
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with the Michael Buble Concert

It was a great three-day weekend, y’all!  Friday we kicked it off with pizza and craft beers at our new favorite place.  After dinner, we went back home, snuggled up on the couch, and had a family movie night to watch The Little Rascals.  It was one of my favorites growing up and my Momma and Daddy gave the DVD to the kids for Valentine’s Day, so they were ready to watch it.  The kids ended up LOVING it.  And I loved watching it again after all these years.  It is just so stinking cute!

Saturday B picked up donuts for breakfast.  It had been quite some time since we’d had them, so we were long overdue.  I worked on a few projects around the house after breakfast.  I finally, finally got my entertainment center shelves styled the way that I want them and I also started moving around some things around on our walls.  B had an afternoon tennis match, so the kids and I stayed home and did a couple of loads of laundry, Olivia and I did her five year old birthday interview (coming later this week to the blog), and then we all played princesses and Legos and a bunch of other stuff in the play room.

Saturday evening we went to 5:30 mass as usual, and then we went to our usual Mexican place with my mom, dad, uncle, brother, and his family.  I got lots of baby snuggles in while I sipped on a margarita, so it wasn’t too shabby of an evening.  ;o)

The kids were off to bed shortly after we got home and then B and I settled in to watch Jurassic World… AKA Lindsay got in a good couch nap.  ;o)

Sunday morning we were pretty lazy until it was time to go to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch, and then we spent a little bit of time in the back yard at their house afterward.  It’s been rainy/dreary here for weeks with only a couple of sunny days sprinkled in here and there, so I feel like I’m starting to go into a bit of an end-of-season funk.  I’m ready for spring!

My MIL came to our house around 4 Sunday afternoon and B and I took off for a rare (if ever) Sunday evening date night!  Michael Buble was playing in Atlanta and it has been on my bucket list to see him for about 15 years, so we bought tickets the second they went on sale a few months ago.

Since we were in Atlanta, we stopped at IKEA on the way to grab another pair of my favorite curtains, and while we were there I ended up grabbing a couple of other odds an ends… a faux fern for the living room (that looks AMAZING!), a frame for my office (so I can finally get it completed!!), and two more frames that will possibly go in the living room… we’ll see. 

After IKEA we headed straight to the venue in Duluth.  It was raining (yet again) and the traffic was way worse than usual (probably because of the rain) so we ended up getting in the door with just enough time to run to the bathroom, grab a couple of hot dogs and beers, and slide into our seats about ten minutes before he came out.  Whew.  There was no opener for him, and they had announced that he would be out promptly at 8, so we were sweating it there for a little while.  I would have been so sad if we had missed the beginning!

The concert was AMAZING… even better than I had hoped for.  He had a 35 piece orchestra behind him along with three very talented back-up singers.  He sang all of my favorites of his as well as a lot of my old favorite standards that he does.  Our seats were INCREDIBLE.  We were in Row R (18th row from the main front stage) and our seats were right by the catwalk portion of the stage that leads to the middle of the venue.  Therefore, he kept walking right by us and we even made it up on the big screen for a second when he walked by us and the camera followed him.  I mean, he was RIGHT THERE.  It was so cool.

Many people got out of their seats to stand right along the catwalk, but I stayed in my seat.  I ended up kind of wishing I had gone to stand over by the stage, though, because he interacted with the audience a ton – high-fiving, shaking hands, taking selfies with people’s phones, and even getting down and dancing with one lady right next to us.  He was HILARIOUS and told some funny little stories in between songs, and it was just an all-around enjoyable evening.  Made me love him even more! 

We drove home after the concert and headed straight to bed since it was super late.  We ended up sleeping in until about 8:45 Monday morning, which was nice, and then we bummed around the house all morning.  The kids were out of school for President’s Day and B took the day off so it was nice not to have any where to be after having such a late night. 

Monday morning I sold the kids’ old stroller (cue aaaallll the tears) on our neighborhood Facebook page, so one of our neighbors came over to pick it up.  It was nice to have that big thing out of the house, but man, does it make me sad to know that our babies are so old that they don’t need it anymore. 

I also worked on rearranging a few more things on the walls in the house to get them DONE (my word for the year) and to finally have them the way that I want them, and then we headed out for lunch at Five Guys!! 

The rainy morning had turned into sunshine (mostly) by lunchtime, so afterward, we went to the playground to let the kids run around.

Olivia’s ballet/tap class was still on Monday, so she and I headed there for her 3:45 class while B and Jacob stayed at home playing video games, and then just as Olivia and I were getting home, B and Jacob headed out for Jacob’s first spring soccer practice at 5:30.

We are officially back in full swing with all of the extracurriculars, so it’s gonna be a flurry of activity for the next three months until the kids are officially out of school for the summer.  EEK!

Happy Tuesday, y’all!


  1. Sounds like Sunday night was SO MUCH FUN! Gotta love those three day weekends!

  2. That's great that you had such a good time at the concert!

  3. What a fun weekend Lindsay. That concert looks amazing. I am glad you all got an extra day together yesterday. Have a wonderful week!

  4. Again I love Michael Buble. His concert will forever be one of my favorites. he is just so darn funny. Looks like ya'll had a fun and busy weekend.

  5. What a FUN weekend! The concert looked like a lot of fun!

  6. I absolutely love the outfit you wore to the concert and I am so glad you had such a sweet date night with your Mr. AND Bublé! YAY

  7. Your entertainment center looks amazing! It completely changes the room! What a fun concert and date night! Where is that top from, it is adorable!

  8. I would love to see Michael Buble. I love his Christmas music!!!

  9. Old Chicago is the best! One opened about 30 minutes away so I crave it even more. That beer looks really good, but #preggoprobs over here.

  10. Sounds like a fun weekend! I have that same top you wore to the concert but wow; it looks a lot better on you.

  11. Once I read "The Little Rascals", the ditty about "I got a pickle, I got a pickle, I got a pickle. Hey hey hey" popped in my head. My kids watched it several times when they were younger. I love that blouse you wore to the concert. I'm ready for spring too.

    1. Hahahaha that was always one of my favorite parts of the entire movie! That kid that played Buckwheat was about the cutest kid I've ever seen in my whole life! He was darling!

  12. The concert looked incredible and your seats were to die for! I loved your instastories. He's such a classy guy. It looks like a fun weekend. We have an Old Chicago here in town so I need to go check it out.

  13. We love the Little Rascals! It never gets old. Babies and margaritas equals a perfect night if you ask me! What a fun Sunday date night. And row 18? Sounds awesome!!

  14. Ok...I have officially listened to MB! ARen't you proud? That top you wore to the concert looks so good on you!!

  15. Girlfriend, you are rockin' it in that outfit you wore to the concert!! So freaking cute!


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