
Friday, October 5, 2018

Five on Friday - Emily Ley at Target, Fall Weather, Room Rep Stuff, and Olivia’s Field Trip

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Happy Friday!!  We’re living it up in the mountains this week because the kids are on Fall Break but I wanted to pop in and share some favorites with you on this Friday.  And as always, if you want to follow along with us on our adventures, be sure to follow me on Instagram and check out my stories! 

Now for some favorites from these last couple of weeks…

O N E – Emily Ley at Target

Did y’all hear the news?  Emily Ley announced that she has a new line at Target!!  Everything was released on Monday and she has some of the cutest things there.  You may remember that I recently purchased my first Emily Ley Simplified Planner?  Well, I’ve been getting it ready for 2019 these last few weeks and I’m loving it.  I bought the daily version, and unfortunately she is not offering any daily planners in stores, but you can find a more budget-friendly version of her weekly planners at Target along with some other fun things like this water bottle, these mini notebooksthis darling pineapple pen cup, this stapler, and this wall calendar.  And if you missed my review of the daily planner, you can see it here.  It’s pretty much perfect and I probably won’t ever switch back to a weekly planner again.

It's all just so darn cute and it would make any office space so happy!

T W O – Fall Weather… Kind Of

Last week there were a couple of evenings where we had storms in our area but not at our house, so we were finally able to reap the benefits of some slightly cooler weather.  We made the most of those two evenings and spent our time outside, finding fun fall leaves and coloring with sidewalk chalk.  The kids asked me to draw with them, so naturally I drew what any good #BasicWhiteGirl would draw in the fall – pumpkins, fall leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes.  Haha.  The kids loved it and they drew their own fun fall things like pumpkins and skeletons!

T H R E E – Room Rep Success

As I’ve already mentioned, I’m the room representative AKA room mom for Jacob’s second grade class this year, and I had my first official duty last week.  This past Sunday was the assistant teacher’s birthday so the class had a little celebration for her last Friday.  She is brand new (just started a couple of weeks ago) and we wanted to give her a nice, warm welcome so I contacted the parents, asked for contributions, and I was blown away by their generosity. 

We rounded up enough money to buy cupcakes for the entire class (in fall colors – duh), a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that included two of her favorites (stargazer lilies and pink roses), a $25 Starbucks gift card, and a $75 gift card to her favorite local boutique!  She loved everything so much that she came running over to me in the car line on Tuesday to say thank you.  It was a great success and I’m so thankful that we have such a good group of parents who were kind enough to contribute to make her day extra special.  Parent participation makes my job so much easier!

F O U R – Olivia’s First Field Trip

Last Friday Olivia had her first field trip at her “new school” as she’s still calling it.  They went to the fire station and then to the park to have a picnic lunch and play on the playground.  She was most excited about getting to spray the fire hose and she is still talking about that all these days later.  It was also her very first time EVER riding a school bus and she loved that, too… even though her teacher told me she fell asleep on the bus on the way back to the school.  Bless.  Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go with her on this trip because I had a million errands to run for my Momma’s surprise party that was later that same evening, but she has another field trip coming up in a couple of weeks that I’m going to attend.  We’re going to the pumpkin patch!  #DreamFieldTrip

F I V E – The Latest Siri Craze

Finally, did you see that you can ask Siri what you should be for Halloween and she’ll respond with a witty remark?  B and I had some fun the other evening testing it out to see what she would say.  Some of her responses were completely off the wall, but some of them were pretty funny.  So anyway, if you have five minutes to burn you should try it out.

Happy weekend, y’all!  

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. That leaf is sooo big! Oh how I miss field trips, what fun!! Go have a super fun weekend too pretty lady!

  2. Hahaha, I don't even know how to use Siri, but I feel like I need to try now - those are pretty funny! I went looking to see what Emily Ley had to offer at Target, but it doesn't seem like mine is carrying it - at least that I could find! Your chalk drawings are so cute - be so cute to put some of those things on a canvas or printable! Hope you guys are having the best time in the mountains!

  3. That's one big leaf! I like the field trip shirts. I will have to check out the wall calendar at Target, I'll be needing a new one soon!

  4. I am definitely going to use Siri and try that out. Ha. How sweet of you to all to spoil Jacob's teacher. You did a great job! I love that Emily is now at Target. That water bottle is so pretty. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hope the mountains are extra fun for you all! That leaf is huge. The field trip looks like it was a great time and I'm cracking up at those siri responses! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  6. I am dying at this Siri thing, I need to do that! So good of y'all to get the teacher all those gifts, I am sure it is well deserved. Hope y'all are having a blast int he mountains!

  7. What a cute field trip and the matching shirts!? So great! I absolutely love, love, love all the gifts that were gifted to the assistant teacher! What a special treat! I soooo wish we could treat our teachers the same way here. Everything is so special! Oh and the Siri answers are so funny - by far my favorite is the eclipse. I could see myself being that, having a drink or two and standing in front of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Yup, I'm that person and every conversation. Sooooo funny! I hope you guys are having a great time in the mountains. I've been following along over on IG! Can't wait for your recap. :) :) :)


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