Friday, September 21, 2018

Five on Friday - Homecoming, House Projects, and a New Family Game

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Happy Friday!  We have a busy weekend planned so let’s get right down to business!

O N E – Transitional Piece for Fall

I’ve posted about this kimono once before, but after wearing it for the first time this week I just had to come back and let y’all know how fabulous it is!  It’s light and airy so it’s the perfect transitional piece for fall…

… Now if only the weather will cooperate. 

T W O – Homecoming Week Fun

This week is homecoming week at the kids’ school so they have been enjoying dressing up for the different themes each day. 

Pajama Monday!

Team Tuesday... they proudly showed off their Georgia gear!

When I Grow Up Wednesday… they had to dress like what they want to be when they grow up.  Jacob wants to be “a guy who designs rides at Disney World” (he drew his blueprint for his first ride this week… see it tucked under his arm?) and Olivia wants to be a superhero… specifically Owlette from PJ Masks.

Tacky Thursday!  #NailedIt

And Extreme Spirit Wear Friday…we gave Jacob a mowhawk and sprayed his hair red as always!  :o)

T H R E E – Yahtzee

We love to play games in our house and the kids are at the ages where they can finally start playing “real” games instead of the typical little kid games like Candy Land and such.  We recently bought Yahtzee and we had our first family game the other evening.  I forgot how much I loved it!  Jacob understands it pretty well, but Olivia still has trouble making decisions where to use her points.  She’ll get the hang of it soon, though!  Lots of fun for only $7.99!

F O U R – New Gym Record

If you’ve been around my blog for some time you know that I like to go to the gym and I try to make time for it at least two times per week.  I typically only use the gym for my cardio and the treadmill is my jam.  I don’t like to run anymore, despite the fact that I used to run cross country, and instead I set the pace at a super fast walk on a steep incline to make it more challenging.  I always do 30 minutes with a five minute cool-down and then I see how many calories I’ve burned at the end.

For the last few months or so I’ve been doing a pace of 3.6 mph on and incline of 9 or 10, but this week I started ramping it up to 3.8 mph on an incline of 11.  This past Tuesday I burned the most calories ever in my 35 minutes.  See for yourself!

F I V E – Serving Tray Makeover

I’ve had a brown serving tray with picture slots since B and I got married.  I loved the idea of the picture slots when we registered for it, but I quickly realized that it’s silly to have picture slots on a serving tray because you just cover them up with the decorations.  Anyhoo, I’ve been wanting to paint it for years and I finally got it done this week.  I LOVE it. 



S I X – Fall Happies

And finally, a few things that are making me happy this week. 

These pumpkin cookies from Walmart:

These gorgeous mums that I got from Home Depot:

Watching Gilmore Girls while I blog and sip my tea.

And finally before you go, don’t forget to check out my Fall Home Tour post and my Fall Bucket List post if you missed them!

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. I’m rewatching Gilmore Girls while i blog and work on orders. I just love it.

  2. Homecoming CUTIES! Girl, you fill your Friday Faves with such goodness, I don’t know where to start! Total kimono love, dying laughing at the baking comment, way to go on the tray, ummmm pumpkin cookie with filling....YAAAAAS and I am so excited to mum decorate today with pumpkins galore! Happy weekend sweet friend!

  3. I wore the kimono this week too! The homecoming week outfits are too cute. I have a tray with photos on it and yup, never see those photos!

  4. Looks like a fun homecoming week :) Ours is next week! Hope the weather cools down, it's much chillier here today. Vera thought she needed her winter jacket LOL!

  5. I loved your fall home tour post. I love homecoming week. Ours is still a few weeks away and it will be a good time had by all. Look at that gym record!!! Happy Friday!

  6. That kimono is going in my shopping cart. It's just so darn cute!

  7. There theme days are so cute! I can't wait to pick up some mums. The ones you got are so pretty! I hope you have a great weekend. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  8. The kiddos look so cute in their Georgia gear! I love Yahtzee & Gilmore Girls!

  9. Your kids are so cute! Great job on the cardio & the serving tray!

  10. How cute are all the HoCo dress up days for the kiddos. I like the white serving tray. I have some things I need to repurpose/paint this weekend.

  11. of course your kids rocked back to school week with the themes!! Hope you have a great weekend girl! xo,Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. I remember homecoming week always being the best! The kids look so cute!
    Gotta grab those cookies, they look so good. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  13. Spirit week looked like so much fun!! And I feel you on the weather. Although not as hot as down south, it's still too hot for me. Give me my fall weather please!

  14. Oh my gosh, where did you get that coffee mug? I love the simplicity of it; it's adorable!

  15. Happy Friday! I have got to order that kimono! It’s adorable, but looks even cuter on. Love it. Isn’t Homecoming dress up week just so fun? Ours is next week and we’re looking forward to it. I think out of all of these the Tacky Thursday is my favorite. They are too cute!!! I saw those pumpkin cookies today and almost grabbed them. But I was frustrated and just trying to get out of there. Our store is torn apart right now for a reno and I couldn’t find anything I needed. Now I am regretting not getting them! Ahh. I’ve been watching Gilmore Girls every day for a couple of months. Love it! Have a great weekend, friend.

  16. They are so cute! How many pictures did you have to take before you got them both smiling?! ;)

  17. Oh we just love Yahtzee! My oldest son was obsessed with the game when he was in grade school and we used to play all the time; he had amazing luck too almost every game he actually got a Yahtzee and I can remember one game where he got 3!

    1. That's crazy!! This past game Olivia filled out the entire bottom half of her section before she ever even had to touch the top. I couldn't believe it! Brian was shocked that she didn't win.

  18. That kimono! Love. I've been perusing the aisles of my local Walmart after you posted about all of your amazing finds. So much good stuff. You rocked Homecoming week for the kiddos! Tacky Thursday was awesome. I feel like that's how Eliza and I dress every day. ;) LOL! Oh and those mums! We're going today to finally pick some up...our nursery is closed so we're going to head to Home Depot to see what we can find! Fingers crossed they're as pretty as yours! :)

  19. How fun is homecoming week?!?!! And I love that kimono!

  20. 123pro1 Bonuses come out frequently, every time. Have fun playing every day.


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