
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

This is Seven... Jacob's Birthday Interview

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Jacob's birthday is right around the corner and I can hardly believe it.  I have asked him the same 30 questions each year since his fourth birthday and I plan to do this every year as long as he lets me.  I love seeing how his answers change throughout the years and I know it’s something that he will love looking back on one day. 

This was the first year where he pretty much answered every question straightforward.  He didn’t have to ask what anything meant.  He didn’t mess around and act goofy like he has in the past. 

My baby is growing up, y’all.

P.S. It was his idea to take pictures in the tree leaves.  Lol.

1.      What is your favorite toy?  “Um… Nerf guns!”  (For some reason he hoards Nerf guns yet he rarely actually plays with them.)
2.      What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “My little mouse that Stephanie gave me.”  (Same answer as last year!  And Stephanie is my uncle’s girlfriend for those of you who don’t know.)
3.      What is your favorite game?  “Um… The PJ Masks game that Olivia got for her birthday.”  (We do have this game, but we’ve only played it once as they always choose something else.)
4.      What is your favorite sport?  “Um… soccer.”  (And he’ll be starting his third season this fall!)
5.      What is your favorite book?  “Do I have a Voltron book?”  Me: “Nope.”  Jacob: “My 5,000 Awesome Facts.”  (#Truth  This kid reads excerpts from this book every single day!)
6.      What is your favorite TV show?  “Um… Voltron.”  (This is also the truth!  This boy loves that show!)
7.      What is your favorite movie?  “Ummmm… The Greatest Showman!”  (We watched it with the kids a couple of months ago and they have been obsessed with it ever since!)
8.      What is your favorite song?  “Song?  Um… Batman soundtrack.”  (Brian has the Batman soundtrack on his phone and Jacob requests to listen to it a lot.  It’s instrumental and I love that he loves that genre!)
9.      What is your favorite band or singer?  “Um… Dave Matthews Band.”  (That’s my boy!)
10. What is your favorite holiday?  “Ummmm… Christmas!”  Olivia: “My best is Disney World!!”  Jacob: “That’s not a holiday!  That’s a place!  Your favorite PLACE is Disney World!”  (Y’all, I wish you could just be around these two sometimes.  They are a hoot!  And I love that Olivia says “best” in place of “favorite.”  <3)
11. What is your favorite season?  “Um, summer!”  Me: <Awwww, must be because I’m staying home with them now!>  Jacob: “Because we get to go to the beach!”  Me: <Never mind then.  Haha.>
12. What is your favorite color?  “Um, black.”  Me: “Black?”  Jacob: “Yeah, for Georgia!”  (GO DAWGS!  Raising ‘em right!)
13. What is your favorite animal?  “Ummmm… hyena.”  (Interesting choice…)
14. What is your favorite shirt?  “Ummmm… I don’t know…”  Me: “WHAAAAT?!”  Jacob: ”Oh, my no-sleeves Spiderman shirt!  I forgot about that!”  (Y’all.  This kid has not stopped wearing this shirt for the last six months.  If it’s clean, it’s the first thing he grabs every. single. time.  We call it his Sunday uniform because he wears it almost every Sunday… and that’s because it gets washed on Saturday afternoon so the first day it’s available is Sunday.  Haha.)
15. What is your favorite fruit?  “Um, lemons and limes!”  (Lol.  He’s saying this because that’s his favorite fruity candy flavor.)
16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “Brocolli.  Because I don’t like any other vegetables.  I only like broccoli a little bit.”  (This is pretty much true, although, he will eat the occasional cooked carrot.)
17. What is your favorite snack?  “Um, key lime popsicles.”  (I guess he really loved the homemade ones we made a couple of weeks ago!  I did, too!)
18. What is your favorite treat?  “Um, treat out of my bucket.”  (Well obviously this one’s gonna need an explanation!  Haha.  He and Olivia both have tin buckets that they use for trick-or-treating each Halloween.  They started out just being for Halloween, but then we ended up tossing Christmas candy in there, followed by Valentine’s Day candy, followed by Easter candy, and so on… so now the buckets are basically just year-round treat buckets that hold their candy.  If they behave all day and eat a good dinner they are allowed to select one thing out of their bucket after dinner for a goody.)
19. What is your favorite drink?  “Drink?  Powerade.”  (He does love some Powerade!)
20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Mac n cheese.”  (I can’t even remember the last time that we had mac n cheese for dinner… or lunch for that matter, so I have no clue where this one even came from!  I guess I need to make some!)
21. What is your favorite restaurant?  Olivia: “Chipotle?”  Jacob: “I think I might like Fazoli’s.”  (We’ve totally never even eaten there… I think he’s only saying that because we just had a new one open near our house recently.)  Me: “You’ve never even eaten there, Bud!  So what is your favorite restaurant that you’ve actually been to?”  Jacob: “Panera… because cinnamon rolls.”  (Can’t blame him for that one!)
22. Who is your best friend?  “Um, Alex and Garrett.” 
23. What makes you feel happy?  “Um… when you hug me.”  (Awwww!!!!)
24. What makes you feel sad?  “Um… when Olivia does something mean to me.”  (Poor kid, that means he’s probably sad for, like, half the day.  Haha.)
25. What are you afraid of?  “Um, monsters.  I’m not afraid of vampires or ghosts.  Or zombies.  Or bats.  Or Frankenstein.  Or aliens.  Or skeletons.”
26. What are you thankful for?  “Um, my family.”  Me: “Anything else?”  Jacob: “And God and Jesus… and Mary.”  (Looks like his priorities have straightened out since last year.  Haha.)
27. What are you really good at?  “Um, drawing and writing.” 
28. What is your best memory?  “Um… I don’t know.  Oh, DISNEY WORLD!”
29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  “Um… I want to work at Disney World.”  Me: “And what do you want to do there?”  Jacob: “I want to invent the rides and help build them.”  (Yep, this kid has truly talked non-stop about being a ride designer for Disney ever since we went there back in March.  I’m not even sure what kind of degree you would need to do that… engineering?  Animation?  Hmmmm…)
30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “To have the Ultimate Garage!!!!”  (He’s referring to the new Hot Wheels Super Ultimate Garage and he’s in luck because – IT’S ALREADY HERE, WRAPPED UP AND READY TO GO!!) 

Happy almost birthday, my sweet!

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*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

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  1. Jacob is so precious! My boys hoarded Nerf guns too. A friend of mine have boys who have a whole Nerf Gun Wall. MMM Key lime popsicles sounds great!

  2. Happy early birthday to Jacob! These interviews are so fun and definitely will be neat to see how they change over the years!

  3. So sweet!! Love that you also recorded the ums, too, since that's so like kids! Love it!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. oh my heavens this is so precious!!

  5. Oh my gosh, “he must spend half of his day sad” I had to laugh at your comment. I love these interviews and never remember to do them!!

  6. SO fun!! And that would be a really cool job!

  7. He is just like Zachary - he loves his facts book too and he'd love to invent rides at Disney! He actually does want to be an engineer, so that could work for Jacob too. Happy birthday!

  8. He is too cute! I love that his one an only veggie is broccoli!

  9. OMG I love this so much!! And I might have to agree with Olivia on the best holiday ahahhahahaha

  10. We totally have a "candy bag" which is just all the candy they get every holiday. I think I'm going to need to go through it, and toss some of the older stuff though....

  11. I love the back and forth banter between your kids. Especially the Disney World conversation.

  12. This is TOO cute!!! And I love that Olivia's best holiday is Disney World!


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