Monday, April 8, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with Four of My Birthday Celebrations

I just had the most perfect birthday weekend ever and I truly couldn’t have asked for more!!  Loads and loads of family time, lots of fun outside, and my allergies (mostly) stayed in check, so we’re calling this weekend a TOTAL WIN!

Friday morning I started out the day with my free birthday coffee from Starbucks and then I was ready to tackle another productive day.  All day I had sweet phone calls, text messages, FB messages, and IG messages rolling in and it was so nice getting caught up with everyone.  I got to talk to several people I hadn’t spoken with in a while and it was just so nice!  Thank you all for making me feel very loved!

After B got off of work, we all headed downtown to meet my parents, brothers, SIL, niece, nephew, and uncle for dinner at our favorite Brew Pub and I got to get some sweet baby snuggles while drinking one of my favorite IPAs.  No better way to ring in 37!!  After dinner we all stepped outside where everyone was gathering for the first concert of the spring outdoor concert series.  We always enjoy these so much every year and I’d been counting down the days until the first one… so fun that it landed on my actual birthday!  A Billy Joel cover band performed and they were really good.  The kids had fun dancing and hanging out and the weather was just perfection.  My Aunt Joy and Uncle Greg joined us for the concert and we also got to chat with several other people who we knew that were also down there, one of whom was one of my old coworkers!

After hanging out at the concert for about an hour we all walked down to the Frozen Yogurt place for dessert and after we were done there we headed home since it was getting late  When we got home, B busted out some Gigi’s Cupcakes and he and the kids sang Happy Birthday to me.  We let the kids splurge and eat a half of a cupcake (even though they had just had frozen yogurt) before finally getting them settled into bed way after their bedtimes. 

After the kids went to bed, I opened my gifts from B (he gave me the best card EVER) and then we had our cupcakes… since he had gotten so many flavors, we split them all up so we could try a little of each… a half of a funfetti, a quarter of a lemon, and a quarter of a strawberry.  All were delicious!  While eating our cupcakes, we watched the last two episodes of season two of The OA and I’m already dying for the third season to come out!  Too bad we’ll probably have to wait two more years.  Ha!

Saturday morning we got up and did some things around the house.  I went through both kids’ closets and got rid of all of the stuff they’ve outgrown and then I made a list of all of the odds and ends they each need for summer… new khaki shorts, polos, and sunglasses for J, and new Natives, leggings, and a couple of church dresses for O. 

Jacob had a late soccer game at 1:30, so we had to get ready and eat lunch a little earlier and then we headed to the field.  They got whooped 15-2 by what looked like a bunch of 12 year old professionals.  Lol.  Seriously, it was reeeeally hard to believe that a few of those kids on the other team were six and seven years old.  They were HUGE and really good and we got stomped. 

After soccer, we headed to Lowe’s to grab some ferns for the front porch, and we also bought some shelving to hang in our outdoor shed to hold some odds and ends.  Now all B has to do is hang them and we’ll finally be able to get our Christmas wreaths off of the back porch.  Haha.  Yes, they’re still not put up all these months later.  See, I promise I don’t always have everything together.  ;o)

Saturday evening we had my birthday celebration with my father-in-law and B’s sis and her fam joined us.  We had Longhorn for dinner because I’d been craving a steak, and then we headed back to my FIL’s for cookie cake and presents and to watch the end of the Auburn vs. Virginia basketball game.  It was a heartbreaker for AU fans for sure.

Saturday evening after the kids went to bed, B and I downloaded a free trial of Hulu to give The Handmaids Tale a go and, y’all, I AM HOOOOKED.  It is so good.  In a very creepy, horrible way.  Can y’all even imagine if that ever actually happened?!  OMG.  I’m sure we’ll be blowing through those seasons quickly because I can’t stop watching.

Sunday morning I finished cleaning out Jacob’s closet since I hadn’t quite been able to finish it Saturday and then we headed to my mother-in-law and step father-in-law’s for Sunday lunch and for yet another birthday celebration for moi!  She made my favorite of her meals – cheesy chicken and lawnmower potatoes (I need to share the recipe because – best potatoes I’ve ever had in my whole life), and also asparagus, carrots, black eyed peas, and cornbread.  It was so good.

After lunch we had more cookie cake for my birthday dessert and then the kids helped me open presents.  I received a few things off of my birthday wish list, and then my MIL surprised me with seven large pots of herbs to grow in our back yard!!  I am SO EXCITED!  And she had already planted them for me and everything!  I cannot wait to use these beauties in our dinners and in my drinks… mint, anyone?  Mmmm!!

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching the kids play in the back yard because the weather was beautiful yet again (even though it was mostly cloudy) and then we headed home to relax for a bit before heading to my parents’ house.

My Momma cooked my favorite Sunday dinner – meatloaf and mashed potatoes with broccolli casserole and black eyed peas, and then we had a Funfetti cake for dessert (my fave since I was a little girl!) and I opened presents from them as well.  We spent the rest of the evening gathered around the dinner table, drinking wine, and cutting up like we always do, and it was just the perfect way to end the perfect birthday weekend.

It was truly the most perfect birthday weekend I could have asked for and I have so much to look forward to still because I get to celebrate with my girls next week!

I’m off to run a crapload of errands today so I can stay home and get things done around the house the rest of the week!  Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a fun birthday weekend! The Friday night concerts look like so much fun!

  2. What a GREAT birthday weekend! So glad it was a good one!

  3. Now I want to make meatloaf, mashed potatoes and broccoli casserole for dinner tonight!! Those cupcakes look amazing. Ugh...I would have no self control between the cupcakes and cookie cake!! Glad you had such an amazing time celebrating your bday!

  4. I'm so glad you had such a fun weekend of celebrating! I need to check out that show -- I'll be honest though, I don't like old-timy shoes -- I know, I'm so weird!

  5. Birthday celebrations are the best! Hope you enjoyed your weekend! And The Handmaid's Tale is creepy and so addictive! Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much! Creepy is definitely a good way to describe it!

  6. Happy Birthday Weekend! Those cupcakes looked amazing!

  7. Now that's what I call a birthday weekend! Looks like lots of fun celebrating!!

  8. Glad you had an awesome weekend with lots of sweet treats!

  9. What a weekend!! Looks amazing and you deserved it all lady!!

  10. Yum...meatloaf! I love that you were celebrated to the fullest! Makes me happy to know how much you are loved and celebrated! YAY

  11. I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday weekend - you deserve it all and more girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. Happy happy belated birthday! You deserve every bit of your celebrations!!

  13. What a great weekend! Happy belated birthday! Your potted herb looks fantastic.

  14. So glad you had a wonderful birthday weekend!! You deserved it!! We had a similar situation when Austin played basketball this winter.. his first game they got CRUSHED by this team that was running warm-up drills, dribbling between their legs, doing layups.. I was like there is NO way these kids are in first grade! they were big and obviously had major basketball skills. I don't get how that happens!!!!

    1. Bahahaha. I know!! It was so crazy! I mean, we have a very young team this season, but still. Those kids looked like they could have played soccer with teenagers!

  15. Sounds like such a fun weekend full of celebrating! That cookie cake has me wanting to go get one pronto! :) I just started the Handmaid's Tale too, and the only way I can describe it is uncomfortable but addicting!

    1. Uncomfortable is SUCH a good way to describe it. Some of those scenes make me want to just close my eyes. But it's like a train wreck... you can't look away!

  16. What a fun weekend~ now that is my kind of birthday celebration!!! Four that is - LOL!!! Nothing better then cake, cupcakes and frozen yogurt on a weekend! Happy birthday!Annster's Domain

    1. Lol, yes we do always overdo it with the celebrations!! Just that much more festive, I suppose! Haha.

  17. What a great birthday weekend. Sounds like it was amazing. I sooo want a cupcake now. And meatloaf. I actually love meatloaf!

  18. What a wonderful birthday weekend. I am craving some funfetti now! Those Friday night concerts sound great.

  19. Happy birthday! What a wonderful weekend you had!!

    1. Yes! Definitely couldn't have asked for anything more!

  20. Yes to that cookie cake and free Starbucks! That's my kind of birthday celebration!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  21. What a fun weekend! Those cupcakes sound delicious. And I love you herbs!!

  22. So glad you had such a great weekend celebrating!! We don't have Hulu but that's how we were with the show, You. We got so hooked! Funfetti is always a favorite!

  23. Looks like you had a blast :) . Happy Birthday again!


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