
Monday, February 4, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Concert

B and I had yet another date night this weekend… that makes two in the span of seven days!  Woo hoo!  We kicked off Friday night with dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.  We enjoyed a couple of craft beers and I got to have my favorite salad ever – spinach and strawberry salad topped with goat cheese, pecans, and grilled filet tips in a poppyseed dressing.  Seriously the best salad of all time, and the best part is that it leaves me feeling satisfied but not stuffed like the food at some of our other favorite restaurants. 

After dinner we walked down the street to see Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.  If you’re not from the south and/or are not a fan of country music then you may not have ever heard of them, but they’ve been around since the 1960’s… we were by far the youngest people in there.  Lol.  B has loved them since he was a kid and it was on his bucket list to see them one day, so he jumped at the chance and I was along for the ride since he came to see Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake with me.  ;o) 

But seriously, they were really good and our seats made the whole experience even better.  We were technically in the fourth row, dead center, but they didn’t sell any tickets for the first two rows, so it was basically like we were in the second row.  We do always manage to get excellent seats to concerts!  Even if you don’t know who Nitty Gritty Dirt Band is, you probably know the song “Fishing in the Dark” (unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last 30 years).  That song is always a jam, so it was fun to see it live.  Any excuse to go out on the town with my babe is always good, too!  :o)

Saturday we had nothing going on so we played with the kiddos all day and got some stuff done around the house.  As you know, my goal this year is to get stuff DONE.  All of the things I’ve been putting off forever… JUST DO THEM, ALREADY. 

So Saturday we worked on rearranging some window treatments in the house.  When we moved in our house ten years ago I had no clue how to properly hang curtains (and Pinterest didn’t exist to tell me how, although, I probably could have googled it) so we hung all of them just level with the tops of the windows.  Well, several years later I found out the proper way to hang them (near the ceiling and wider than the windows) so it’s been on my list of things to do FOREVER to get all of the curtains in the whole house re-hung properly.  We did the ones in our living room years ago but I never felt like doing the others, so this weekend was our weekend to knock it out!

We got the ones in our dining room, front sitting room, and play room repositioned and I got that ugly yellow and white chevron valance thing down out of the front sitting room… finally!  White IKEA curtains are now in there and I also hung my old black and white striped curtains from my office in the playroom.  We also got our old set of red dishes sold this weekend, too!  I listed them on our neighborhood Facebook page on Friday and someone snatched them up immediately!  That freed up an entire shelf in the kitchen cabinets and gave us a little bit of extra spending money.  Winning! 

Saturday evening we went to 5:30 mass as always, and then we headed to our fave Mexican restaurant for dinner with my momma, daddy, uncle, brother, and his fam.  It was crazy packed and some of our church and school friends were at the table next to us to it was a fun evening. 

Sunday was lunch at my MIL and step-FIL’s as always, and the weather was so warm that we all enjoyed a long lazy afternoon out on the deck while the kids played in the yard.  Last week we had temps in the 20’s and this week ahead we’re going to be in the 70’s almost every day… crazy, crazy Georgia weather.  But before you northerners get too jealous, it’s also supposed to rain here for the next 40 days and 40 nights.  Lol.

Sunday evening my Momma made lots of snacks and a big pot of beef stew and we all piled in their living room and dining room to watch the Superbowl… or the commercials if you don’t care about pro football like me.  :o)  As I always say during pro football... I'm just here for the snacks!

Well, happy Monday, y’all!  I’m soooo excited it’s Monday and that rarely happens, but this week I have a good reason… ALL OF MY WHITE KITCHEN CABINET DREAMS ARE FINALLY COMING TRUE ON TUESDAY!!  Follow along here in Insta Stories!!  EEK!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.

Inlinkz Link Party


  1. I can't wait to see your cabinet transformation! We went to a Willie Nelson concert a few years ago, and we were the youngest ones there too. (And we're not even that young!) We are going to rock the date nights this week too, with 2 in one week! A movie last Friday and a play this Thursday. Have a fabulous week!

  2. We love the Nitty Gritty Dirt band. What a fun concert! I can’t wait to see your new cabinets.

  3. Yay for new cabinets soon! That's so exciting and will change the entire look of your downstairs. Y'all go to fun concerts!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. I’m so excited about your cabinets! My favorite concert goers right there! So glad y’all had fun. Happy Monday!

  5. I can't wait to see how the cabinets turn out! Loving the quick refresh window treatments give a room.

  6. I cannot wait to get home from work today and check out your stories...ahhh so exciting! Your Friday night sounds so fun - I definitely would love to see that band - that song is a classic. Happy Monday!

  7. I don't know that band or that song, lol!

  8. I am so excited for your cabinets!! And lord what did we do before Pinterest?

  9. Yay for kitchen dreams coming true!! I haven't been to a concert in years - so much fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. How exciting about your kitchen. That salad sounds so good. I don't know how I functioned before Pintrest! Seriously, how did I plan my wedding without it, or any of my lesson plans? Or decorate my house? I hope you have a great week Lindsay!

  11. Your curtains look great!! We did not watch but maybe 10 minutes of the Super Bowl game -
    Look forward to seeing how the cabinets turn out!
    Happy Monday!

  12. After I saw your stories from the concert I made a fishin in the dark pandora channel. My jam too! I cannot wait to see how the cabinets turn out!

  13. What a great weekend!! I cannot wait to see how your cabinets come out! They will for sure be beautiful!!

  14. I just love weekends where you can knock out tons of household chores and to do list items. We had a little day date this weekend too and it was so nice!

    1. Yes! Glad y'all got to squeeze in a little date this weekend, too. Day dates are always my favorite!

  15. Such a fun weekend! Mexican sounds devine -- that's all I've been feeling like eating lately for some reason.

  16. Facebook marketplace is the best for household goods! I've sold so much on there.

  17. The snacks all looked amazing for the Super Bowl party. I can't believe you got 2 dates in already. We need to change that in my house.

  18. SO much fun! Love it! (and love marketplace) Also - thanks for the sweet comment on Miss A's sweetheart ball (it wouldnt let me reply to you!)


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