
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

This is Five… Olivia’s Birthday Interview

Before I get into all things Olivia, I want to give a shout-out to the hubs because today is HIS birthday!!!!  Happy birthday, my love!  Next year if you’d like, we can do a birthday interview for you.  ;o)

So, our jolly gal will be FIVE next Monday, so this past weekend I interviewed her for her annual birthday interview.  In the past she has always been pretty goofy for these interviews, but for some reason she took this one very seriously.  She thought very carefully about each answer and barely showed her silly side, which is very unusual for her… just one more sign that she’s growing up.  Cue all the tears.  :o(  She does, however, still start nearly every sentence with a nice long, “Ummmm…” as she’s thinking.  :o) 

Ladies and gentlemen (well Ladies and Brian and my Daddy… the only two gentlemen who probably read my blog – haha), this is FIVE...

1.      What is your favorite toy?  “Ummmm… hmmmm… that’s kind of hard because there’s lots of toys.  That Minnie Mouse thing where you call Minnie Mouse on the phone that Grandpa gave me today for Valentine’s Day.”  (She literally just got this about an hour ago so it’s fresh in her mind.)
2.      What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “Mmmmm, that doll that you smell her face and it smells like vanilla.”  (It was a gift from my mother-in-law and she’s had her since she was born and she really does love it but I wouldn’t say that she has a favorite… she’s more of a flavor of the week kind of person.  Haha.) 
3.      What is your favorite game?  “Um… hmmmm… Candyland.”  Me: “Not the Hatchimals game?!”  Olivia: “Oh yes, the Hatchimals game!!”  (We have literally been playing this game one to multiple times PER DAY since she got it for Christmas.)
4.      What is your favorite sport?  “Ummmm… ballet!” 
5.      What is your favorite book?  “Mmmm that one’s kind of hard.  Um, that big Anna and Elsa one.”  (She’s referring to her Frozen 5-Minute Stories book and she does love it!  We’ve been reading it most nights for the last few weeks now.) 
6.      What is your favorite TV show?  “Um, True!”  (A Netflix original and she does love it.) 
7.      What is your favorite movie?  “Um… hmmmm… I guess Frozen.”  (Even though she hasn’t watched it in probably over a year because she doesn’t like conflict between the sisters and is terrified of Marshmallow.  Haha.  She is obsessed with all things Frozen, though, so I suppose that’s true.)
8.      What is your favorite song?  “Um, my favorite song is Moana soundtrack.”   
9.      What is your favorite band or singer?  “Um, Elsa.”  (She said this last year, too!  Lol.)
10. What is your favorite holiday?  “CHRISTMAS!”  (She didn’t even hesitate with this one!  She is her mother’s daughter.)
11. What is your favorite season?  “Um, what are the seasons?”  Me: “Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.”  Olivia: “Winter, because that’s when Christmas is.” 
12. What is your favorite color?  “Um, red.”  Me: “HUH?!”  Olivia: “Because of PJ Masks.”  Me: “So it’s not pink anymore?”  Olivia: “Yeah, it is pink.  I like all of the colors.”  (I like that answer!  I like all of the colors, too.  Oh, except orange… I’m only an orange fan when it’s on a fall leaf or a pumpkin.)
13. What is your favorite animal?  “Ummmm, not scary stuff.  I guess giraffes.  Oh wait, I mean hippopotamuses because remember when we saw that one at Disney World and it was tee-teeing?!”  *Laughs her head off*  (First of all, she means rhinoceros.  And y’all, if there is ONE THING that our kids remember from Disney World, it is literally this – the dang rhinoceros peeing in its natural habitat on the Kilimanjaro Safaris ride in Animal Kingdom.  They still talk about that a whole year later and any time the subject of Disney World comes up, this comes up in the conversation, too.  That rhino really made an impression on them.  And I think I inadvertently got it on video.  I should really show it to them sometime.  Hahahaha.)
14. What is your favorite shirt?  “Um, shirt?  The one that has those flowers on it.”  (She’s not wrong, y’all.  She’s referring to a shirt that she’s literally been wearing since she was two years old and she still won’t give it up.  It started out so long that it was pretty much a dress, then it slowly became a tunic as she grew, and now we’re dealing with a very short shirt.  We really got our money’s worth from that one!  Haha.)
15. What is your favorite fruit?  “Um, raspberries.”  (Literally the only fruit she will eat right now so I would have been giving her the side-eye if she didn’t say this.)
16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “Probably, um, carrots, because I used to eat them.”  (Lol.  Sounds about right, she hardly eats any veggies.)  Me: “What about okra?”  Olivia: “I like okras and carrots.”  (Girlfriend does love some fried okra… she’s a good little southern girl!)
17. What is your favorite snack?  “S’mores Goldfish.”  (Both of our kids love these!)
18. What is your favorite treat?  “Treat?  Wow, this one is hard.  I guess bubblegum.  Mmmm yummy, bubble gum.”  *starts making up a song about bubblegum and singing it*  (And she’s totally right.  She is completely obsessed with gum right now and will choose it over anything right now.)
19. What is your favorite drink?  “Um, water, HAH!”  *starts making up a song about water to the tune of “Part of Your World” and singing it*  (And she’s totally right.  She literally only drinks water… she’s not interested in milk or juice or soft drinks or anything else.  I can’t even remember the last time she drank anything other than water… it’s probably been over a year.)
20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Um, homemade waffles because sometimes you make breakfast for dinner and you make homemade waffles.”  *starts making up a song about homemade waffles and singing it*  (I can’t believe she didn’t say peanut butter and jelly.  She chooses it over any food every single day of the week and would eat it for every single meal if we would let her.  She pretty much has at least one per day.)
21. What is your favorite restaurant?  “Um, that shop where you get pancakes… Cracker Barrel.”  *starts singing her class behavior song that goes, “Criss cross applesauce, hands in your lap, bubble in your mouth, chomp.”*  (Random.  Lol.)
22. Who is your best friend?  “Becca.”  (This is true.  It’s pretty much the only person she talks about every day when she gets home from school.)
23. What makes you feel happy?  “Um, happy Valentine’s Day.”  (Can you tell that we celebrated hard this week?  Ha!)
24. What makes you feel sad?  “Um, that someone hit me.”
25. What are you afraid of?  “Storm and thunder and lightening.”  (True story, she also said this last year.)
26. What are you thankful for?  “My friend gave me, um, toys.”  Me: “What else?”  Olivia: “Um, that she bes kind to me.”  (I don’t even know how to spell “bes” but oh my goodness, I’m going to be so sad when she starts using the correct past tense verbs!)
27. What are you really good at?  “Mmmm, doing mazes.”  (Both kids have been on a maze kick lately… especially Jacob!)
28. What is your best memory?  “Um, that one day that I throwed up on the couch and the floor a little bit.  I never throwed up in a long time.”  Me: “That’s your best memory?!”  Olivia: “Uh huh.”  Me: “You know what best means, right?”  Olivia: “Mmmm hmmmm, that means you’re the best.”  Me: “Best means good… so you like throwing up?!”  Olivia: “Noooo…”  Me: “Okay, so what’s your favorite GOOD memory?”  Olivia: “About the Daddy Daughter dance.”  (Every single time we talk about memories, both kids always mention that they remember when they had stomach viruses and threw up.  Apparently they hate it so much it leaves a huge impression because it’s always the first thing they remember from the past.  Lol.)
29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  *without hesitation*  “Elsa.”  (She said this last year and it’s so true.  She talks constantly about how she’s going to be Elsa at Disney World one day.)
30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “Um, that I was dreaming about the Daddy Daughter Dance.”  Me: “That’s not really a wish.”  Olivia: “Oh, I don’t even really know what wishes are.”  Me: “A wish is where if you could have anything in the world what would it be?”  Olivia: “That I could float in the sky.”  (Lofty goals… literally.  Hahahaha.)

Happy almost birthday to our girl!  Just five more days!!  We’ve been counting it down since, like, November!  Haha.

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Time for a link party! Blogging friends, share your post below and meet your hosts! 

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*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

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  1. She is so funny. I want to be Elsa too. Happy Birthday to Brian and Olivia.

  2. She cracks me up...and sooo many words! Girls always have sooo many words. I want to be Elsa when I grow up too Olivia! And I think waffles for dinner should always be in the rotation. You are going to love having these little interviews!

  3. Happy Birthday Brian - totally need to interview him. That would be hilarious! And Olivia is just too funny - these interviews are the cutest thing. I need to get my brother and sister in law to do these with my nephew. :)

  4. Oh funny! Happy birthday to your beautiful baby girl! And Mr. too

  5. Oh how totally cute are her answer and the random songs (E does this as well). I just love their imaginations at this age.

  6. I love that she starts out her answers with Ummm pretty much for everything - so sweet! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. I love all of these answers and the fact that she started them all with ummm. The color one kills me...I love all the colors too Olivia. Happy Birthday to Brian today!

  8. Her answers are amazing. The singing random songs is so cute! I love that she wants to be Elsa at Disney! Simon used to show everyone the place in the house he threw up. I guess these stomach things do leave an impression. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to both Olivia and Brian! I hope this year is the best yet. Olivia is such a doll. I love that her favorite sport is ballet and that she wants to be Elsa! She could so be Elsa at Disney World!

  10. These are so cute. I love that she took her time with each answer. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!

  11. This was so great! I love that you put in the little songs she was singing too! I'm with her on the storms - I am almost 36 years old and I still hate storms! I live in tornado alley too! :(

    1. Oh my goodness, then I don't blame you! I could NEVER live in tornado alley. Tornadoes freak me out so bad.

  12. Oh my heavens what a fun and cute idea! (me too on the smores goldfish miss O)

  13. Happy Birthday to Olivia :) Can't believe she is 5 !!!

  14. Enjoy the big 5 celebrations so soon! Such a cutie!

  15. Oh my goodness - she's the sweetest! I love her favorite song - the Moana Soundtrack! Happy (almost) Birthday, Olivia! Happy Birthday, Brian!

  16. Happy Birthday to Brian! Shes's so funny. I want to be Elsa when I grow up too!

  17. Oh so cute! I used to do little interviews like this with my boys and I just loved listening to their answers. One time (I don't remember which boy or how old they were but one of them told me they wanted to be a pig when they grew up).

    1. Hahahaha. That made me laugh out loud! The things kiddos come up with!

  18. Awww, so cute! I always forget to do this for my kids! Happy birthday to Brian! I want to float too!


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