great.  I’ve fallen in love with a clothing brand at Belk and they have the absolute best line of clothes I’ve ever seen!  They’re kind of like J. Crew meets Lilly Pulitzer (lots of pastels, bright colors, ruffles, and gingham), but for half the price!  And they have stuff for everyone in the family!  Just look at these cute options…

I picked up this tank for myself as well as the matching dress for Olivia and we are going to be totally twinning at the beach next week.  They even have a dress version for women and a romper set for babies.  

Love the ruffled collar on this one.

Green and gingham on this one!

Pom poms on this one!

This one reminds me of Lily.

I wish this one came in my size.

The bows on the back of this one are to die for.

And this outfit for little girls... I DIE!

And finally, they have scalloped shorts in every color and pattern you can think of!  Soooo much cheaper than the ones from J Crew!

I don't think a clothing brand has ever spoken to me more than this one!  I would literally wear every piece they offer!  And for Pete's sake, you HAVE to check out their baby selection.  I need to have another baby just for this!  Haha.

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Packing packing packing and LEAVING FOR THE BEACH!!!!  YAAAASSSS.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

BEEEEACH.  And not having to set an alarm in the morning.  And laying in the sun reading good books.  And tackling that summer bucket list.  And having lots of lazy days with my favorites. 

What Else Is New

Well, my brother and sister-in-law (who just moved back to our hometown late last year) actually just moved away again.  We are so sad to see them go (especially my niece and nephew), but they’re leaving because they both landed their dream jobs at the same time in the same city – Huntsville… because they both got jobs with NASA.  WHAT?!  I know. 

They will both be doing ground control for the international space station and eventually my brother is hoping to be on ground control for the next moon missions in a few years.  My brother has dreamt of working for NASA since he was a little boy… probably since he was eight or nine?  So this is a complete dream come true for him.  And for both he AND my SIL to have landed their dream jobs together?  Well, we just couldn’t be more excited for them!  Cheers to nothing but great things for them in the future! 

Whew, what a month.  Happy almost June, y’all!  And happy beach week to me!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 

Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with Mix and Match Mama for What's Up Wednesday, The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

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