Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with Easter

We had a four-day weekend for Easter and it was one of my favorite ones to date!  On Good Friday we had some bad weather roll through early in the morning and then the rest of the day was rainy and cold.  B had to work most of the day, so the kids and I spent the day inside snuggling, coloring, and working on Jacob’s banner for his First Communion next weekend. 

B got off of work at 2 and then we all headed out to run a few errands.  We dropped off some donations, stopped by Rooms to Go to search for a cabinet to store all of our DVDs, and when we didn’t find anything there, we headed to a local thrift mall to go exploring.  We’d never been before and the place is HUGE so I had high hopes that we’d find something perfect, but sadly, we had no luck.

We decided to grab Mexican for dinner on the way home, and then we spent the rest of the evening watching TV with the kids and catching up on a few house things. 

Saturday morning Jacob had a soccer game and it was freeeezing – so out of the norm for mid-April in Georgia.  We all bundled up in sweatshirts and big jackets and hoods to block the wind and occasional sprinkles of rain, but we still froze our butts off and I was counting down the seconds until the game was over.  Jacob’s team lost 2-0 but he played a great game himself.  He was finally on offense and he was SO CLOSE to scoring his first goal, but it went out just near the goal.  Such a bummer!

We stopped by Zaxby’s for lunch on the way home and then we spent the rest of the day dyeing Easter eggs (our first time using the Cool Whip method!), watching the G-Day game (UGA’s spring practice scrimmage).  My cousin works with the team and he was Kirby Smart’s right hand man for the game, so we kept seeing him on TV over and over again.  We see him on TV every now and then down on the sideline, but he got loads of TV time during this game. 

After the game, I started cleaning out the closet in Brian’s office.  It’s been a HUGE mess and it’s so cluttered that half of the stuff that belongs in there has been piled in our front sitting room for a few weeks and it’s been driving me nuts!  It all got out of hand because I started cleaning stuff out again at the beginning of the year, so I’m now trying to get it all organized and get all of the donations out of the house, as well as sell the things that need to be sold. 

Saturday evening we met my parents, brothers, SIL, niece, nephew, and uncle at our favorite little pub for dinner and drinks, and then it was back home to get the kids showered and off to bed early since we were going to be up earlier than usual on Sunday for church!

Sunday morning the kids were up earlier than necessary but they played until B and I got out of bed, and then it was time to head downstairs to find their Easter baskets.  Jacob found his first – in the bath tub in the bathroom downstairs – and then Olivia found her in the closet under the stairs.  I grew up waking up to Easter baskets on the dining room table, but B grew up with the Easter Bunny hiding his basket, so we adopted his family’s tradition and the kids love it.  They both spent a little bit of time looking through their goodies and then it was time for breakfast followed by the real reason for the day – JESUS’S RESURRECTION!!!! 

We arrived at church about 30 minutes early because it packs out quickly on Easter Sunday and miraculously we were able to get a pew with my parents and brother and SIL and the kids.  Mass ran about 15 minutes long which meant that we were in there for a total of about two hours, but it was an Easter miracle because all four of our kiddos were little angels the entire time!  Even my niece, who is just six months old, was a perfect quiet angel!  I got to hold her for a good chunk of the time that we were in there and I just ate up all of those baby snuggles!

After church we stopped outside to snap a few family pictures (and one of Olivia with her BFF from school) and then we had to hightail it out of there to be at my mother-in-law and step-father-in-law’s for Easter lunch at noon.  I was able to get several good pictures of the kiddos.  How stinking cute are they in their Easter best?!

We ended up being 15 minutes late to my MIL and step-FIL’s because the traffic was awful getting out of church, but they kept lunch hot and we dined on ham and mashed potatoes and carrots and pineapple casserole and scalloped corn and so many other faves including those adorable deviled eggs my MIL made.  HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!  She said that they were a pain to make so she’ll probably never make them again.  Haha.

After lunch the kids were eager to get the egg hunt underway, so my MIL and SIL and I all went out back and hid eggs around the yard.  We probably had, like, 500 among the three of us, so each kid ended up getting over a hundred eggs, I would guess.  Haha.  They racked up on candy and cute little trinkets and even some money!

After the egg hunt we headed to my aunt and uncle’s house to celebrate with my family.  Unfortunately, our family’s Easter celebrations always overlap, so we didn’t get to spend quite as much time at either place as we normally would.  We were able to stay with my fam for about an hour, though, and then we headed home.

Easter was the absolute most gorgeous day weather-wise – crystal clear blue skies, low humidity, and a high in the low seventies – so we immediately headed outside when we arrived home and we stayed there for the rest of the evening.  My father-in-law came over to give the kids some Easter goodies from him and he ended up staying with us for the rest of the day, too.  I made a delicious cheese board with an assortment of crackers, fruits, cheeses, and smoked almonds, and I was super excited that I was able to garnish it with rosemary from my own little garden.  It’s the little things.  :o) 

B whipped up some Moscow Mules for us, and we had those and the cheese board for dinner.  Since we always eat such a huge lunch on Easter Sunday and also because my mom doesn’t ever do Sunday dinner on Easter, B and I started doing cheese boards for Easter dinner a few years ago to keep it nice and light. 

We spent the rest of the evening soaking up the sunshine, playing baseball, playing soccer, and watching the kids color at the table on the back porch.  It was one of the most relaxing days I’ve had in a long time and it honestly couldn’t have been more perfect.  What better way to celebrate Jesus than spending lots of time out in His Father’s creations?

Don't mind Brian's face here!  Lol.  I loved this picture of him with his dad since they were twinning, but I sadly didn't get a good shot of Brian making a normal face.  Hahahaha.

The kids were off for Easter Monday as well, but B had to work, so the kids and I ran to the grocery store and then met B downtown for lunch.  After lunch I took them to the downtown playground by the river because the weather was a carbon copy of Easter Sunday – just perfect.  They played for a good long while and then we went home so I could do a little bit of laundry and work.  They played outside the whole time until it was time to get ready for ballet and soccer, and just like that, our four-day weekend was over. 

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

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Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 

Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.


  1. We used the cool whip method for dyeing eggs this year too! It was a lot of fun (but very messy!). I miss those days of Easter egg hunts.

    1. Yes, it was still messy! But I was glad not to have toworry about oneof the kids spilling food coloring and water everywhere! EEK!

  2. What a wonderful Easter weekend! I tell you this every Easter, but my family has always hid Easter baskets. It's always fun!

  3. That photo of the kids going down the slide is a framer! What an amazing Easter to you had, the kiddos looked so excited!

  4. What a great weekend! Everybody looks so nice for Easter and I love how you and your mom both wore florals. That park looks like so much fun and I'm glad you got to enjoy the extended weekend!

  5. I was going to do the cool whip method this year, but I loath dying Easter eggs, so far we've never done them with the kids and I'm sort of okay with that. Looks like you had a great weekend! I love those family weekends, where you can soak it all in.

  6. We had a 4 day weekend as well! Well, Mason did. How did y’all like the cool whip method? I wanted to try that, but we spent Easter at the lake and so that didn’t happen. The unicorn stickers are so cute. I’ve never heard of the hiding the Easter basket thing, but I kind of love it. Like a little scavenger hunt! A 2 hour mass? Wow! But, understandable given the day. Glad the kids did well! I love the family pictures. You and your mom are practically twins! Looks like y’all had an amazing Easter weekend filled with celebrating Jesus and with precious family!

  7. Still loving the idea of a post-Easter cheese plate and drinks on the patio! And love those cool whip eggs - need to try that next year <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. Looks like a wonderful family-filled Easter! Insert all the heart eyes!

  9. The eggs came out so great!! Looks like such a fun time and I wish Olivia's dress came in my size LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. we did cool whip as well and was fun except E would not touch it, so I had a blast! Olivia's dress is too cute.

  11. We had that crazy weather too and Easter turned out just the same, just beautiful as it should be! What great family photos after church. I am glad you got to see all parts of your family even though it was not as long as you wanted. I always have to remember quality is what counts even if it isn't in the quantity I want!

  12. You got some amazing shots in this post! You guys looked picture perfect on Easter! I love the tradition of hiding the basket. I feel like "traditions" are the biggest things kids remember from their childhoods, so I'm always trying to incorporate more. :)

  13. What a great Easter weekend. Those cookies in their baskets look amazing. We always had to find out Easter baskets too.

  14. I love everyone's Easter best. You and your mom look so much alike. And I'm glad y'all got some sunshine for the weekend!

  15. What a great Easter celebration! Your littles are adorable!
    xo Tea

  16. That sounds so cool! And yes, I suppose shaving cream would work just as well!


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